Large selection of useful resources for product managers

    We in the Miro product team pay a lot of attention to getting the necessary and useful knowledge. As you know, there are a lot of resources and there is no lack of information. The most important thing is to choose what to read. We looked and tried many resources, gathered an internal database of useful things for ourselves, and then decided that it was important to share this with the community.

    Below is a large list of channels, blogs and books useful for product managers, which I read and recommend: about product management, entrepreneurship, management. If there is something that well complements this list, feel free to comment.


    TitleWhy is it worth reading?
    Good product manager, Bad Product Manager, Ben HorowitzA classic essay on grocery thinking. Read for inspiration.
    Be a great product leaderAnother classic essay on leadership and responsibility of product managers.
    Intercom on Product ManagementA comprehensive book on the product approach from Intercom.
    Strategy, practice
    SaaS metrics 2.0 - A guide to measuring and improving what mattersA comprehensive article on the most important SaaS metrics.
    SaaS, metrics, growth
    Tao of Product Manager at + Checklist of educational content for PM from IT-AgencyA good selection of resources about the knowledge and skills of a product manager.

    Telegram channels in Russian

    TitleWhy is it worth reading?
    Make senseA good selection of Russian product experience and translation articles from Yuri Ageev and the Product Sense conference.
    Product processes, practices, conference materials
    No Flame No GameChannel Anna Buldakova, PdM at Facebook, ex-PdM at Intercom.
    Product Processes and Practices
    How I Met Your ProductChannel Ivo Dimitrova, CPO at Modulbank.
    Product Processes and Practices
    Product design digestChannel of Yuri Vetrov, Design Director at
    Product design
    Dark sideChannel of Arkady Moreinis.
    Startups, product thinking
    GlavredMaxim Ilyakhov’s channel on how to write better.
    Writing skills
    Epic growthCase studies and best practices for product growth and marketing from the Epic Growth Conference.
    Startups, product marketing
    PonchikGood posts on thinking, product design, personal effectiveness by Alexey Ivanov, Product Designer at Directly.
    Product Design, Psychology
    Design & ProductivityProduct Design and Productivity Channel by Kostya Gorsky, Design Lead at Intercom.
    Product Design, Product Thinking, Productivity
    ZamesinIvan Zameshin’s channel on product management, customer development and product trends.
    Product Management, Startups

    English blogs

    TitleWhy is it worth reading?
    Hiten shah blogBlog from the creator of three SaaS companies: Crazy Egg , KISSmetrics , Quick Sprout . Shares a selection of interesting articles in weekly letters.
    Product processes, practices, cases
    Roman pichlerRoman Pichler is an expert in product management specializing in digital products. He has over 15 years of experience in training product managers and product owners and in helping companies build successful product management. He writes on various topics, including product development, Scrum and Agile.
    Product Processes, Practices, Scrum and Agile
    David skokAn excellent collection of SaaS in general, metrics, business growth and scaling.
    SaaS, business growth, scaling
    Jason friedBlog of Basecamp CEO, co-author of Getting Real, Remote, REWORK. A good selection of essays on No bullshit product approach and teamwork.
    Leadership, startup thinking, productivity, teamwork
    Brian balfour and
    Excellent product growth articles from Reforge CEO and former vice president of growth at Hubspot.
    Product growth
    Marty Cagan an SVPGSilicon Valley Food Management Pioneer Blog.
    Startups, product thinking
    Product talkTeresa, author of Product Talk and a product search trainer, helps teams get valuable insights from customer interviews, conduct effective product experiments, and manage results that add value to customers and businesses. She teaches teams to connect research and product solutions, inspiring confidence that they are on the right track. Recent customers include CarMax, Snagajob, Spotify, and Tesco.
    Product Management, Customer Development
    Ken nortonKen is a senior operational partner at GV , managing investment operations and providing product and technical support to GV's portfolio companies. GV, established in 2009 as Google Ventures, is a venture division of Alphabet, Inc. Ken has worked closely with hundreds of GV portfolio companies, including Uber, Nest, Slack, Stripe, Gusto, Foundation Medicine and Flatiron Health.
    Product Management, Product Thinking
    Eric RiesGood growth article from Lean startup author.
    Startups, Product Growth, Lean Startup
    Andrew ChenDetailed essays on startups, growth, metrics and network effects.
    Startups, Product Growth
    Ash mauryaA good collection of articles on creating innovative products.
    Startups, product growth, lean startup
    Nir eyalUnderstanding customer behavior, newsletter.
    Steve blankCollection of essays on the assembly and launch of products from the main evangelist of the client development methodology Steve Blanca.
    Startups, customer development
    Mind the productArticles and videos from the largest grocery conference.
    Product Thinking, Processes, Practices
    Product schoolA good collection of examples and tips for product managers.
    Product Thinking, Processes, Practices
    Product coalitionThe world's largest free PdM community. Over 250,000 readers. 2000+ articles. 300+ authors. 3000+ members at Slack.
    Product Thinking, Processes, Practices


