Angry cat sues coffee maker due to copyright infringement

The cat clearly looks unhappy. However, as always (source: grumpycats.com),
Grumpy Cat or Angry Cat is extremely dissatisfied with the activities of one company that supplies coffee to the market and everything connected with it. According to the owners of the cat, whose real name is Tardar Sauce, the coffee maker illegally uses the image of the animal and its nickname. Now the owners of "Angry Cat" are suing this company, planning to receive a refund of hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition, it is planned to select the grumpycat.com domain name from the coffee manufacturer.
There are many "star" cats on the Web, but the "Angry Cat" is rightfully considered the leader. The owners of the animal earned millions of US dollars using the unusual appearance of their ward. Part of the profit came from companies that acquired the right to use the Angry Cat brand (yes, there is a patent and a registered trademark). One such company is Grenade Beverage. This company produces, in particular, the Grumppuccino coffee-glasse, legally (according to the contract) using the image of the animal. Everything would be fine if this company did not launch coffee beans with a cat on the packaging and did not start using the grumpycat.com domain name.
Cat owners filed a lawsuit in the federal court of California to solve the problem.

Earlier, the owners notified Grenada of their dissatisfaction with the fact that the coffee supplier began to use the symbols associated with the cat everywhere. But the company decided to continue working.

In addition, the company uses the grumpycat.com domain to host a website that sells products with the "Angry Cat" logo. As mentioned above, the owners of the cat cooperate with the manufacturer. But this cooperation concerns one product, and not a number of different products.
Grumpy Cat is a cat who, thanks to her unusual appearance, became an Internet celebrity after the brother of her mistress posted a photo of the cat on Reddit in September 2012. According to the hostess, Tabata Bundesen, a similar appearance is associated with congenital dwarfism and malocclusion. The name of the cat comes from the name of the tartar sauce. This is due to the fact that when she was still a kitten, her hair was covered with dark spots. Krystal, daughter of Tabata, decided it was like tartar sauce. The name Tardar Sauce was spelled in error, but in the end they decided not to change it.
Whether the "Angry Cat" wins or not is a question. However, Grenada should be afraid of a lawsuit, because it is known that cats almost always come out victorious from any situation. Cats can also cope with humans without any problems, beingthe carrier of toxoplasmosis .
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