Adblock Radio Development

Original author: Alexandre Storelli
  • Transfer

tl; dr: Adblock Radio recognizes audio ads using machine learning and Shazam-like techniques. The main open source engine : use it in your products! You can join forces to support more radio stations and podcasts.

Few people like to listen to radio ads. I launched the project so that listeners can skip ads on their favorite Internet radio. The algorithm is published open source , and this article describes how it works.

Adblock Radio has already tested more than 60 radio stations in seven countries on real data . It is also compatible with podcasts and works quite well!

Compared to previous implementations, our algorithm offers a universal approach, processing streams from various sources. From previous implementations, one relies on Internet radio metadata , but only a small portion of the radio is compatible with this method. Another implementation recognizes known jingles , but in many cases the beginning and end of commercial breaks are not marked by a jingle.

In addition to the detection of commercials, the proposed algorithm can distinguish conversation from music. Therefore, it also avoids chatter and listens to music only.

This is a report on my personal work for almost three years. I launched Adblock Radio at the end of 2015, a few months after graduating from a graduate school in fusion plasma physics. When Adblock RadioI gained some notoriety in 2016, I received threats from lawyers from French radio stations (more details below). I had to partially close the site, change the system architecture, better study the legal implications, etc. Today, I believe that AdBlock Radio will develop much better in the paradigm of open innovation .

This article consists of three parts. They are intended for different audiences. You can scroll down or click on the title to go directly to the desired section.

  • Ad detection: proven strategies . For tech-savvy people, scientists, data analysts ... Here are various technical methods that I tried to detect advertisements, including speech recognition, sound prints and machine learning. Thoughts on options for further work.
  • It is not recommended to run Adblock Radio in the cloud . For software developers and people interested in copyright. Let's discuss how difficult it is to find a satisfactory compromise between technical and legal constraints when running Adblock Radio in cloud services. For these reasons, it is better to run Adblock Radio only on end-user devices.
  • You can integrate Adblock Radio into your player . For manufacturers, product owners, UX designers, techies ... I am considering ideas for integrating an open source algorithm into final products, including car players, and emphasize the need to get feedback from users about incidents of improper operation. It is necessary to maintain the system. Finally, here are tips on how to create the right user interfaces. I expect a lot of feedback on this topic.

Adblock Radio returns the pleasure of listening to the radio

Ad detection: proven strategies

To block an ad, you first need to find it. The goal is to detect an advertisement in an audio stream without any help from the radio station. This is not an easy task. I tried several approaches before getting a good result.

1. Simple ways (do not work)


The first idea is to check the volume of the sound, because the ads are so loud! For advertising, acoustic compression is often used . This is an interesting criterion, but it is not enough to distinguish advertising. For example, this strategy works quite well for classical music stations, where advertising is usually louder than music. But pop music is as loud as advertising. Moreover, some advertising on purpose can be made quiet to avoid detection.

Lock on the clock

Another idea is that advertising is broadcast on a schedule at a specific time. To some extent this is true, but there is no accuracy here. For example, I watched how the morning show at the French station did not start exactly at the same time, with variations of up to two minutes. Radio stations can easily bypass such blocking by randomly shifting their programs by several tens of seconds.


The obvious solution is to rely on ICY / Shoutcast metadata , according to which players like VLC display stream information. Unfortunately, this data is in most cases broken. It would be possible to take information from a live broadcast on the websites of radio stations (I developed a tool for this ), but more often than not advertising is identified as it is. Usually during the advertising on the site displays the name of the previous song or program. One notable exception is Jazz Radio , which during the ad writes “la musique revient vite ...” (the music will be back soon). In conclusion, it should be noted that this is an unreliable strategy, since radios can very easily change metadata.

Manual marking

In the end, the detection of advertising is possible without any algorithm at all! You can simply ask some listeners to press a button when an advertisement begins and ends. Other listeners will benefit from this. This is the strategy of the TiVo Bolt set-top box . It allows you to remove ads on installed channels at a set time. This gives excellent results, but does not scale well into thousands of radio stations.

The disadvantage is that it is difficult to start the system from scratch. At the new station, the audience may not be enough to work properly. The first listeners will be upset and leave, so the station will never gather a large enough audience.

Another difficulty is that radio stations will want to send fake signals to sabotage the system. It requires a moderation mechanism, a consensus system, or a voting threshold.