    CrunchbaseCompany profiles, deals.
    AngellistCompany profiles, search for candidates.
    UseronboardOnboarding cases of various companies.
    Latka SaaS databaseComparison of startup metrics.
    SimilarwebTraffic analysis.
    Really good emailsInspirational newsletter examples.

    Company Blogs

    IntercomProject management, product design.
    SlackTeamwork, collaboration.
    AtlassianTeamwork, agile, product development.
    AmplitudeAnalytics, data-informed culture.
    PendoConsumer understanding, product management reports.
    First roundStartups, product growth.
    InvisionProduct design.
    GoracticeProduct growth, analytics.

    Product Management and Startup Podcasts

    Product Sense Podcast (Rus)
    Inside Intercom
    The Top
    The week in startups
    The product podcast
    Masters of Scale
    The Startup Chat


    TitleWhy is it worth reading?
    Mindset, Carol DweckMotivation and inspiration. After decades of research, Stanford University's world-renowned psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but revolutionary idea: the power of thinking. In this wonderful book, she shows how successes in school, work, sports, art, and in almost all areas of human activity can significantly affect the way we think about our talents and abilities. People with a fixed mindset — a given for granted — are less likely to succeed than people with a fixed mindset — those who believe that abilities can develop. Mindset tells how great parents, teachers, managers and athletes can use this idea to reach new heights.
    Product processes, practices, cases
    Lean Startup, Eric RiesDo one important thing: make better business decisions faster. From lean manufacturing and agile development to innovation, Lean Startup helps companies succeed in a risky business environment. This book will tell you how.
    Startups, Product Growth
    Scrum, Jeff SutherlandA good basic and inspiring book about Scrum. For those who believe that there should be a more flexible and effective way to cope with tasks and tasks, here is a brilliant example: a book that makes you think about leadership and management that change our lifestyle.
    Agile processes
    Inspired. How to create products people love, Marty CaganBasic instructions for product managers. A well-structured view of all processes and methods.
    Product Management Practices
    Hooked, Nir Eyal, Ryan HooverWhy do some products attract widespread attention while others fail? What makes us interact with a product based only on habit? Is there a pattern of how technology catches us?
    Nir answers these and other questions by explaining the hook model - a four-step process embedded in the products of many successful companies to elusively encourage customer behavior. Through consecutive “connection cycles,” these products achieve their ultimate goal of returning users again and again, without relying on expensive advertising or aggressive mailings.
    Consumer psychology
    Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel KahnemanIn an international bestseller translated into Russian as “Think slowly ... Decide quickly”, Daniel Kahneman, a renowned psychologist and Nobel Prize winner in economics, introduces us to his innovative horizons and explains the two systems that drive our thinking. The first is fast, intuitive, and emotional; the second is slower, more thoughtful and more logical. Avoiding overconfidence in corporate strategies, explaining the impact of our cognitive biases on life aspects, from stock market games to planning your next vacation, can all be explained by knowing only how the two systems shape our judgments and decisions.
    Mom testMom Test is a quick, practical guide that saves you time, money, and nerves.
    They say that you should not ask your mother if your business is a good idea because she loves you and can lie. This is technically true, but not entirely true. You should not ask at all if your business is a good idea. This is a bad question and everyone will cheat on you. In fact, no one is obliged to tell you the truth - you need to understand what is worth doing right, on your own.
    Consumer Psychology, Customer Development
    Sprint, Jake KnappA unique five-day process of moving from a problem to a prototype from three Google Ventures design partners.
    Companies that invest in Google Ventures face big questions every day: where is it important to focus and where to start? What will the ideas look like in real life? How many meetings and discussions do you need to make sure that the correct solution is found? Business owners and investors want their companies and the people who manage them to be ready to answer these questions - and quickly. And now there is a surefire way to solve their problems and test solutions: sprint.
