Vine application stops working

    Today, the administration posted an entry in the official blog of Vine on Medium , which states that the project team will soon stop its mobile application, leaving only the site in the system. All content creators who posted videos with Vine will have access to download their videos. "Thanks you. Thank. To all content creators - thanks for giving a chance to our application once. Thanks to all the team members that for many years engaged in the development - thank you for your contribution. And, of course, thanks to all those who watched videos and laughed every day, ”- so the management said goodbye to the development team and users.

    Vine is a mobile application that allows you to create short (6 seconds long) videos. In 2012, Vine was bought by Twitter. Today's announcement means the actual closure of the project: initially Vine was positioned as an application for a smartphone.

    Vine could not stand the competition with Facebook / Instagram, Coub and YouTube. At the start of the project, Twitter management decided to ban the export of contacts from the microblogging service to the then young Instagram. Zuckerberg's company responded symmetrically, forbidding the import of contacts from FB to Vine, which significantly limited the audience. Recently, Instagram has been included in the direct struggle for user attention (it added the function of downloading short looped videos - Stories).

    Considering Twitter’s financial situation is not the best, closing the rapidly losing popularity due to the growth of competitors is now a side application, it was only a matter of time.

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