Crowdsourcing is a good idea. I think that it looks even better if the algorithm performs most of the work, leaving a minimum for people. This is what I did.

2. Speech recognition and analysis of the lexical field (failure)

Advertising is always the same subject and lexical field: buying a car, getting supermarket coupons, subscribing to insurance, etc. If you recognize a speech, you can use standard tools to combat spam . This was my first research path at the end of 2015, but I could not implement speech recognition.

Being a newcomer to speech processing, I started by reading Huang's “Handling Oral Speech,” a great book, although a bit dated. I put my dirty little hands on CMU Sphinx , the best free speech recognition engine at the time.

The first attempt gave very poor results and required intensive computations on the CPU. I used the default parameters: a standard French dictionary (a list of possible words and corresponding phonemes), a language model (word sequence probabilities), and an acoustic model (connection of phonemes with a sound waveform).

Attempts to improve the system were in vain: recognition still worked poorly. I set up a dictionary and language model on a small data set, sharing the sound with a diarization tool . He also adapted the acoustic model MLLR to the radio station Europe 1 (French), where he trained the system.

In general, the idea of ​​speech recognition had to be abandoned. This is probably for experts. However, in the future you can return to it. Since 2015, significant progress has been made in speech recognition. New open source tools such as Mozilla Deep Speech have been published .

3. Crowdsourcing advertising base, the detection of sound prints (encouraging)

The first version of Adblock Radio in 2016 worked with a base of commercials. The system continuously listened to the sound stream in search of advertising. The results were really promising, but it turned out to be difficult to keep such a database up to date.

The audio fingerprint search technique is similar to what Shazam does on its song recognition servers . This type of algorithm is commonly known as a landmark . I adapted it for streaming and opened the source code .

Fingerprinting is suitable for detecting commercials, because they are broadcast several times in the same way. For the same reason, he recognizes music. But this technique will not work on speech, because people never utter words the same way. This is only possible with re-broadcast programs at night that does not interest us. Thus, in the database of prints you need to make both advertising and music (as “not advertising”), but it is senseless to process speech.

In essence, sound prints are the conversion of some sound characteristics into a series of numbers called fingerprints. If live many prints coincide with the base, we can conclude that the advertisement is broadcast. For optimal resolution, the time and frequency ranges need some adjustment. Different samples should vary well. However, the system should work even with a slight change in the sound compression algorithms or if the radio station has changed the equalizer settings. Finally, you should limit the number of prints so as not to load computing resources.

An example of the calculation of sound prints. Red background - spectrogram. It reflects the change in sound intensity in frequency (low frequencies below). On this map, spectral peaks are identified (blue dots) and connected (gray lines). The position, length and orientation of each gray line is converted into a unique number, imprint. The

binary classification gives the result: is the sample an advertisement or not. If we analyze the cases of errors, the system almost always gave a false negative result, that is, it missed advertising, and very rarely marked good content as advertising. Users can report undetected ads with one click, providing a great user interface. The corresponding sound is automatically added to the database. I moderated these actions a posteriori.

It was difficult to keep the database up to date, as commercials often change, and ads are broadcast with minor variations. They are also updated frequently, in some cases every few days. Some streams with an insufficient number of listeners were very poorly recognized.

I researched interesting strategies for partial automation of the work of students. Ads are broadcast the same way many times every day. This can be used to identify them. Records were searched for the most repetitive sequences.(Mrs) Other content is also repeated, for example, songs and jingles (screensavers). I sorted all sequences by length and took samples with a length of about 30 seconds, typical of commercials. Thus, it was very often possible to catch advertising. But sometimes there were choruses of songs or even recorded weather forecasts.

I found a way to filter out most of the music replays: I analyzed the playlists of the stations, downloaded the songs and integrated them into the database with the label “not advertising”. Therefore, more and more candidates for MRS turned out to be real commercials. But still not everything, so user assistance remained necessary.

It took less manual work, but the load on the servers has already become a problem. Looking back, the choice of SQLite for these resource-intensive, time-critical database operations turned out to be far from the best.

Fortunately, the algorithm had a few seconds to determine whether the sound is advertising or not. This is because Internet radio uses an audio buffer, typically 4-30 seconds, which is not immediately played on the end-user device. This helps prevent interruptions in the event of a temporary network loss.

I used this buffer delay for post-processing to make the predictions of the algorithm more stable and context-sensitive. Immediately before playing the sound on the end-user device, the algorithm looks at the results of the predictions that are still in the buffer, as well as the older ones that have already been played. It cuts off questionable data points with multiple fingerprints, showing a hysteresis . It also takes into account the weighted average time to smooth out possible failures.

