JS DevDay: about titanium, workers and hybrids

    We are preparing to do what we haven’t done for two years now - on April 27th we will assemble 150 devotees for JavaScript on DevDay. We will learn how to live with Titanium, speed up an application with service workers and write a hybrid application in Angular.

    Under the cat, attendance, passwords and about broadcast.

    § Details

    DevDay is an open meeting for outgoing IT specialists in Novosibirsk. There are no forbidden topics - at the last meetings we discussed microservices , functional programming , .NET . But about JavaScript for two years now, not a word. We correct and invite: come to visit or join the broadcast.

    § What will be discussed?

    We argued for a long time which platform to choose, and could not decide. Therefore, it will be about React, and about Angular, and even about Titanium. Within the framework of the meeting - three performances.

    We'll start by comparing Appcelerator Titanium and React Native - it will be a story of pain and the experience gained. Then we write our first service worker and finally understand why it is needed. In the end, we’ll discuss how to get your hybrid application together by combining Angular and AngularJS.

    § Program

    One more time: April 27, Friday.
    Time in Novosibirsk (GMT +7), for Moscow, the start of reports at 15:00.

    18:30 - Tea and the joy of meeting
    19:00 - Аppcelerator Titanium VS React Native // ​​Pavel Akulov, Magora Systems
    19:50 - Service workers. Application Strategies // Andrey Mikhailov, 2GIS
    21:00 - Apartment Building. Angular Hybrid Application: what it is, why, and most importantly how // Dinara Krylova, Positive Technologies
    22:00 - Communication

    Study the program on devday.ru , look for familiar names among the participants .

    What's next? We decided to come in person - register . We will remind you of the meeting. Dwell on the broadcast - also register . We will send you a link to the video.

    See you on DevDay!

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