Why do you need a chin

    Humans are the only animals that have a chin. In chimpanzees and gorillas, the lower jaw does not protrude forward in the form of a roller, as did not appear in the Neanderthal man and the erectus. Only a modern person has a chin triangle formed by small chin bones. And no one knows why.

    Shot from the movie "Me, I and Irene Again"

    "It's really weird that only people have chins," says James Pampush) from Duke University. “When we consider things that are unique in modern man, we cannot talk about big brains or upright posture, because our ancestors had the same thing. But they had no chins. ” In some people, the chins are more pronounced, their shape and size depend on the finely chin ossicles, body fat and muscles.

    Why does a man need a chin? Scientists do not have a single answer to this question, but there are many theories. One of the most popular is that chins arose as an adaptation to chewing loads. After a person began to eat food cooked on fire, he no longer needed large teeth and powerful jaws, the lower part of his face decreased, and his chin formed for balance. The flip side of modern human diet has become a threatcaries and other dental problems.

    According to scientists, the chin is associated with an increase in the size of the human brain. When our ancestor, bipedal man, already allegedly ate boiled food, he still did not have a chin.

    Among the causes of the appearance of the chin, and sexual. Plastic surgeon Rustam Khalilullin believes that male beauty and presentability are nothing more than a competitive advantage in modern society:

    “It is known that sexual dimorphism is found in almost all types of birds, mammals, and insects. From the standpoint of species evolution, the male has always been distinguished by more pronounced, catchy features for attracting the attention of females and for battle in search of food.

    As in the animal kingdom: motivation, social characteristics of the personality and character of the male individual have the same dominant goal - the battle in search of food and the female. Just the battlefields are already different, and the arsenal in these battles has increased significantly.

    Times have changed, hunting and battles have ceased to be the most relevant occupation in the world, but the subconscious perception of a man has not changed.

    The current canons of male beauty: regular, large facial features, strong-willed chin, expressive eyes, large straight nose.

    In business, they trust men with a manly appearance more. Women are also more likely to consider this particular male type as a potential father of their children. ”

    A powerful chin is an indicator of increased testosterone levels and good heredity, like the tail of a peacock and deer antlers. This theory also has a weak point: women have chins, and striking signs of belonging to a certain gender usually belong to only one of the sexes.

    From the point of view of aesthetics and beauty, for a man an outstanding chin serves as one of the elements of sexual dimorphism, that is, the appearance features characteristic of sex.

    There is an assumption that the chin helped to adapt the jaw of a person to speech. But there is no evidence that our language exerts such strength during a conversation that the appearance of additional bones is justified. In addition, other mammals also communicate using sounds, but they do not have a chin.

    The natural selection hypothesis suggests that the chin appeared as a result of adaptation to blows to the face. The more powerful the chin was, the greater the force a person could withstand. But this hypothesis suggests that people constantly beat each other.

    James Pampush doubtsthat the chin appeared as a result of adaptation to something. Perhaps it was a side effect. In the process of evolution, the human face was shortened, the pose straightened. To give the tongue and soft tissues of the human mouth more space, the jaw leaned forward, instead of returning to the skull back immediately after the lower teeth. But the contour of the inner surface of the mouth does not repeat the external structure of the person’s face. Another explanation is that the load on the teeth decreased, they decreased and began to “be pulled into the face”, and for balance, the lower jaw that holds them increased, forming a chin.

    There is no answer to the question why the chin appeared yet. And theories show only how scientists try to explain its appearance from the point of view of the science they study.

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