Adblock Radio at a certain stage in 2016. Highlighting the red radio stations, where advertising is currently sounding, looked really great! Users could mark missed ads with a blue button. The music-in-a-cloud button at the top allows you to export a custom MP3 stream with advertising removed from it and, if this function is configured, with smooth transitions between radio stations. The following are additional buttons and features.

4. Classification of advertising, conversations and music on machine learning (almost ready!)

The next version of the algorithm analyzes the acoustics: from low to high sounds and their change over time. New unknown commercials are detected almost as well as the old ones, where the training took place, only on the basis of noise and intrusion. This is a more sophisticated method of analyzing the volume of a sound (see previous discussion).

For this, I used machine learning tools, namely the Keras library , connected to Tensorflow . This gave very good results with low CPU utilization. This version has been in production for over a year, from the beginning of 2017 until mid-2018. Now it’s realistic to distinguish between talk and music, so the classification has become more accurate: instead of “advertising / not advertising” - “advertising / conversation / music”.

We study the details. The sound is converted to a 2D map, where the sound intensity is presented as a function of frequency and time (on a scale of about four seconds). This card is conceptually similar to the red card in the chapter on prints. The main difference is that instead of the classical Fourier spectrum, I used Mel-cepstral coefficients that are relevant in the context of speech recognition.

Serial cards with different time stamps were then analyzed as pictures in a recurrent neural network like LSTM (long short-term memory). Each card was analyzed independently of the other (RNN stateless), but the cards overlapped each other. Maps were 4 seconds long, and every second a new one appeared. The end result for each card becomes the vector softmax , for example ad: 72%, talk: 11%, music 17%. These forecasts were then processed by the same method as described in the section on prints.

Preview of typical machine learning results for two radio stations. The horizontal axis represents about 17 minutes of time. The green line moves between three positions: advertising at the top, conversation in the middle and music at the bottom (the closest to the uniform gray background). Red areas - the intervals of listening to the sound by the user. If the algorithm gives an incorrect prediction, the user can correct it.

Initially, I trained the neural network on a very small data set. I developed a UI (see figure above) to visualize forecasts and could add more data to train models with better performance. At the time of this writing, the training dataset contains about ten days of audio: 66 hours of advertising, 96 hours of talking and 73 hours of music.

Despite the good work, the classification accuracy still turned out to be slightly lower than the users' expectations (see the section below on future improvements). When training, the accuracy of the forecast category was 95%, but the remaining incorrect classifications left users dissatisfied.

Note to data processing professionals: it is common practice to present formal results by breaking the data set into subsets of training and testing. I think that here it does not make sense, because the data set is gradually built on the data, where previous models were wrong. This means that the data set contains more pathologies than the average broadcast, and accuracy will be underestimated. Separate work on measuring real indicators will be required. The operator can mark continuous segments of regular audio recordings as test data, then calculate the accuracy and recall on them. Such regular testing will allow you to monitor the performance of filters.

The categorization of advertisements / conversations / music added convenience to listeners. However, this classification has complicated the user interface, and it has become more difficult to work with user reports. If the flag indicates that some content is not music, is it an advertisement or a conversation? It requires immediate moderation, not after the fact.

To further improve quality, I developed the latest version of Adblock Radio, which slightly improves this strategy.

5. The combination of sound classification and matching prints (success!)

My best algorithm is published on Github . To improve reliability, it combines the concepts of the two previous attempts: acoustic classification and the base of prints.

A properly trained machine learning predictor provides the correct classification of most of the source materials, but does not work in some situations (see below in the section on future improvements). The role of the fingerprint matching module is to reduce the errors of the machine learning module.

Not all known training data are entered into the database of prints, but only a small subset where machine learning demonstrates errors. I call it the “hotlist database” (hotlist database). The small size helps to reduce the overall error rate while keeping the CPU load low.

On an ordinary laptop, the algorithm consumes only 5-10% of CPU on files and 10-20% on live broadcast.

Future improvements

Some content is still problematic.

