Yahoo earns 7 times less than Google

    Yesterday, the Internet portal Yahoo published its financial results for the first quarter of this year. According to the report, the company's net profit for this period amounted to 142 million dollars. The company's revenue (1.67 billion), compared with the same period last year, increased by 7%, but expenses also increased, and as a result, the company's net profit fell by 11%.

    This is much worse than the direct competitor of the company - Google. Its net profit for the last quarter of the last code amounted to 1.03 billion dollars, which is more than 7 times higher than Yahoo. Google also feels much better in terms of growth - the company's profit grew by 276%, compared with the figures a year ago.

    Yahoo shareholders did not seem to like this news very much, since after the opening of the trading session, the company's shares immediately fell by 11.5% .

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