Soon PGConf.Russia 2019

    PGConf.Russia 2019 is not far off - on February 4, master classes, 5-6th - reports. This year, as in the past, the conference is held at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. The activity of the speakers during the collection of reports was noticeably higher than in previous years, so the program will be interesting. Even the silent 1C-nicks pulled themselves together: for the first time (together with Infostarte) they managed to assemble a whole section on the topic “Postgres for 1C”. So what awaits us?

    The conference will be opened by Oleg Bartunov with the report “ Professional Postgres ”, in which he will tell about his outlook on the history and future of this DBMS, comment on world and Russian trends, and the highlight distributed control system of a modern NPP will be the gem of the second day .

    I'll tell you about other reports and master classes.

    Clusters and Replication

    Let's start with all sorts of replications and clusters based on them. AVITO, which ate not one dog in this, in the person of Konstantin Evteev again shares its findings in the report “ Stendby in battle ”.

    Andrei Fefelov from Mastery.Pro will talk about choosing a cluster platform for a fault-tolerant system and hold a master class on the same topic, and Joshua Drake, founder and lead consultant of Command Prompt - the world's first postgresovoy company - will give a detailed report on logical replication . He will also have a master class on replication practice . Alexander Kukushkin from the team Zalando and Pavel Molyavin will also share their experience on building highly accessible clusters. from 2GIS.


    Andrei Salnikov will conduct a master class on major PostgreSQL updates.

    Several reports are devoted to the topic of automation of DBMS administration. This topic includes the hypothetical sectioning of Julien Rouault, Tatsuro Yamada’s auto-planning with feedback and experiments with Nikolai Samokhvalov’s industrial tuning .

    Ibrarar Ahmed from 2nd Quadrant will talk about how to configure Linux for PostgreSQL , Chris Travers - how to save data from a damaged file system .

    Amazon's Dzhignesh Shah will share internal control and practical tips for working with Amazon RDS.

    Alexander Smolin from Russian Railways will talk about configuring and profiling VMware virtual infrastructure for intensive I / O in PostgreSQL .

    Vasily Puchkov will tell about the integration of PostgreSQL into the corporate network with its authentication, protection and monitoring.

    Pavel Trukhanov will talk about the use of USE and RED methodologies in OkMeter.

    Two lectures are devoted to the topic of Postgres in Docker - Lev Dragunov and Alexander Strizhevsky .
    That the administrator feels when switching to Postgres, you can learn from the report of Irina Fast .


    Miroslav Šedivý will conduct two master classes on working with PostgreSQL in Python with the usual
    psycopg2 and asynchronous asyncpg .

    Ivan Panchenko will hold a master class on the development of stored functions in non-SQL-like procedural languages .

    Artemy Ryabinkov for the first time on PgConf.Russia will talk about working with PostgreSQL in the Go language . Alexey Fadeev will share

    his practice of using ORM .

    Kamil Islamov will propose to build business logic on CTE . Ivan Frolkov, an experienced developer and consultant, saddened by the mistakes of application developers, will shed his sadness in the report Typical application errors when working with Postgres .

    Alexander Pavlov from Modbank will speak on a similar topic . Stepan Danilov from RT Labs will share his experience in optimizing SQL queries .


    Alvaro Ernades from onGres (Spain, USA) organizes his migration experience from Oracle to PostgreSQL in a three-hour master class. Yuri Zhukovets from DocsVision will share his experience of migrating applied T-SQL code to PostgreSQL .

    PostgreSQL Developer Reports: New Features and Clarification of Old

    Developers will share the new and secret: Alexander Korotkov, who has recently become a PostgreSQL committer, will share his view on PostgreSQL's Bottlenecks and talk about what the 12th version is preparing for us , and Fyodor Sigaev about the new snapshots feature he is developing .

    Anna Akenteva will talk about the features of Avtovaccum , which (so far) have not been described in the documentation.

    Alexander Kuzmenkov will report on new optimizations for the execution of SQL queries.

    Andrei Borodin will talk about the new WAL-G backup system and do it yourself index development , and why it is needed .

    Artur Zakirov will present the expansionpg_variables and show how and why it can replace temporary tables. The pg_threads extension for developing parallel code will be presented by its author Peter Yarmuz .

    Geoinformation and space-time

    Esteban Zimani and Mahmoud Zakr of the University of Brussels will talk about the expansion of MobilityDB , which defines the types of data for working with mobile (space-time) data.

    Ivan Muratov will talk about using a combination of PostgreSQL + PostGIS + TimescaleDB in a vehicle monitoring system, and
    Dorofey Proleskovsky , one of the developers of PostGIS, about how PostGIS helps to study cataclysms and combat them.

    Miroslav Šedivý will talk about the implementation of data bitemporality using interval types. The concept of bitemporality can be found in the materials of Henriette Dombrowski .

    Analytical Systems

    Maxim Vikharev tells about how, having crossed PostgreSQL, ClickHouse and GreenPlum, get GreenHouseSQL . Denis Smirnov will open the internal GreenPlum device .


    Stories about tulzy too. These are PGCenter (Alexey Lesovsky), Commvault (Boris Eshchenko),
    XOBOT IDE (Alexander Fedorov and Andrey Khitrin, developers of DBeaver).

    A. Lyubushkin and R. Abrakhimov from FORS-Telecom will talk about their development of LUI - a tool for the collective development of a web-interface of application systems.

    So what about section 1C?

    Our regular speaker Anton Doroshkevich is developing a new theme - blockchain ( For the first time in Russia on 1C + Postgres ). Alexey Lustin from Silver Bulleters talks about how to deal with problematic queries, improving the code on the side of the application. Vladimir Timoshkin will talk about how 1C-nicks treat postgres without post-greessists .

    Dmitry Yukhtimovsky from the company of Vyacheslav Gilyov, the famous 1C performance expert, will show magic tricks with subsequent exposure , and Alexander Sheludchenkov from the Mitra company will show something completely unexpected - the 1C cluster of MPI and Postgres on the GPU . Against this background, the report of Alexander Strizhevsky, who harnessed in one team, will not be exotic.Docker, PostgreSQL and 1C . Shortly after the conference, a professional certification program will open at Postgres Professional. It is announced by one of the authors of PostgreSQL training courses Pavel Luzanov . Get ready! In addition to regular presentations and master classes, a blitz session will be held at the conference, where anyone who has signed up (only blitz reports will be available on conference days), will be able to give a short 5-minute presentation. And, of course, a buffet.

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