The detector works imperfectly on some specific types of audio content:

  • hip-hop music is often recognized as an advertisement. You can get around the problem by adding tracks to the hotlist, but this is too much music. A more common neural network could be developed, possibly at the expense of performance.
  • Music album ads are often recognized as music. But blocking through fingerprints will lead to false positives when the real song is broadcast. The problem can be solved by a deeper analysis of the context, but it is difficult in the live broadcast, where the context is known only for a few seconds ahead.
  • Talk show advertising is often recognized as a conversation. There are blurred boundaries here, because this is both a conversation and an advertisement. We see the limit of the classifier advertising / conversation / music. For classification by prints, for some time I used the ad_self class , which contains advertisements for talk shows at specific stations, but with the implementation of the machine learning algorithm I stopped doing this. It may be wise to recreate this class. Another option is a better context analysis.
  • native advertising, where the presenter reads the sponsor's text. On the radio, this is rare, and more often in podcasts. The logical next step for blocking such advertising is the introduction of speech recognition software.

Markov chains for more stable post processing

Postprocessing stability can be improved. Currently only confidential thresholds are used. When the threshold value is reached, the last confident forecast is taken. Thus, the system sometimes saves the error.

The cycles of advertising, conversations and music are rather cyclical on every broadcast. For example, advertising usually lasts a few minutes. For each time period in the commercial break, it is possible to calculate the probability of transition to another state (conversation or music). This probability will help to better interpret the noisy predictions of the algorithm: is it just a short segment of the music in the announcement or is the commercial break complete? Here, hidden Markov models will be a good line of research .

Analog radio is not yet supported

Analog signals (FM) have not been tested and are not currently supported. Analog noise cancels the methods used here. Filters and / or noise-proof fingerprint recognition algorithms may be required. If this happens, the program can find a wider use among users. However, the radio is increasingly moving to digital technology without noise, such as DAB and Internet radio.

Do not run Adblock Radio in the cloud

Ideally, Adblock Radio should only be run on end devices. But now cloud services are in fashion. Moreover, it is a great business idea! Adblock Radio tested two versions of the architecture with this paradigm. However, experience shows that this is not the best option for technical and legal reasons.

Option 1. Relay from the server

The server can relay audio content with ad / talk / music tags to listeners. We tested it in 2016. There are legal problems here, because stream relaying can be considered as fake and / or copyright infringement (although I am not a lawyer). It also doesn’t scale well because you are now a CDN and must bear the cost.

For the sake of a joke, on Sunday, when I was absent for family reasons, Adblock Radio got wildly popular, from which it fell . Funny fact: a few days later France Inter , a large French public radio station, advertised Adblock Radio in prime time (though not naming it). This is an unexpected decision by the editorial board in the context of the fact that regulators decided in 2016ease advertising restrictions on public radio stations , which aggravated discord between Radio France employees and management .

A few weeks later, I received threats from a lawyer at the French private radio network Les Indés Radio , ostensibly on the basis of copyright and trademark infringement. Not having financial resources for serious protection, I had to remove some streams from the site, partially close the site and change the system architecture. At the same time, this radio network refused to cooperate in the search for a compromise. Since I see in the logs that they continued to monitor my site (sometimes with pseudonymous accounts), they also consulted with their lawyers. What an honor for me! Looking back, they successfully won time, but no more. Hi guys from Indés! Hope you enjoy reading this! xoxoxo .

Declaration of love from Les Indés, a network of 131 French radio stations

Option 2. The server relays the sound, but privately.

Here it is supposed to analyze on the server and retransmit the cleared sound for a specific user. Such a system may be subject to an exception to copyright law as its own private copy of the media. If the server is managed by the end user and the source is legal and officially available in your area, everything is probably legally clean. For more information, see the discussions of Station Ripper [FR] and VCast [FR] . But users are rarely so technically savvy to self-rent and install a server.

It is very tempting to put a server under the control of a third party, but this leads to legal problems, because then the operator making the copy and the end user are not the same person. In this case, legal restrictions are imposed, at least in France. The French Internet service Wizzgo [FR] ran into this rule in 2008. More recently, in the US, the Aereo television service was closed, although it took precautions to distribute a separate tuner to each client (!).

At the moment, the service Molotov.TV [FR] is battling with copyright holders who want to limit its functions [FR] , despite the significant influence of its co-founders. RequiredPay a tax on a private copy to the official organization [FR] . The amount is determined by rather opaque calculations [FR] and increases [FR] every year, reaching several dozen eurocents per user per month. This board has become so high that Molotov.TV recently deleted the functions of its service for free users [FR] . (Note: I sincerely thank the journalists of the French site NextINpact for very good coverage of this topic).

