Kazakh blogger tried for insulting Nazarbayev

    The Kazakh authorities “took over” the blogger Kazis Toguzbaev, accusing the latter of insulting the country's president Nursultan Nazarbayev.

    “May 3, 2006, K. K. Toguzbaev at home at the address: Almaty, md. "Orbit-1", house 4 square. 7, acting intentionally, with the aim of infringing on the honor and dignity of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, composed on his computer the text of the article “Mafia regime covers the murderers of Altymbek Sarsenbayev”, including an insulting statement about a certain involvement of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the assassination of Altynbek Sarsenbayev, and on the same day posted the text of the article for public viewing and familiarization by users on the Internet on a site located on the server IP address in Hong Kong, which is a mass media "- the text of the charge cites the site Kub.kz, where scandalous materials were published (the quote underwent easy editing).

    The defense party (“in principle” - as it is said on Kub.kz) is convinced that the journalist Toguzbaev has no fault, and it has not been proved by the prosecution, the criminal case materials themselves are falsified, and the investigation at all its stages, including stage of the judicial investigation - was held with gross procedural violations, according to the website.

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