The US Marshals Service seized the stand of the manufacturer of one-wheeled electric skateboards directly at CES

    Yes, and it happens - right at CES, marshals from the US Federal Marshals Service appeared. Their goal was the stand of a Chinese company producing one-wheeled electric skateboards. As it turned out, this company, Changzhou First International Trade, violated the patent of another company, Future Motion, which presented exactly the same vehicle at CES two years ago.

    Now the company is selling its electric skateboard, called OneWheel, at a price of $ 1,500 per unit. Moreover, the device is patented, and the company owns all rights to such a system. It is clear that the leadership of Future Motion, having learned about the appearance of a competitor with a similar vehicle, decided to take action. I note that the price of an electric skateboard from the Chinese is $ 500.

    The management wrote an appeal to competitors, but received no response. When Changzhou First International Trade appeared at the exhibition, Future Motion already had more opportunities to do something, since the exhibition takes place in the United States. After going to court, Future Motion got a warrant ordering the competitor to close his booth and leave the exhibition. Marshals seized all products from the stand, and the stand itself was closed.

    Future Motion believes that the appearance of a low-grade analogue can have a negative effect on the attitude of customers to OneWheel, so it was simply necessary to take some measures. Changzhou First International Trade will probably continue to sell its products in China, but in the USA it is unlikely to enter the market after what happened.

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