Vue-cli plugins, working with complex data and property-based testing - Panda-Meetup Frontend announcement

    Hello! July 6, next Saturday, we will have Panda Meetup # 22 dedicated to front-end development in our office. We will discuss why to create our own plugins and how to work with them, how to handle objects with great nesting and cunning structure and how to test not with examples, but based on properties.

    Presentations will be made by experts from Voximplant, and Avito. Under the cutscene - theses of speeches, links to registration and live broadcast of the map. Register for a meeting and invite colleagues.


    Very weird testing. Nazim Gafarov (


    Classical example testing has many drawbacks. Firstly, tests do not cover all use cases of a function. Secondly, they are influenced by fabulous enterprise programmers. In the talk, I will look at the benefits of another approach - property-based testing. I'll start with simple mathematical functions, gradually complicating the samples to examples from real life.

    Simple difficulties. Alexey Okhrimenko (Avito)


    SQL is not the only way to work with "complex" data (objects with large nesting and cunning structure). In this report, I will talk about how to work with them: process incredibly complex structures and highlight the necessary. I will show how to use tools, of which there are really a lot: JSONata, Jora, JMESPath, JsonPhite and others.

    Vue-cli plugins Simple, fast and why. Mikhail Rosin (Voximplant)


    The report will be of interest to front-end vendors with experience in Vue.js (from minimal to decent enough). Let's go through the vue-cli toolkit, understand how to create our own plugins, and look at others. Well and, of course, let's talk about why and when you need to create your own plugins.

    Declarative Angular. Andrey Grekov (IndigoSoft)


    Science does not tolerate the question of “why.” The main question is “why not.” And we'll see what NGXF is. We will find out how the structural directives work, how to write your own and why this may be needed.


    Registration at 12:00
    12:30 - 13:15 Very strange testing. Nazim Gafarov (
    13:20 - 14:00 Simple difficulties. Alexey Okhrimenko (Avito)
    14:00 - 14:30 Lunch
    14:30 - 15:10 Plugins vue-cli. Simple, fast and why. Mikhail Rosin (Voximplant)
    15:15 - 16:00 Declarative Angular. Andrey Grekov (IndigoSoft)
    16:30 - Afterparty

    Passwords and appearances

    Mitap will begin on July 6 at 12:30, registration will open at 12:00.
    Participation in the event is free, but you need to register on the site of the organizers of the meeting . Please indicate your last name and first name as in your passport, and do not forget to take it (or a driver’s license) with you, otherwise you will not be allowed into the office.

    Address: Avito office, Lesnaya 7 .

    Watch the live broadcast of the mitap on the AvitoTech YouTube channel .

    See you!

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