The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 359 (April 1 - 7, 2019)

    We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

    Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers


    podcastenPodcast Web Standards, 169. Safari 12.1 and IE11, Web Workers and Lazy Images, Sass, Eric Meyer, and CSSBattle.
    podcastenPodcast “Web Standards”, 168. Why Samsung needs a browser, WebVR to WebXR transition, XR use cases for the Web
    podcastPodcast “Devshahta / Night Front End” 74: About front-end development in Rostov-on-Don
    podcastPodcast “ Make me beautiful ” Issue 12, visiting Anton Kastritsky - vanila js, You-Dont-Need and disgruntled Oleg
    podcastCSSSR podcast: News 512 - Issue 45 (03.03 - 05.04)
    video“ ALL YOUR HTML ”# s2e9: "A system of particles from text"

    Web development

    habrClient application security: practical tips for the Front-end developer
    habrGetting rid of duplicate packages in bundles
    12 basic layout reflexes
    enWhat's new in Foundation 6
    enIntroducing the new rendering layer for in 2019
    enNative lazy-loading for the image comes to the web! Addy Osmani announces support for the loading attribute in a future version of Chrome
    enWeb components will replace your frontend framework


    enCSSBattle - a game in which using your CSS skills you need to recreate graphic objects with the smallest possible code
    enWhat does “supported-color-schemes” actually do in Dark Mode?
    enRuby Sass has reached the end of its lifecycle
    enZ-index management in a component web application
    envideoCSS Standardization , the latest release of “The State of the Web” with Rick Viscomi and Jen Simmons (CSS Working Group, Mozilla)
    enHow to create better themes using CSS Variables
    enThe Hidden Power of CSS Text Align


    habrGraphQL details: what, how and why
    habrSpeeding up WebGL / Three.js using OffscreenCanvas and web workers
    enWhat is so special about TypeScript?
    enAnother JavaScript Framework
    enRemy Sharp: How I Didn't DealJavaScript Web Workers: A Beginner's GuideHow to Use Axios with JavaScriptFrom Javascript to Typescript and ElmWhy You Should Learn Vanilla Javascript Separately if You Want to Be the Best Developer


    V8 change log helped create an exploit for an unpatched vulnerability in Chrome
    Intrusive notification blocker and UserScripts API added to Firefox nightly builds
    enCan I Stop? Get rid of the need to support Internet Explorer 11 in places where (almost) no one uses it.
    enEvaluation of popular browsers in terms of security and privacy

    We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

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    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin

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