March IT Events Digest (Part Two)

    We conclude our review of IT events this month, which turned out to be unexpectedly fruitful. Mitaps continue to maintain leadership positions, but this time they are significantly diluted by large conferences and hackathons. Popular topics include data science, the Internet of things, and machine learning.

    Go Meet up

    When: March 15
    Where: Kazan, ul. Petersburg, 52
    Terms of participation: free, registration is required

    And again, talk about Go, this time in the circle of Kazan well-wishers. In particular: how to use the language tools to develop components of classic web applications, authorization in the nuances, and what role do Hydra, Oathkeeper, Keto, and finally life hacks play in, who will save nerves in preparing the release.

    Yandex from the inside: Browser and geo services

    When: March 15
    Where: Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Kovalikhinskaya, 8, WTC, Media Strike Hall, 10th floor
    Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

    Yandex continues to organize meetings with teams of its projects. This time, developers from the Nizhny Novgorod branch who work on the Yandex browser and map services are open for communication. They have something to tell about geoinformation technologies, car navigation, topological data storage, browser “stuffing” and automatic memory management. As for other interesting topics for the audience, they can be freely discussed during breaks.

    IT Lecture: With whom and how Antifraud fights in Yandex

    When: March 15
    Where: Moscow, Kochnovsky passage, 3, auditorium 317
    Conditions of participation: free of charge, registration is required.

    Yandex is also in full swing in the Moscow office - they discuss the local antifraud, its mission and anatomy. The meeting will be led by a developer from the analytics group. Participants will learn what tasks the team faced, what user actions the system is trained to recognize and suppress, how machine learning and Big Data came in handy in this matter, and what specific tools were used.

    Krasnodar Frontend: Meetup # 5

    When: March 16
    Where: Krasnodar, st. Karasunskaya, 60 (BC Karasunsky)
    Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

    The Krasnodar community continues meetings for those interested in topics of front-end development, layout and design. This time, four reports are on the agenda: best assembly practices, approaches to generating PDF documents, application performance according to Google PageSpeed ​​criteria and cases for implementing repeatable logic on NGXS and NGRX.

    Novosibirsk meeting of developers from Gamedev.House

    When: March 19
    Where: Novosibirsk, Krasny prospekt 22, Jonathan bar
    Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required

    The Novosibirsk gaming community is going to talk, meet and drink beer at a chamber rally. The declared theme of the evening is game jam (what is it, how to participate in it and why), but besides the reports, there will be enough time for intimate conversations, showcases of projects, and exchange of contacts.

    PyLadies SPb # 5

    When: March 19
    Where: St. Petersburg, Sredny prospekt V.O., 36/40, Ostrov Business Center, 5th floor, Dell EMC
    Terms of participation: free, registration is required

    A very spring talk for the female part of the Python community. This time, the audience will be presented with two reports (health checks for microservices based on real life examples and internship experience in a large company) and a bonus in the form of a lightning with the practical theme “Pytest as a step CI”. An additional reason to go is the drawing of a ticket for the upcoming MoscowPythonConf ++.

    .NUTS Meetup # 18

    When: March 19
    Where: Ryazan, st. Postal, 60, Karas bar.
    Participation conditions: free.

    The program of the next .Net meeting from Ryazan enthusiasts is concise - it is entirely dedicated to Docker. First, participants will listen to the introductory report, then they will be able to contact the speaker with questions that they have or have left.

    ITAM & SAMday 2019

    When: March 20
    Where: Moscow, ul. Lesnaya, 15, Holiday Inn
    Conditions of participation: 6000 rubles.

    A rare conference on the topic of resource management in IT for everyone who makes decisions, with which software the company will work and on which infrastructure. The program presents many sore topics, from import substitution to the balance of quality and budget. Speakers will talk about various software purchase models, optimization tools, the nuances of using SAM and ITIL, licensing issues, life cycle management, risk control and other problems that specialists face every day.

    QARoom MeetUp # 6

    When: March 20
    Where: Ryazan, Dzerzhinsky St., 6
    Terms of participation: free

    February meeting for QA specialists, postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, will be held in March. Students will finally have the opportunity to learn the history of one automation of a desktop application in C # and the approaches that have been tried.


    When: March 21
    Where: Moscow, 1st Volokolamskiy proezd, 10, p. 3
    Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required

    IT SREDA arrives in Moscow and promises to bring a lot of interesting things in Java and JavaScript. For example, stories about how a developer can defeat React Native, especially in a cross-platform environment, how to live and develop a flexible frontend without TK, how to reach the fault tolerance ceiling with Real Logic's Aeron and SBE, and how to prepare your product for the inevitable move to the cloud.

    Allure server meetup

    When: March 21
    Where: St. Petersburg, 44D Sverdlovskaya Naberezhnaya Participation
    conditions: free of charge, registration is required

    Wrike developers share their experiences using Allure.Server in projects to reduce the time needed to support them. The first report will focus on creating test documentation in a simplified way. The second will consider the problem of incorrectly running tests in large projects - how to send them to quarantine in time and continue to monitor it. At the end of the program, speakers will also talk about test management during the company's collaboration with


    When: March 22-24
    Where: St. Petersburg, ul. General Khrulev, 9A, “St. Petersburg Film Studios” building
    Conditions of participation: free of charge based on the selection results

    An open university hackathon from HaсkUniversity challenges participants from real IT companies in such areas as Big Data, VR / AR, IoT, audio, blockchain, social services, logistics, information security ... Teams of four people will develop solutions within 28 hours according to the proposed cases, and as a rest - to participate in workshops and master classes, including an introductory course on the use of TRIZ from an expert practitioner. The winners will be awarded with just cash prizes and investments in the project up to 500,000 thousand. And there they feed from the heart.

