Innopolis University Component Based Software Engineering Webinar
Good day, Khabrovsk!
We want to remind you that today our professor David Vernon will hold an open webinar on the topic of Artificial Cognitive Systems. Registration continues here . Beginning at 18:00 Moscow time.
And next week we will host the third webinar on the topic of Component Based Software Engineering. The associate professor of the Innopolis University will be led by Manuel Mazzara. Beginning - February 25 at 18:00 (Moscow time). Link to participate here .
By the way, the winner of our first webinar competition was Maxim Kazakov - he asked Professor Belhauari several questions about the use of artificial intelligence in the oil industry and economy.
Applications for the undergraduate program are accepted here .
Details of the program .
Today we talk about Professor Mazzar and his research activities.

Professor Manuel Mazzara throughout his career has demonstrated flexibility, firmness of will and adaptability, along with a commitment to research, teamwork and mentoring. In 2000, he worked as a system administrator at CS Labs in Bologna, (Italy), and in 2003 he was a software engineer at Microsoft in Redmond (USA), where he passed a good practical school, which later came in handy for a deeper theoretical PhD thesis in Bologna (Italy). During this period, he also worked as a teacher and freelance consultant (in banking and private business).
In 2006, Manuel was an assistant professor at the University of Bolzano (Italy), where he taught courses in Software Engineering, Component Architecture Development and Software Reliability Testing. In 2007, he worked as a project manager at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria) on Semantically structured networks. From 2008 to 2012, Manuel was engaged in one of the most interesting and non-standard projects in his life - this was the DEPLOY project, implemented at the University of Newcastle (UK). This project brought together several participants, 4 of which represented Bosch, Siemens, SAP and Space Finland. The objective of the project was the introduction of software engineering technologies in production to ensure high reliability of products.
In 2012, Manuel also worked as a research fellow at the United Nations International Institute of Technology (UNU-IIST) in Macau, China, while combining this position with the position of visiting researcher in Newcastle (current job). Manuel dealt with automation of immunization procedures for Third World countries and e-health and sustainable development projects under the auspices of the UN Agenda 21 program. This experience was the foundation for significant growth from a technical, managerial and personal point of view.
In 2013, Manuel was based at the Polytechnic University of Milan, where he studied issues of remote care for patients and telemedicine instruments. Professor Mazzara is a person with diverse interests and hobbies, his skills in both the technical field and in the field of interpersonal communication are evidenced by many different stories of cooperation with his colleagues, business partners and students.
We publish a translation of a publication prepared by M. Mazzara in collaboration with his colleagues:
“Social Networks and Collective Intelligence: Returning to the Agora” (2012), University of Newcastle
Mazzara M, Biselli L, Greco PP, Marraffa A, Qamar N, De Nicola S
Nowadays, obtaining reliable information is becoming increasingly important in both professional and personal dimensions. However, it is very difficult to understand which information is reliable (which can be trusted) and which is not. Say, is it possible to reliably measure the quality of information? Is it possible to evaluate which sources of information can be trusted? We are currently studying the Internet solution to this ancient human problem, which we called Polidoxa, from the Greek “poly” (many, several) and “doxa” (popular opinion, generally accepted state of affairs). This old problem will be solved through ancient philosophy and processes using truly modern tools and technologies.
Polydoxa offers: 1) a trusted search algorithm that uses stigma of user network behavior; 2) a social network based on trust, where the concept of trust is formed from network activity; 3) a holonic system built to protect “from top to bottom” and social privacy. This work also describes the current state of development of traditional media, as well as new technological phenomena, analyzing search engines such as Google and social networks (e.g. Facebook). The advantages offered by the Polydox system are compared here with the above systems.
Link to the project website:
We want to remind you that today our professor David Vernon will hold an open webinar on the topic of Artificial Cognitive Systems. Registration continues here . Beginning at 18:00 Moscow time.
And next week we will host the third webinar on the topic of Component Based Software Engineering. The associate professor of the Innopolis University will be led by Manuel Mazzara. Beginning - February 25 at 18:00 (Moscow time). Link to participate here .
By the way, the winner of our first webinar competition was Maxim Kazakov - he asked Professor Belhauari several questions about the use of artificial intelligence in the oil industry and economy.
Applications for the undergraduate program are accepted here .
Details of the program .
Today we talk about Professor Mazzar and his research activities.

Professor Manuel Mazzara throughout his career has demonstrated flexibility, firmness of will and adaptability, along with a commitment to research, teamwork and mentoring. In 2000, he worked as a system administrator at CS Labs in Bologna, (Italy), and in 2003 he was a software engineer at Microsoft in Redmond (USA), where he passed a good practical school, which later came in handy for a deeper theoretical PhD thesis in Bologna (Italy). During this period, he also worked as a teacher and freelance consultant (in banking and private business).
In 2006, Manuel was an assistant professor at the University of Bolzano (Italy), where he taught courses in Software Engineering, Component Architecture Development and Software Reliability Testing. In 2007, he worked as a project manager at the Technical University of Vienna (Austria) on Semantically structured networks. From 2008 to 2012, Manuel was engaged in one of the most interesting and non-standard projects in his life - this was the DEPLOY project, implemented at the University of Newcastle (UK). This project brought together several participants, 4 of which represented Bosch, Siemens, SAP and Space Finland. The objective of the project was the introduction of software engineering technologies in production to ensure high reliability of products.
In 2012, Manuel also worked as a research fellow at the United Nations International Institute of Technology (UNU-IIST) in Macau, China, while combining this position with the position of visiting researcher in Newcastle (current job). Manuel dealt with automation of immunization procedures for Third World countries and e-health and sustainable development projects under the auspices of the UN Agenda 21 program. This experience was the foundation for significant growth from a technical, managerial and personal point of view.
In 2013, Manuel was based at the Polytechnic University of Milan, where he studied issues of remote care for patients and telemedicine instruments. Professor Mazzara is a person with diverse interests and hobbies, his skills in both the technical field and in the field of interpersonal communication are evidenced by many different stories of cooperation with his colleagues, business partners and students.
We publish a translation of a publication prepared by M. Mazzara in collaboration with his colleagues:
“Social Networks and Collective Intelligence: Returning to the Agora” (2012), University of Newcastle
Mazzara M, Biselli L, Greco PP, Marraffa A, Qamar N, De Nicola S
Nowadays, obtaining reliable information is becoming increasingly important in both professional and personal dimensions. However, it is very difficult to understand which information is reliable (which can be trusted) and which is not. Say, is it possible to reliably measure the quality of information? Is it possible to evaluate which sources of information can be trusted? We are currently studying the Internet solution to this ancient human problem, which we called Polidoxa, from the Greek “poly” (many, several) and “doxa” (popular opinion, generally accepted state of affairs). This old problem will be solved through ancient philosophy and processes using truly modern tools and technologies.
Polydoxa offers: 1) a trusted search algorithm that uses stigma of user network behavior; 2) a social network based on trust, where the concept of trust is formed from network activity; 3) a holonic system built to protect “from top to bottom” and social privacy. This work also describes the current state of development of traditional media, as well as new technological phenomena, analyzing search engines such as Google and social networks (e.g. Facebook). The advantages offered by the Polydox system are compared here with the above systems.
Link to the project website: