Notch is going through hard times

    Almost a year has passed since Microsoft bought for $ 2.5 billion the Swedish company Mojang AB, the developer of the famous Minecraft game.

    Marcus [ Notch ] Persson became a billionaire after this deal. According to the assessment of the Forbes, the developer is estimated personal fortune of $ 1.3 billion.

    Unfortunately, money does not bring happiness. Marcus today posted a series of very sad tweets that arouse sympathy and concern for him.

    Notch complains that life has become “lonely” and “empty” after the sale of the company.

    As a warning to those who are striving for “financial success,” his words sound: “Now I am relaxing in Ibiza with a bunch of friends and hanging out with celebrities, I can do what I want, but I never felt more lonely.”

    “The problem is that when you get everything, the incentive to try to do something disappears, and relationships with people become impossible because of the imbalance.”

    “Having returned to Sweden, I will sit back, look at my reflection in the monitor and wait for friends with their work and families to have time for at least something.”

    The saddest thing is that the guys from Mojang, according to Marcus Persson, have lost all friendly feelings after a deal with Microsoft. And this despite the fact that he tried to do a lot for them. For example, in 2012, he refused dividends and distributed his three million dollars among employees . At that time, only 25 people worked in the company, and some of them could not hold back tears after such a boss’s act.

    Now the situation has changed. Notch says they hate him at a former firm. One of the Mojang developers tried to object . Like, the negative was at first, due to shock from the news about the sale of the company, and then passed. But Marcus does not believe in this. He says that no one came out and said that it was just an initial shock.

    In general, everything is bad. "I would like to become like Musk, try to save the world, but then I will have to deal with the same goats again that made me sell Minecraft."

    In his personal life, Marcus Persson is also unchanged. “I found a cool girl, but she was scared of my lifestyle and preferred a normal guy.”

    What can I say ... Hold on, Notch!

    It is said that unexpected success in life often has such consequences, and it will pass. Well, if so.

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