Crocodile? - draw, guess

Introduction, old times, past
A long time ago, in ancient times, when people didn’t have computers and could not get dull on the Internet in the evenings, people gathered in companies and played different games in order to amuse themselves and spend time with interest. And there was one game, wonderful, but very funny, and it was called somewhere “Pantomime”, and for advanced guys “Crocodile”. Where did these wonderful names come from - we don’t know, and not about that.

The essence of the game was that the players were divided into two teams. One of the teams (enigmatic) confers and makes a word or phrase. Then, from the opposite team (guessing), the “victim” is selected, to whom the “cherished word” is strictly confidential. The task of the “victim” in silence and without using objects (or in the figure) is to show his team what was made up. The team, accordingly, must guess. The tour lasts until a complete guessing or guessing team surrenders. After this, the teams change places. The mysterious team is not forbidden to put forward humorous proposals for what the “victim” shows.
But time passed, and people began to sit more at the computer and communicate on the Internet. Yes, the site " humane " for the purpose to enter. And on the site, the developers lived funny. Let them think people are amusing, to them for joy, to themselves for traffic. And they conceived a game to come up with, but not such that the person was sitting alone, but the evil computer was playing around. Such they already had, " Paintball 2.0 " clicked. And the most that neither eat companionable. And they remembered the forgotten fun.

But they decided not to divide people into teams, but to assign the role of the villainous enemy to the iron computer. In order for him to make a word, and choose a “fierce victim”, to draw which, a word made up, the turn came.
No sooner said than done. And after a week of thinking, having studied all kinds of technologies, and using them, they assembled a digital prototype in 2 weeks. Yes, and gave it to people for fun.

But before giving it back, they began to think how to call their brainchild so that a sonorous name, understandable for the old people, that they played the old game. They thought up for a long time, but nothing bright came to the head, and then the governor of developers said that he would give the name to the old, forgotten “Crocodile”, and there was one buffoon among them, with a clown face, and he decided to tease the governor and asked mockingly “ WHAT? ” And in this instant, the vision became to everyone that this is the true name.
People played in the prototype, but found small bugs, and they sent different wishes to the developers that they say they want to play in private, and send a link to the created game to friends. And their developers listened and heeded their wishes.

Here you are, my dear reader, I want to invite you to marvel at the marvelous thing . Yes get some fun yourself and people amusing. And what questions will be, or angry wishes, do not be shy, write in the comments, we will try to answer everything.