    IT Global Meetup # 14

    When: March 23
    Where: St. Petersburg, pl. Victory, 1, Park Inn Pulkovskaya
    Terms of participation: free, registration required

    On this rally, not individual specialists gather, but entire communities of developers of St. Petersburg. Currently, 22 groups (about 1,500 people) are going to participate with various areas of IT interests - data science, iOS, e-learning, Linux, C ++, Python, Scala, Rust, .NET, Kubernetes, Go Lang ... As you can conclude from of this alone, the program will be saturated; the reports are divided into five streams to make it easier to navigate in diversity.

    SmartMail Conf: Machine Learning

    When: March 23
    Where: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 39/79, Group office
    Conditions of participation: free, registration required

    The Mail Team organizes a full day of presentations on topics related to machine learning. Specialists of the company, working in different areas within the topic, will share their cases and best practices: from teaching models to calculating spam to using computer vision technologies to recognize various objects. A separate place in the program is held by the networking session, where you can continue the conversation with beer and pizza.

    SarDotNet meeting No. 5

    When: March 23
    Where: Saratov, 11 Kirova Avenue, Pioneer Center, small hall
    Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required

    The heroes of this event are Xamarin vs Unity, together and separately. Speakers are of the opinion that game engines and corporate development are not as far apart from each other as they seem. For example, user applications can in many respects benefit from the use of techniques and technologies of gamification (more about this in the first report). But at the same time, combining their capabilities in work, you need to be prepared for a large number of traps and rakes everywhere, from sound to sensors (and more on that in the second).

    Process Robotics (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

    When: March 25-26
    Where: Moscow, ul. Kalanchevskaya, 21/40, city of Leningradskaya
    Conditions of participation: information is being specified

    Forum for anyone who uses or wants to use robots in business. There will be general theoretical considerations (what is an RPA, why is it worth contacting right now and what are the alternatives, in which areas it is especially promising, how to implement it and how much it will cost), and a practical workshop (launching an RPA, creating COE , the integration of machine learning and cognitive analytics in the processes of PTP, OTC, RTR).

    VI International Conference “Internet of Things”

    When: March 27
    Where: Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt, 42 Bldg. 5
    Terms of participation: 12 000 rub.

    All about IoT and its role in the modern Russian economy. Business representatives will learn about the state of the market, the best suppliers of platforms and devices, and budget options for testing relevant business models. Developers and engineers get the opportunity to exchange experience in implementing solutions: ensuring infrastructure security, setting up voice control, technical features of the platforms. Successful IoT projects will be presented in the exhibition area, which can be tested and discussed directly with their developers.

    BIG DATA 2019

    When: March 27
    Where: Moscow, 1st Zachatievsky per., 4, event-hall "InfoSpace"
    Participation conditions: 15 900 rub.

    A major business data management conference. The main topics reflected in the reports: innovative potential of data science, data monetization, new visualization and self-service capabilities, data management strategies, including security and corporate culture issues, affordable tools for collecting, storing and analyzing data (AI platforms, in memory solutions, clouds , edge computing). Representatives of various industries will talk about the specifics of working with big data to solve the problems of specific corporations.

    MERA meetup # 31: Vulnerability and Errors in C ++

    When: March 28
    Where: Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarina Avenue, 27, Oka Business Center
    Terms of participation: free, registration is required.

    On the development in C / C ++, you can say a lot of good and a lot of bad. During this meeting, the Nizhny Novgorod developers decided to focus on the bad - to talk honestly about the flaws of the language and jointly decide how to deal with them. The range of issues addressed includes formatting string vulnerabilities in C, everything about errors (codes, exceptions, processing), a universal approach based on Result from the Rust language, and much more.

    Code Fest X

    When: March 30-31
    Where: Novosibirsk, ul. Stantsionnaya, 104, Expocenter
    Participation conditions: 14 900 rub.

    A large-scale conference of developers in the center of Siberia is also an anniversary this year. In honor of such an event, the organizers will expand the venue (up to three thousand guests this time) and the program of performances - an additional section of Future, where the focus will be on the global changes that have occurred in recent years in many areas. The traditional sections of Teamlead, Backend, Frontend, QA, Data Science, Mobile and Design, of course, will not go anywhere, and the reports will be grouped accordingly. The tenants, the special patented CodeFest format, will give participants the opportunity to organize discussions on any professional topics themselves - keep up to date until the rooms are dismantled.

    Sibur Challenge

    When: March 29-31
    Where: Nizhny Novgorod, ul. Ilyinskaya, 46
    Conditions of participation: free of charge, registration is required.

    For those wishing to take part in the Nizhny Novgorod hackathon, time has not yet been missed - a special online course for preparation is already in full swing, but registration is still open. The event’s final will be held in the usual format - two days of active teamwork by data specialists, backend and front-end developers, architects and designers on the product prototype, however, participants will be able to use the points and skills accumulated during training as an advantage over their rivals.

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