AppsConf to rule them all

    iOS and Android tracks for fans of classic conferences to better cope with daily work tasks.

    General is the track to take the next step on the career ladder.

    Introductory- track to listen to a review report on areas related to mobile development (from blockchain and ML to functional programming and voice assistants).

    Meetup- track to bring in non-standard live formats and turn from a listener into a participant forming content along with experts.

    Add to this the equipped discussion areas to ask many important questions to speakers. We also heard your feedback and increased the intervals between reports. This will be the next AppsConfif very briefly. And in detail, what, how, why, now I’ll tell you. But first, when - October 21–22 in St. Petersburg.

    I already see how some smirks and thinks that mobile conferences have become quite meaningless in recent years: most reports are easier to write in articles, spending a few hours just for questions to the speaker is too luxurious, etc. etc. Well, then you have not been to AppsConf yet.

    We, the AppsConf Program Committee, are changing this trend. We know that private technical solutions or retelling of documentation leave the listener completely indifferent, therefore we are looking for speakers with deep, wide, undoubtedly real development experience. Then the conference guests are provided with not only 40 minutes of the report and answers to 3-4 questions strictly on the topic, but also productive communication in the discussion zones on the profile of activities in general and even beyond.

    And how about others?

    In addition to iOS and Android streams, which are classic for mobile conferences, in the fall in St. Petersburg we will try a new product - Introductory-track. Firstly, in principle, this is another stream of reports, that is, there is more choice which report to listen to and less likely to get bored. Secondly, this is such a great chance to get rid of the blinkers and find out how things are going outside of mobile development.
    Using the example of Andrei Volodin’s report “ Gamedev state of mind ”, we examined how the approaches that first appeared in game development spread to mobile development. Vitaly Bragilevsky “ Do not fool me with his functional programming"Finally convinced that they solve similar problems in different directions. Of course, sooner or later, working principles are spreading everywhere, but they can be met to meet without waiting for the mainstream. This is exactly what we are going to achieve in the Introductory track.

    In the reports, experienced speakers will not try to plunge you into incredible hardcore (although this may be), but they will give the basics and show at what other angle you can look at the development, and details can be asked after the report.

    Developers are people too

    We consider it very important to bring together and not separate the audience of iOS and Android developers. Therefore, we will definitely have a separate General-track dedicated to self-development without being tied to platforms. This includes reports on building the development process, sessions on soft skills and discussion of issues that concern everyone.

    The fact that such topics are invariably among the best in the opinion of the participants only confirms our decision and motivates raising social topics. At the April AppsConf conference, these three “humanitarian” reports caused the most resonance (in italics are real reviews, not my subjective opinion):

    - Relocation: preparation, selection, development of the territory / Denis Neklyudov.
    • “An excellent report from the master! Excellent performance, opening your eyes to all the pros and cons of moving. Designation of specific goals and objectives of the move. Decoding “on the shelves”: what, where, why and why. ”

    - Empathy in IT: how to rationally use your human nature / Andrei Breslav . Here's a video report, watch and love empathy and chat with colleagues, Kotlin and funny horns!
    • “The speaker managed to hit exactly the bull's-eye. I don’t know how to describe it, but I rethought some things in my life. ”
    • “Very good presentation about teamwork.”
    • "Breslav can tell anything - it always turns out well."

    - debugger; for developers / Denis Mishunov.
    • "This was spectacular. “The speaker quite accurately described what I have to face periodically, and perhaps gave me the strength to prioritize my life and overcome it.”
    • “One of the best reports at the conference. I recognized myself in many ways. I saw a lot of moments in the report to myself)) It is a pity that after this report there was not one more after party)). ”
    • "Report on the life of a programmer with psychology ... One love."
    • “Excellent presentation, current issues, quality details. Please continue to speak about such topics. ”

    The goal of the General track is to help take the next step up the career ladder.

    Denis Mishunov says click here and subscribe to the conference newsletter.

    And talk?

    Of course we will talk! We can’t imagine that AppsConf didn’t have a dedicated meeting room for meetings - small meetings where you can turn from a listener to a participant who forms content on an equal footing with experts. Unlike other Ontiko conferences , AppsConf does not rely on the independence of participants and does not allow arbitrariness. Applications for mitaps along with reports are selected, work with a curator and require preparation. Because to make communication productive and not to turn it into a single actor’s performance is difficult, but interesting. And it can give the speaker much more than a normal speech. Therefore, I propose to carefully look at this format and apply for a workshop, a master class, or something similar - live.

    And for the sake of networking, we are going to lengthen (okay, make) the breaks between reports. In order to discuss the ideas you just heard with feeling, really, with the arrangement and share your thoughts on this matter.

    Conference program

    Five streams and an updated (surprise!) Format of the evening program are not all the changes concerning the program. The most important thing is that we are already working on it and promise that it will be ready in advance . Two consequences follow from this.

    First, if you would like to speak at Saint AppsConf on October 21-22, 2019, apply now. In general, scribbling PC abstracts in advance is advantageous for many reasons: more time to navigate, preparation without rush, less competition, etc. Therefore, we are waiting for your theses to grab the curators and start discussing the report.

    Second - I can already name the names of some potential speakers. Of course, there are no exact topics yet, but with these names they are not required.

    Let's start with the fact that on stage will appearAlexander Zimin and Nikita Maidanov - we will receive details a little later from first hand.

    Artyom Olkov plans to consider the main ways to build applications with the Kotlin MPP under the hood and show which pitfalls to get around. We investigate what technologies on the market allow you to create applications that not only collect, but also go online, build UIs, and store data for offline mode.

    Pavel Osipov promises to tellHow the developers of the Mail.Ru Cloud application iOS have exchanged the convenience of the traditional database API for the key-value speed of the LMDB database. Conduct a short excursion into the internal device of LMDB with an emphasis on features for mobile development and show how it turned out to make the storage cross-platform.

    Andrey Rychkov promises to reveal the secret of how to make a prize application for the Telegram contest. Namely: the implementation of a dark theme (with support for any number of themes and changes in any properties), OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics. and smooth vertical scroll in iOS.

    Oleg Godovykh wants to tellabout how he worked on the iOS application for unmanned vehicles ... and how it was later rewritten on Android. How can I make the system as closed as possible from a fully functional tablet, why I need my own UI for full screen mode, why I need my own tablet, and my Android.

    Sergey Boishtyan says that he will make a regular report on CI / CD: vision and implementation in Gradle scripts and TeamCity configurations. It is hard to believe that everything will be so simple, but all the more interesting.

    Vladimir Ivanov already in the application declaresthat there are big problems in how and how we do it: the trouble is with security, the performance is not perfect, the quality could be higher, and the emotional atmosphere definitely deserves improvement. And I’m ready to suggest a way to begin to correct them. You can’t refuse such a thing.

    Denis Neklyudov Android GDE, but also has a diverse experience in foreign startups, so at AppsConf he talks about moving. After the report in Moscow, the conference guests already had a basic understanding of how to prepare for the move and get a job in a new place. In the new report, we will consider the popular directions of moving from New Zealand to Kalach in the Voronezh region.

    Alexander Smirnovoffers to figure out how things are with animation in Android. Over the past two years, approaches have changed dramatically, but not all of them are good in practice. If you wanted to dive deep into MotionLayout and CoordinatorLayout, then this report is for you.

    Coincidentally, the teaser for the program begins and ends with members of the Program Committee. I already told you that AppsConf is very cool and, most importantly, numerous. So we can self-organize the whole track. But I think it won’t come to this, especially if you think well about what you can share with your colleagues and submit an applicationto the report. You can send several at once, you can specify what to focus on, write to any of the Program Committee and check the potential of the topic - we will help to make a cool report.

    I think that Peter will meet us well in October, we don’t give a damn about the weather, and we’ll bring our moods — enough for everyone.

    Subscribe here in the newsletter , telegram or facebook - we will keep up to date with new arrivals to the program. Or you can trust us, book a ticket at the lowest price right now , don’t follow anything, and just come to Saint AppsConf in the fall. I would have to choose, I would have done so, but I just need to know about each new application.

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