We invite developers to participate in the hackathon at PHDays 9


    For the first time, Positive Hack Days will host a hackathon for developers as part of The Standoff cyber battle. The action will unfold in a metropolis in which the most advanced digital technologies are massively introduced. Conditions are as close as possible to reality. The attackers have complete freedom of action, the main thing is not to violate the logic of the game training ground, and the defenders must ensure the safety of the city. The task of development teams to deploy and update pre-written applications that attackers will not fail to test for strength. The competition will take place on May 21 and 22, during the Standoff.

    Hackathon is a great chance for developers to conduct a professional pentest of their application, to see live how hackers work, and to modify their code right from the point of view of information security. For the hackathon, only non-profit projects submitted by the authors are accepted. In total, 10 projects will be allowed to the competition, which the organizers will choose according to the results of voting on the hackathon's website .

    You can participate in the hackathon at the forum site or remotely. A few days before the start of the competition, each participant will receive remote access to the gaming infrastructure to install their project. During The Standoff, attackers will attack applications and write bug bounty reports on vulnerabilities found. After the organizers confirm the presence of vulnerabilities, developers will be able, if they wish, to fix the errors. Also, the organizers will offer ideas for finalizing the project.

    For each minute of correct application operation and for the implementation of improvements, developers will receive points. But points will be written off if a vulnerability is found in the project, as well as for every minute of application downtime or incorrect operation. The winner will be the one who scores the most points. Prize for first place - 50,000 rubles.

    Applications are accepted until  May 12 .

    Selected projects will be published on May 13 on the competition page.

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