Install and configure a Ripple node

Today I’ll talk about how to raise the Ripple node, because the other day I personally faced this issue and found that there is no information about it in RuNet, there is not much information in the bourgeois either, of course there is official documentation, but it does not always save. First things first.

The documentation for raising the node itself is on the official website at the link .

Minimum system requirements:

OS: CentOS or RedHat Enterprise Linux (latest release) or Ubuntu (16.04+)
CPU: 64-bit x86_64, 2+ kernels
Disk: minimum 50GB for the database. Recommended SSD
RAM: 8GB +

Recommended system requirements:

OS: Ubuntu 16.04+
CPU: Intel Xeon 3+ GHz processor with 4 cores and enabled hyper trading
Disk: SSD (7000+ writes / second, 10,000+ reads / second)
Test server: 8GB +
Production: 32GB (I ran on 16GB, normal flight, there is a tuning in the config)
Network: 1Gbps channel

I raised the node on Ubuntu April 18, therefore I will write a manual regarding this OS.

Let's go

1. Install yum-utils and alien:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install yum-utils alien

2. Add the Ripple RPM repository:

$ sudo rpm -Uvh

3. Download the rippled package:

$ yumdownloader --enablerepo=ripple-stable --releasever=el7 rippled

4. Verify the signature of the rippled package:

$ sudo rpm --import && rpm -K rippled*.rpm

5. Install the rippled package:

$ sudo alien -i --scripts rippled*.rpm && rm rippled*.rpm

6. Add rippled service to startup:

$ sudo systemctl enable rippled.service

7. Launch rippled service

$ sudo systemctl start rippled.service

This completes the installation of the node itself, now we move on to configuring and validating the node, but before that, let's verify that our node is up and running correctly:

$ /opt/ripple/bin/rippled server_info

Now let's talk about the configuration, in general, the default config is functional and requires minimal configuration, the most important thing that is required is to configure validation. To do this, you need to generate all the keys and register them in the config.

The validator is installed with the rippled package.

Next, let's go in order:

1. Generate the validation key with the create_keys command:

The command is written in the manual

$ validator-keys create_keys

but since we have not added variables to PATH, we run it as follows:

$ /opt/ripple/bin/validator-keys create_keys

I will write all subsequent commands with launch in full path.

After that we get the generated validator-keys.json file with keys, its path will be written in the console, I have it


Save this file to a local PC, and even better to removable media, to overall to a safe place.

2. We generate a validation token with the create_token command:

$ /opt/ripple/bin/validator-keys create_token --keyfile /root/user/.ripple/validator-keys.json

do not forget to change the path to the validator-keys.json file.

Then we get the following response in the console:

3. Edit the rippled.cfg file (by default it is /opt/ripple/rippled.cfg). At the very end, add the code that was received in the console in the previous step. Save the config file.

4. Reboot the node:

$ sudo systemctl restart rippled.service

5. Now we will verify that we did everything right:

$ /opt/ripple/bin/rippled server_info

The parameter value server_statemust be proposing .

If so, then congratulations, they did everything right!

Now the node is ready to go!

We can try to generate the address:

1. We generate the validation key:

$ /opt/ripple/bin/rippled validation_create

We get a set of keys, we are interested in the value validation_seed

2. Generate the address:

$ /opt/ripple/bin/rippled wallet_propose <тут значение validation_seed>

Now we have received our ripple address, to which the crypt can be translated. If the validation key was entered incorrectly, then get a warning about it.

If you have any questions, I will be happy to help. Also, if there is interest, I can write about how to raise the Waves node.

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