Help NASA create a robot for the space station


    Most of us dream of working for NASA . However, most likely, this dream will never come true, since the agency employs only 18,000 people, which is 0,0002% of the world's population.
    But here you have a unique chance.

    NASA needs your experience in developing a hand for a robot that will help ISS residents "interact with small objects." It received the name "Astrobee" ("Cosmopolitan"). This is a flying robot that the space agency plans to create for operation outside the International Space Station (ISS) in 2017.

    If you are interested, submit an application on the NASA affiliate site The agency believes that such a set of candidates will lead to an alternative concept that will provide additional opportunities.

    The site for registering participation in the program has already been visited by more than 3,328 people, so the competition promises to be hot. What will the winner get? Little. NASA does not plan to entice participants with large rewards, and it is unlikely that the prestige gained as a result of such cooperation will help you pay bills. 30 finalists will be selected, each of whom will receive $ 10 for his hard work. Yes, exactly $ 10. This is not a typo. After that, NASA will send each finalist a list of requirements for candidates, and everyone who matches them will receive another $ 100.
    “NASA is expanding its collaboration with ordinary people in order to get solutions to the problems that we encountered in the process of developing complex space systems. This approach will create new designs and provide information on new design systems through open innovation, ”commented Jason Crusan, director of advanced intelligence systems at NASA.

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