    Product Design, Product Growth
    Make time, Jake KnappThe Make Time book is not about performance, nor about how to complete more tasks. She does not offer unrealistic solutions, such as the rejection of a smartphone or social networks. It does not boil down to a radical overhaul of your lifestyle; on the contrary, we are talking about small changes in your environment in order to free yourself from constant employment and abstraction.
    Be sure to read to anyone who has ever thought: “If there were more hours in a day ...”, Make Time will help you to stop passively reacting to the requirements of the modern world and begin to deliberately find time for things that matter.
    Zero to One, Peter ThielThe book provides an optimistic view of the future of progress in America and a new look at innovation: it begins by teaching you to ask questions that will help you discover value in unexpected places.
    Startups, Product Thinking, Product Growth
    Crossing the Chasm, Geoffrey A. Moore, Regis McKennaFind out what separates the first users of the product and those who come after, with the mainstream, as well as how to bridge this gap.
    HBR 10 must reads “On strategy”, “On Emotional Intelligence”A good collection of articles on the most important topics: leadership, coaching and many others.
    Strategy, Psychology
    High Output Management, Andy GroveBasic book on people management.
    The Innovator's Dilemma, Clayton ChristensenThe Innovator’s Dilemma is a revolutionary business book that has forever changed corporate America. Based on a truly radical idea - that great companies can fail precisely because they do everything right - this bestselling book by the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and New York Times Business is one of the most provocative and important business books ever written. Entrepreneurs, managers and CEOs ignore her wisdom and warnings at their own peril and risk.
    Startups, product thinking
    The hard thing about hard things, Ben HorowitzCo-founder Andreessen Horowitz and one of the most respected and experienced entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley offers important tips on creating and launching a startup - practical wisdom to solve the most complex problems that business schools don't tell.
    People Management, Startups, Growth
    Creativity Inc., Ed CatmullWitty book about creativity in business from the co-founder of Pixar Animation. Creativity, Inc. This is a book for managers who want to take their employees to new heights, a guide for those who strive for originality, and the first ever journey with full access to the Pixar Animation management center, where some of the most successful films in history were created. In fact, this is a book on how to create a creative culture, but, as Ed Kathall himself says, "this is an expression of ideas that embody all the best in us."
    Radical Candor, Kim ScottRadical Candor is a pretty simple idea: to be a good boss, you have to take personal care when you challenge. Not caring, you create unpleasant experience and aggression; caring without offering difficult tasks is destructive sympathy. When you do neither one nor the other, it is manipulative insincerity.
    This simple structure can help you build better relationships at work and fulfill three key responsibilities as a leader: creating a culture of feedback (praise and criticism), building a close-knit team, and achieving results that you are proud of.
    Radical Candor offers a guide for those who are confused or exhausted by a guide written for bosses and those who manage bosses. Based on many years of experience, the author gives lessons useful to the reader; he shows managers how to succeed, while maintaining humanity, find meaning in their work and create an environment in which people love their work and their colleagues.
    Management, feedback
    The Goal, Eli GoldrattThe thrilling story of The Goal, written in a fast-paced thriller style, is changing managerial thinking around the world. This is a book that you can recommend to your friends, colleagues, even bosses - but not competitors.
    Zappos: Delivering happiness, Tony HseihThe Zappos CEO talks about various lessons he has learned from business and life: from building a worm farm to a pizza business, through LinkExchange, Zappos, and more. This realistic story shows how a completely different kind of corporate culture is a powerful model for success, and how, by focusing on the happiness of the people around you, you can significantly increase your own.
    Culture, customer happiness

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