June 10, Deworkacy - QA Good Communication


    On Monday, June 10, we will hold another mitap for QA-specialists. Locally in the same place as before - Moscow, Deworkacy . We start at 19.00.

    We will speak, as is clear from the title picture, about BDD. Usually they say about it in terms of how useful it is and how to use it correctly, but within our teams a long time ago there is a holivar on this topic, and some guys think that BDD is generally not needed.

    Others, on the contrary, see a lot of usefulness in this methodology.

    Therefore, at the BDD mitap they will both defend and talk about negative implementation experience. Anya anna-che Chernysheva will speak “for” and tell you exactly how BDD helps teams (using live examples), “against” - Pavel Ivanov (also with live working examples).

    Come and you can join the discussion and tell us whether you think BDD is a useful thing, or is it an unnecessary waste of time. After the performances of our guys, we will hold a round table with the guests of the meeting, and then we will launch an interactive vote.

    Admission is free, registration is on this page .



    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

    Do you need BDD?

    • 52.6% Yes 10
    • 42.1% No 8
    • 5.2% Sometimes (I will write in the comments) 1

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