ITMO University "in practice": with which technology companies we cooperate

    We talk about collaboration and partnership projects with enterprises, financial organizations, telecommunications companies and software developers.

    Software development companies

    ITMO University and VKontakte: lectures on AI systems and festivals

    Last year, our university conducted the ITMO VKontakte Olympiad. Three thousand high school students from all over Russia and other countries participated in it. In the final part, Andrei Zakonov, Director of Growth and Research, VK (a graduate of ITMO University) spoke to the audience. He spoke about machine learning technologies used in the company.

    Andrei also gave an interview in which he told what role AI systems play in the work of the “smart tape”. This feed personalizes the content displayed to the user in the feed, taking into account the type of platform (mobile or desktop), geography and time to read the news.

    In addition to the ITMO VKontakte Olympiad, our university works with a social network and in other areas. For example, ITMO University traditionally participates in VK Festby arranging your interactive zone on the site. In the framework of the festival in 2018, we organized a lecture hall at the University of Children, where teachers told children and their parents about science at the university. Also presented an interactive trampoline with a machine vision system. When a person jumps on this trampoline, the speed and height of his jump is duplicated by the hero of a computer game climbing on virtual platforms.

    Our students participate not only in festivals held by VKontakte, but also various hackathons. For example, they participate in VK Hackathon, which has been held since 2015. By the way, one of the first competitions was held at ITMO University, and in the framework of VK Hackathon 2018, the best app was for blood donors VK Donorsdesigned by our students.

    InfoWatch opens a training center at ITMO University

    At the beginning of 2018, we, together with the Russian developers of information security products InfoWatch, opened a new training center - ITMO – Infovotch. In it, ITMO students will be taught the intricacies of monitoring data leaks in companies and writing surveys on exploits.

    Our collaboration with InfoWatch is not limited to a learning center. For example, we have been organizing the Olympiad “I am a Professional” for several years already (we have prepared a separate series of articles on the directions of this Olympiad: about photonics , robotics , big data ). InfoWatch also oversees the master's program on Security of Cyber-Physical Systems, and the company's specialists regularly hold lectures at the university.

    ITMO University and JetBrains: launch a joint master's program

    This is the Software Development program, in which representatives of JetBrains will conduct a number of courses: algorithms, programming, in-depth training and image analysis.

    In addition to undergraduates, JetBrains participate in the preparation of our bachelors. Employees of the company read courses in the disciplines "Programming Languages" and "MO".

    Also, the JetBrains team constantly shares its experience in open lectures for teachers and students. For example, Sergey Kuks, head of the .NET development department, recently told how JetBrains organized business processes, and our graduate and co-author of the Kotlin language, Andrei Breslav, explained how to create a new software program and not “burn out” at work.

    Telecommunication companies

    “Everything is moving towards digitizing the physical world.”

    ITMO University is actively working with PJSC Rostelecom on several fronts at once. In particular, starting from 2018, Alisa Korzhenevskaya, director of Rostelecom projects, is reading the course “Systems for Interdepartmental Electronic Interaction (SMEV)” at our university. The course deals with the intricacies of working with IT systems in the public sector.

    Another joint project of Rostelecom and ITMO University is an accelerator of IT startups . His goal is to help domestic projects to enter the market and “spur” software development in our country. We have prepared a separate article on the news portal, in which we talked about the benefits of this project.for the Russian IT segment. In it, Rostelecom representatives explain the criteria for selecting projects for the accelerator.

    How do we develop science in the telecom industry together with ER-Telecom?

    ER-Telecom Holding is an independent telecom services operator. He works in the market for 17 years. In early 2018, we decided to develop together the scientific and educational spheres. The leading direction of steel IoT-technology for solving problems of a smart city using the LoRaWAN protocol (used in data networks with a wide radius of action).
    Based on joint experience, we also form a new educational program - our students now acquire knowledge in the field of the Internet of things and acquire the skills to solve practical problems at the intersection of telecom and IT technologies.
    Telecom operator expressed its intention to use part of the development of staff and students of ITMO University and contribute to the creation of new technologies.

    Banks and financial institutions

    ITMO University and Bank Saint Petersburg: behavioral analytics

    A year ago, we, together with Bank St. Petersburg, began long-term cooperation. To do this, we have deployed an environment for working with Big Data on the bank's infrastructure, where you can test and set up predictive models of people's behavior when working with financial products.

