Inglourious end of Itell.Ru

    Information from the website of the online store of household appliances and electronics Itell.Ru:

    Dear Sirs!

    The Itell online store has stopped working today due to the fact that it was leased, as it later turned out into the hands of scammers. These people, having gained access to the store, uploaded to the Yandex Market portal, product offers at a ridiculous price, and, naturally, the store’s number of visitors increased tenfold. Citizens who ordered goods for cash simply did not receive it. But the situation is much worse with those people and organizations that paid for the goods by bank transfer. The money, as we understand it, was transferred to the account of a shell company that accepted your order and which has nothing to do with our organization
    In this regard, we can advise you one thing - contact the law enforcement authorities. In this situation, we can not help you.

    For us this is a very unpleasant situation.

    Sincerely, site administrator
    Bit-Gevorgizov George Veniaminovich

    PS kindly requested - do not call this number to obtain, of any information. Phone number given for law enforcement.

    I'm sorry this store. At one time we collaborated with them.

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