Pay is not enough: the law requires entities like Molotov.TV to sign agreements [FR]with copyright companies about the functionality of your service. Try to reach an agreement with radio companies if you start cutting their ads.

Option 3. The server sends only metadata.

Another option is for the user and the server to simultaneously listen to the same Internet radio. At the same time, the server analyzes the sound and sends classification metadata (ad / talk / music) to the user, but not audio content. Since 2017, has been working on such an architecture . It relies on CDN, so it does not incur any costs in terms of audio broadcast.

This architecture removes the problem of copyright infringement (disclaimer: I am not a lawyer). However, there may still be some ambiguity regarding trademark laws. Recently (October 2018), Skyrock radio owners demanded that content be removed on this basis.

Romantic message from the Skyrock legal department

In addition to legal considerations, there is a technical problem of correct synchronization between sound and metadata. In most cases, everything works fine with a synchronization interval of less than two seconds. But some radio stations have strange / malicious CDNs or they dynamically insert ads into the stream. This means that the flow between the server and different clients may differ significantly. For example, on Radio FG , lags for up to 20 seconds were observed, and for Jazz Radio - up to 45 seconds. It disappoints the listeners.

Synchronization can be rigidly implemented by comparing data blocks between a server and a user. Unfortunately, this does not work in web browsers, because most CDNs from Internet radio stations do not use CORS headers.. Therefore, JavaScript in the browser will not be able to read the audio content for comparison. You will need separate stand-alone modules (for example, Electron ), Flash (aha) modules or web extensions, which seems a bit redundant.

You can integrate Adblock Radio into your player.

This project is not for end users, but for companies that produce a mass product. You can do this!

Developers have two options for integrating Adblock Radio. First, the SDK simply takes the metadata from the server. This is not an ideal solution for the reasons described above (legal and timing issues). It is better to run the full analysis algorithm .


  • Mobile applications for Internet radio and podcasts. Keras models need to be converted to native Tensorflow, and the Keras + Tensorflow library can be replaced with Tensorflow Lite for Android and iOS . Node.JS routines are implemented using the React Native plugin or in case of emergency with Termux .
  • browser extensions work with Tensorflow JS and SQL.js . The extension can control the volume slider in popular Internet radio directories such as TuneIn or . I have already worked on this extension. It was fun to tinker with JavaScript players to get this control. Depending on your implementation, keep in mind the timing issues we discussed above.


  • digital alarm clocks and amateur projects, subject to the availability of sufficient computing power and access to the network. Platforms like Raspberry Pi Zero / A / B should be sufficient for analyzing a single stream, although RPi 3B / 3B + is recommended for parallel management of multiple threads. Tensorflow is on Raspbian .
  • connected speakers such as sonos . The algorithm itself will not work on such equipment, so you need to process data either in the cloud or on a separate device in the same local network (for example, on Raspberry). Great idea for a crowdfunding campaign.

Adblock Radio in the car

The car is one of the most popular places to listen to the radio. There, people really need an ad blocker. But this is the context where implementing Adblock Radio is not easy. After all, the system should receive feedback in order to effectively filter the new advertising, so the program needs a network connection. I see three possible concepts for automotive products with Adblock Radio.

  • Application compatible with infotainment systems of modern cars . Probably the easiest way to transfer data is through the user's smartphone. The smartphone can also be used separately - with a mobile application, streaming Internet radio, via audio output, connecting to the car's AUX or Bluetooth. It can also be integrated with the car's infotainment system, in the spirit of Apple Car Play , Android Auto and MirrorLink . It would be fantastic to listen to terrestrial radio (FM, DAB). But work is needed to determine in which configurations Adblock Radio can access the audio output of the radio tuner and, at the same time, control it (volume, channel).
  • Universal hardware adapter, dedicated user interface . It is also possible to develop non-standard equipment, similar to existing DAB-adapters for cars . These devices are tuned to radio stations and transmit audio data to the car system via the AUX connector or via an unused FM channel, like old iPod FM adapters . Access to the network can be via a smartphone via a Bluetooth connection. Alternative solutions could be considered, such as Sigfox and LoRa , if the bit rate and price are appropriate. A special user interface should be developed, separately from the main car device. In the end, this may be too expensive solution.
  • The minimalist device that hacks FM-receiver . Such a small device can, if necessary, control the tuner. We need a standard, but easy to connect interface. Steering wheel switches are a good candidate , but end users cannot easily modify them for this purpose. So you need to hack the system.