    For students of ITMO University this project is a way to hone skills in working with big data, and for a bank it is an opportunity to improve the level of customer service at times.

    Industrial enterprises

    ITMO University is reforming the master's program "Optoelectronics"

    In 2018, we restarted the Optoelectronics program with the support of the industry giants of the Russian Federation. She is supervised by employees of INTER RAO LED systems. This company is the only one in Russia engaged in the integrated production of full-cycle LEDs.

    Partners of the program are also Connector-Optics, where it creates epitaxial plates for lasers and photodiodes, and Hevel Corporation, which is engaged in the field of photovoltaics and produces solar cells. Another partner company is Semiconductor Technologies. She develops and manufactures semiconductor lasers.

    In addition to giving lectures, representatives of these organizations independently work out a program for the training of specialist engineers: they prescribe disciplines, determine the way they are taught, supervise practice.

    Dmitry Bauman, a professor at the Department of Lighting Technologies and Optoelectronics at ITMO University, talks about the intricacies and difficulties of this process in our article.

    How to prepare specialists in the field of BIM-technologies

    BIM stands for Building Information Modeling and is used to create dynamic models of buildings during design. Modeling is necessary for risk management and resource planning. In this article, we discuss how things are with BIM-technologies in Russia and tell about the new educational program of the university for the training of BIM-specialists. She was preparing in conjunction with representatives of the company "Geodetic instruments", engaged in the development of equipment and software for surveying.

    Employees of the company have already conducted a course of lectures at the ITMO University. The program was useful for our students, so we decided that the platform for retraining of designers could be another successful partner project.

    British company TRA Robotics - a new partner of ITMO University

    In the startup TRA Robotics create robots and software products for the transition of enterprises to autonomous production. At the GoTech forum, company representatives saw the developments of our students and immediately offered the University to create a joint project. Partnerships should help develop the global ecosystem in the field of robotics and AI systems, since TRA Robotics are already working with universities in Russia, Germany and the UK.

    There are already the first results of our joint work. This is a prototype of the universal industrial gripping device “Capture” and an algorithm for sensorless force-moment regulation for robots — we showed these solutions at TechCrunch Sessions: Robotics 2018. You can see these developments in the following video:

    How to improve the technology of liquefied natural gas

    Kirovsky Gas Technologies is an enterprise where they create the infrastructure for the production of compressed natural gas commissioned by Gazprom and other companies.

    The Zavod employees were tasked with developing an environmentally friendly and efficient method of liquefying gas. For help, they turned to our university. As a result, we launched an affiliate program, the details of which are discussed in this article.

    In particular, it includes the following aspects: training for the enterprise, an internship for undergraduate students in the field of “Technique and Technology of Liquefied Natural Gas”, as well as the implementation of joint research projects to improve the technology of liquefied natural gas.

    Educational organizations

    ITMO University and Mel Science will teach chemistry students

    How to teach an eight-year schoolboy to handle reagents and grow algae from salts? Mel Science is working on solving such problems: children kits for chemical experiments are collected here. An example of such a kit is MEL Chemistry. There, in addition to reagents and training equipment for the experiments, includes a special application with step-by-step instructions and 3D-models of chemicals. At the expense of the application, students receive theoretical knowledge, and then apply it in practice: they conduct experiments.

    Together with Mel Science, we created an educational program for primary schoolchildren, where children learn the basics of chemistry in practice in a playful way. In addition, we wanted to make the guys perceive chemical experiments not as foci, but understand the processes behind all reactions. We talk about what we did.

    ITMO University: we are building a new educational center "Haypark"

    In this article we are talking about the new scientific and educational center "ITMO Highpark". We are building it together with the University of Applied Sciences of South-East Finland. And it is expected that by 2021, representative offices of Russian and Finnish industrial companies will operate on campus.

    The project will allow Russian technology organizations to enter foreign markets and contribute to the promotion of technologies developed at ITMO University. More details on how the project is developing and what difficulties are yet to be resolved are in our article.

    ITMO University and LEGO Education: joint projects

    LEGO Education seeks to develop critical and innovative thinking skills in children from a very early age. This summer, the company's employees saw students from our Youth Center for Robotics perform at the All-Russian Robot Olympiad. The developments of our students impressed the LEGO Education team, so they offered the university to become partners.

    Together we plan to maximize the potential of talented schoolchildren, teaching them to develop projects entirely and apply a non-standard approach in solving problems. In particular, the WeDo 2.0 suite will be used to develop engineering design and programming skills.

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