The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 305 (March 5 - 11, 2018)
We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Entertaining
Broadcast channel for Russian-speaking IT podcasts
Frontend Weekend podcast # 43 - Alexey Fedorov about HolyJS organization, foreign speakers and the conference business
Web Standards podcast Issue No. 111: new podcasts, new Chrome 65s, reliable coincidence, smushgate and MooTools , Webpack and Make, CSSO story and Arthur Stolyar about who needs PWA
Web History podcast by Tim Marinin: “How could it be otherwise”
devschacht podcast: Night frontend # 25 - Reflections on application architecture
Podcast Frontend Youth (18+) # 41 The Secret to Better Typing in JS
"DevShow" by loftblog, How to get an interview in IT?
“ALL YOUR HTML” # 39: “Houdini and life hack with greensock”
4 videos from KharkivFrontend Meetup # _2
Vuejs Amsterdam, 10 videos
Moscow JS 40 - report, guest reviews and videos
Everything simple has become complicated again
Choose between Progressive Web Apps, React Native and NativeScript in 2018
• Movies on CSS, or How I animated grids
CSS oddities that are useful to know about
Stable release of LibSass version 3.5 , as well as the recent update of LESS to version 3.0.0
How to write CSS so that it works in all browsers, even old ones
How I organize CSS in large projects using UFOCSS - Part 1
Say hello to Houdini and the CSS Paint API
We write CSS the same way we did in the 90s, and yes - it's silly
• JavaScript Learning Plan for 2018
New React API: Suspense (ru subtitles, from Dan's performance at JS Conf)
GraphQL: everything you need to know
How I created a super-fast JS framework
JavaScript modules that are worth using
• Now, almost every third website in the global network uses WordPress [W3Techs Research]
• Silicon Valley is everything. So says Silicon Valley itself
• Google has opened access to the source code of the system to search for exoplanets
• Why PDF is the most important document storage format in the world. And what does Paul Manafort have to do with it
• How information technologies have changed our perceptions
• Infographics: what happened on the Internet in a minute in 2017
Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .
Media | Web Development | CSS | Javascript | Entertaining











Web development


- AMP:
• Google wants to make AMP the web standard
•Google's insider plans to make the entire web as fast as AMP
• Thequestion is not about AMP, but at Google
- Performance:
•Download third-party JavaScript . Using DevTools & Lighthouse to identify heavy 3P scripts and techniques for loading them efficiently in an article by Eddie Osmani and Arthur Evans
•Three performance techniques for using custom fonts
•Complete Browser Hints tutorial: Preload, Prefetch and Preconnect
•How I optimized loading of my slow website on WordPress up to .2s (100% Pingdom + GTmetrix Scores): detailed list with 40+ relevant WP optimization tips
- Tools:
•Introducing “npm ci” for faster and more reliable builds
• PhantomJS development discontinued
•What's new in webpack 4
• Release of Chrome 65 web browser
•New in Chrome 65: CSS Paint API, Server Timing API and CSS display: contents
•coördinator - an online tool for converting SVG to XY coordinates
- Accessibility:
•Accessible Landmarks . More about ARIA accessibility tags
•A11y is not only ...
•Vox accessibility guide / checklist
•Some things about text in `alt`
- Animation:
• Weekly selection of beautiful effects on CSS / SVG / JS # 73
•Creative audio visualizers using the p5.js library
•CSS techniques for creating unusual creative effects for text
•Wormco - a fun status indicator
• Movies on CSS, or How I animated grids






- Fonts:
• Acouple of non-obvious rakes when using web fonts
•About the nuances and advantages of using Glyphhanger - a tool for controlling subsets in fonts
•Dynamically increasing fonts using CSS variables
•Font (More) Awesome - how to create your own custom font and integrate it into Font Awesome
•User Experience and Web Fonts, or the Crazy World of Downloading Fonts on the Web
•FontDrop! - just drag and drop OpenType and TrueType fonts into this online tool to see what they are made of
• JavaScript Learning Plan for 2018




- Theory:
•Show .getInstance: Template literal
• Use iterators in JS . Changing the approach to loops
•How JS works: web push notifications
•4 layers of Single Page Applications that you need to know about
- Typescript:
•Мой лучший новый друг TypeScript
•TypeScript — JavaScript с суперспособностями — часть II
•Введение в TypeScript: статическую типизацию для веба
•Как написать одностраничное приложение (SPA) с использованием Vue.js
•Начинаем пользоваться NativeScript-Vue 1.0
•vue-tour — простой легковесный плагин для создания кастомизированных экскурсий по сайту с помощью Vue.js
•4 совета для работы с Vue.js
•Как я написал самую быструю функцию мемоизации
•react-css-grid-table — табличная библиотека для React, использующая CSS Grid Layout
•Управление состоянием форм в React с помощью Redux Form
•Начинаем работать с ngUpgrade: переход от AngularJS к Angular
•Использование инструментов React для улучшения приложений на Angular
•tinystate — небольшая но мощная библиотека по работе с состоянием в Angular
•Создание Angular библиотек без временных затрат используя Schematics
- Libs & Plugins:
•Awaity.js - a functional and lightweight alternative to bluebird.js, inspired by async / await
•workly - an easy way to transfer a function / class to web worker
• Now, almost every third website in the global network uses WordPress [W3Techs Research]
• Silicon Valley is everything. So says Silicon Valley itself
• Google has opened access to the source code of the system to search for exoplanets
• Why PDF is the most important document storage format in the world. And what does Paul Manafort have to do with it
• How information technologies have changed our perceptions
• Infographics: what happened on the Internet in a minute in 2017
We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.
Last week's digest .
Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .