Live Share in Visual Studio 2019

Original author: Jon Chu
  • Transfer
We are pleased to announce the public availability of Visual Studio Live Share and that this feature is included in Visual Studio 2019 ! During the year since the release of the public preview of Live Share, we have been working to improve ways of teamwork. This release is the culmination of this work.

If you have not heard about Live Share , then this is a tool that allows you to conduct development in real time together with your colleagues. You can share your code, edit and debug it together, all without the need to clone repositories or set up environments. Get started with Live Share .

Thanks for your feedback!

We were delighted with all the great product reviews and discussions. Your input has helped us develop Live Share and allowed us to focus on your most important areas of development. Based on your feedback, we added features such as read-only mode , support for additional languages, such as C ++ and Python , and also enabled users with a guest status to start debugging sessions .


In addition, we learned a lot about how different development teams work, and how Live Share can be applied in general. Live Share can be used during pair programming, conducting code reviews, giving lectures and presentations to students and colleagues, or even during mobile development during hackathons. Live Share provides many opportunities for collaborative development - whether together, while in the same office, remotely from home or from across the world.

Third Party Extensions

Live Share is a collaboration on the entire project context. This is not only the code in Visual Studio, but also the extensions used. Along with this release, we are pleased to work with several third-party extensions to extend Live Share in Visual Studio.

OzCode extends C #'s debugging capabilities with a visualization suite. For example, “datatips” allow you to see how LINQ queries work, and a “head-up display” helps you see how a set of logical expressions is evaluated.


CodeStream allows you to create discussions about your code base to help combine knowledge with your peers. By the way, most often you asked to add a built-in chatand with CodeStream you get the opportunity to chat with colleagues in real time.


We continue to create and improve Live Share! We still have many ideas for improving our collaboration experience. We have received useful feedback and would like to continue hearing more from you. Feel free to let us know what you would like to see in the future in Live Share. You can send questions and suggestions or go through our questionnaire .

With Live Share installed by default in Visual Studio 2019, it's easy to start chatting with your team. For more information on using Live Share, please check out our documentation !

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