    This headless device will have an FM tuner and a microphone to analyze which station the user is listening to (cross-correlation). When an advertisement is detected, the device emits fake RDS data (for example, traffic announcements ) to trick the car's tuner and change the station for the duration of the advertisement. He can also broadcast silence on the current FM frequency.

    The interface of this device is very simple, with just a few buttons. So cheaper than a full-featured car adapter. However, it is not clear whether this will work reliably, because without a license, the use of radio transmitters is strictly limited by law . Finally, it is not known whether such a strategy can be adapted for working with DAB digital streams.

If it is possible to develop a cheap device, then such a product should have commercial success. In addition, it is suitable for crowdfunding.

The project needs signals about incorrect operations and assistance in their processing.

When integrating Adblock Radio into the product, please leave an opportunity for feedback. Incorrect triggers should be immediately reported to me so that I can update the machine learning model and hotlist database.

Reports are reviewed manually: it is enough to indicate the name of the radio station (s) and the time when the problem occurred. The library founded reporting mechanism for sending.

Report processing takes time. In addition to server costs, this is another reason why I have not added more radio stations to Need help to listen to audio tracks and classify content in the admin web interface. Thanks to this, we will be able to increase the number of radio stations and provide support for podcasts. If you are ready to help, pleaseregister here and follow the repository where the discussion of supported threads will take place.

How to replace advertising: the UX question

Skipping an advertisement in a podcast is trivial: from the listener's point of view, this is like skipping part of a song. Unfortunately for radio this does not work. On the air, we can not rewind forward!

Now offers three filtering options:

  • volume down
  • switching to another station and returning back after the end of the advertisement. This is true if the user is listening to a talk show. During the advertisement, he temporarily switches to the music station.
  • constant switching to another station. Useful when listening to music stations.

I tried my best to make it as convenient as possible, but the system is still complicated. Not as simple as a regular radio or ad blocker on a computer that you can set and forget . I look forward to the help of the collective mind.

The current web interface Adblock Radio

The old prototype, which never came out. Here the user has absolutely complete freedom of settings. Only conversational transmissions from one station, only music from another, etc. But the testers are so confused! Looking back, even this interface is hard for

me to understand. It seems interesting to me one more way to listen to the content. I could not implement it on for the legal reasons mentioned above. Instead, I made a standalone desktop player (also available on Github ), in the spirit of digital video recorders . Users start listening with a shift in time of about 10 minutes (that is, for example, at 7.30 am they start listening to audio broadcast from 7.20). At each commercial break, fast forward takes place - and you can enjoy your program without interruption. With a typical amount of advertising, a ten-minute shift allows you to listen to the radio without a break for an hour or two. In the case of a mobile application, this would be enough to get to work.

When the user turns on the device, he needs to deliver a ten-minute broadcast. How to do this in the context of mobility, with restrictions on the amount of energy and data? Please note that the law prohibits unlicensed third parties (in the cloud) to broadcast radio recordings.

Working prototype radio player with a shift in time. Audio units are classified by segment. The music is blue, the talk is green, and the advertisement is red. When the pink cursor reaches the red zone (ads), it skips it.

In the long term, the system can take in broadcast content from all stations - and fully customize it to suit the tastes of each listener. To broadcast your favorite programs, music to the user's taste, embed podcasts, etc. In my opinion, live content that is difficult to postpone and download later is best suited for such “spotting”: sports events, news, weather forecast, live music and etc. Perhaps this will become an alternative business model for radio .


The technical solution for blocking ads on radio and podcasts has turned out to be more difficult than we would like. Models need to be updated periodically to reflect new clips. This means that the system should be used in devices connected to the Internet, such as smartphones and WiFi radio. The service is not yet suitable for conventional autonomous radio receivers (FM, DAB +). Fortunately, with the ubiquity of mobile communication, people change their habits, so in the future ad blocking should become easier.

You can help develop Adblock Radio.

  • As a radio listener: turn on the player , listen to the radio and note recognition errors so that the algorithm can learn. No your favorite stations? No problem, go here and leave a request.
  • As a developer: go to the repository , run the demo, you can join the discussion. See also the demo of the desktop player on Electron.
  • As a product manager: contact us if you want to integrate Adblock Radio into your product. I'll be glad to help.

In the future, audio advertising will remain only in distant memories! Thanks for reading.

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