iOS Digest No. 7 (May 31 - June 13)

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    Astrologers have announced a week of news and announcements in the world of Apple and iOS-development. To talk about everything, one article is not enough, so let's look at the most interesting ones and those that have not yet been given due attention.

    Industry news

    • Publisher Business Insider suggests that Apple, with its announcements at WWDC, has laid the foundation for smart glasses that it plans to release next year. This can be judged on the basis of several updates.

      Firstly, for the third year in a row, demos with virtual and augmented reality were shown at the conference, and this year three new tools for AR (ARKit 3, RealityKit and Reality Composer) were announced. Moreover, this time the stake was made on interaction with people: this is motion capture technology and the ability to more realistic display of people around virtual objects.

      Secondly, these are improvements in Apple maps - in the new version there will appear a functionality similar to Google Street View from Google, which, most likely, will be more convenient on smart glasses. It is assumed that the glasses will work on the basis of the new operating system, code-named “rOS” or “reality operating system”. For a long time something was not new devices, it would be interesting to see how these glasses will differ from existing ones on the market.
    • Two weeks ago, Apple increased the maximum limit for downloading applications via cellular. Previously, the threshold value was 150 MB, now it is 200 MB. And a few days later it turned out that in iOS 13 users will be able to completely disable the limit. You don’t have to give out a wifi from another iPhone to outsmart the system!
    • The Verge reports that iOS 13 and Apple TV will support Xbox One and PS4 game controllers. This announcement is primarily associated with the recent creation of a game service with Arcade user subscriptions .
    • If in doubt, where to start watching WWDC sessions, then several guides and lists have already appeared , you can take them to help.
    • Apple tightens certificate management rules for signing enterprise applications. Under the new agreements, such applications may be subject to individual reviews, and Apple reserves the right to approve or reject them. Earlier there was a scandal when violations came up: it turned out that Facebook and Google used such certificates for applications that collect user data. Then the Facebook certificate was temporarily revoked, which prevented the company from updating any of the internal applications. Perhaps a scandal caused a tightening of the rules.
    • An updated version of the iCloud application for Windows has been released; it is already available in the Microsoft Store. Moreover, when working on it, Apple collaborated with Microsoft, and the news appeared on the official Microsoft Windows blog . Commentators have already appeared on the Hacker News forum planning to unsubscribe from Dropbox. It remains to wait for the official support for iCloud-services on Linux.

    IOS Development News

    • If you’ve already played enough with SwiftUI, you can practice and try porting your iPad application to Mac using Catalyst technology. See Beyond the Checkbox with Catalyst and AppKit for more details . Apple has already begun (albeit a little) to use this technology to give an example to developers.
    • Users of the new beta version of Xcode noticed that when creating a new application with SwiftUI, Xcode does not create the Main.storyboard file. There are many known difficulties in using storyboards: the lack of readability on code reviews and, as a result, the inability to edit source codes and collaborative editing by several developers. Attempts have already been made to improve their use: the last time they added the ability to break a massive storyboard and make links to others, but will there be a continuation or will Apple refuse to use them? Read more in the article Will Storyboards still be alive? .

      At our last Mobius conference on VKontakte stand, a contest was held in the layout of screens for speed, where iOS developers won the overall standings - despite the fact that no one knew about SwiftUI then. On the next Mobius, it would be interesting to repeat the activity: will the results change if iOS nicknames use SwiftUI to quickly prototype interfaces?
    • In the new version of iOS, background work is subject to change. A new framework with the uncomplicated name BackgroundTasks was announced , which allows you to run application tasks, which can take minutes to complete. The developers will like this functionality, but it is unlikely that all users will have a worse effect on the battery and the entire device. Perhaps the device will be ready to perform such tasks only if it is connected to the charger and the power-saving mode is turned off.
    • If you use Machine Learning on an iPhone or are just going to, then the article An in-depth look at Core ML 3 is for you, it describes in detail the changes compared to the previous version.
    • Finally, we’ll figure out how to add animated gradients to your iOS app. The tutorial is quite detailed, but the main thing is not to overdo it with gradients, otherwise users will run away.

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