Meet the .NET community at CLRium # 4 + online

    Do you like grocery reports? Me not. Do you like reports not related to the conference topic? I am absolutely not. One gets the feeling that I am paying for other people's ambitions and lack of content. Therefore, we make CLR ium 4: where we collect all the latest, useful ... And most importantly - guts!

    Now, in addition to the reports there will be a heated discussion between the speakers on the possibilities of C # 8.0 , which are full of ambiguous moments. And believe me, it will be hot: I don’t accept many moments, but the second speaker, Alexander Kugushev, assures that they are so useful that at least tomorrow - in prod. Natalia Tsvilikh holds a mixed point of view ... A very interesting conversation, I promise you.

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    cool Examples of articles and a complete list of topics of speeches - under the cut


      IDisposable: difficulties and pitfalls

    When you get used to doing something very simple, sometimes you do not pay attention, that behind the simplicity there is a huge amount of pitfalls. The IDisposable template is known to every developer, but its use is often made with errors even by Microsoft and causes inconvenience to other developers. The report will deal with the formats of the template implementation, the formats of use in different scenarios, and the options for replacing it, where its use will only lead to problems.

      Lifetime as an IoC IDisposable replacement

    The standard IDisposable template solves many resource release tasks that a developer faces. However, for many situations, you have to break your brains first, and then your fingers, in order to solve certain problems in the sequence of the Dispose call. We’ll talk about a simple but extremely effective template that essentially performs the Dispose IoC process: Lifetime

      From revolution to evolution: CoreCLR and new features of the platform

    Warm-up report on the recently released and not yet released features. NET Core. Having listened to it, you can form a general opinion about where we are going, what you should pay attention to, what to try, and what to put on the shelf.

      Span <T>, Memory <T>

    New data types that are not afraid of the word revolutionary. Indeed, besides the unification of working with arrays, strings, and unmanaged data buffers, they additionally legalize many unsafe operations. We will learn from the report: why they were introduced, for what tasks, how fast they work and on which platforms, and also we will start to treat unsafe code more calmly, because that will become safe and manageable. In general, I strongly advise: a detective with a happy ending.

      Memory: MemoryHandle, MemoryManager, MemoryPool

    In this report, we will continue the conversation about memory, going into more practical examples and techniques: we will consider new opportunities for renting arrays, data buffers. We will get acquainted with the new concept of ownership of the memory area. And in general, let's get ready to speed up our algorithms with new methods. After all, while we wait, the leading developers are already using the new functionality with might and main: this is the Castle Project and System.IO.Pipes and many others

      Garbage Collector API

    The garbage collector is now replaceable. For this, it would seem that all that is needed is to implement the appropriate interface. The report is intended to show and tell about the new API, its capabilities and new approaches that we need to remember for the future (which, as usual, comes suddenly). And also, in general terms - what awaits us in this very future. In other words: what is the GC API and why do we need to know about it?

      Global Tools and Command Line Interface API

    One of the most powerful, unambiguously necessary and not clear questions: Global Tools and Command Line Interface API. In short, a means of building cross-platform commands for the command line of .NET projects. Let us consider in more detail, examine the ready-made examples (it is already being fully integrated into the products) and decide: where it is needed, and when you just remember its existence - for the future

      ClrMD: developing your own debugger (it's very simple!)

    There is an interesting library for debugging processes and memory dumps.
    And the best part is that this library is written in the usual for
    .NET. This means that you can investigate the problem by developing scripts to search for problem areas of the application. This will often speed debugging. We will understand how this is done.

    A couple of words about the speaker

    All reports in the grid are read by one speaker:

    Stanislav Sidristy
    An experienced speaker at various conferences and meetings and the author of the online book CLR Book: under the hood of the .NET Framework .
    He worked in such companies as Epam Systems, Luxoft, Kaspersky Lab, implementing tasks of various levels of complexity in C #, Groovy, C / C ++ and other languages.


    Price - 3,000 rubles. Now it's like going to the store.

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