Racing on jetpacks 2019

Original author: Loz Blain
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Tests for dangerous convergence completed, Jetpack Aviation is preparing to launch the world's first series of races on Jetpacks.


The Jetpack Aviation (JPA) team has just completed test flights in which the two pilots flew close enough to each other that they could easily joke each other on the nose. The next step will be the world's first jetpack racing series, which will begin in 2019, and yes, all existing jet boards and jet suits of the world are invited to participate!

It is said that the first race on motorcycles occurred on the same day when the second motorcycle was assembled - and it is not difficult to believe. With personal aircrafts, the key players should be much more cautious and methodical. Just one major incident with JA’s jetpacks by JPA or Flyboard Air designed by Frank Zapata may not only literally deprive the world of the pioneers of the industry who are making this aircraft revolution, but will also face legal restrictions that will spoil all the pleasure left behind [in living brave men].

So, for the most part, everyone in this game is doing everything possible to avoid any risk, or at least pretending well. Jetpack Aviation’s David Meiman went so far that he received the FAA certificate as the world's only registered jetpack instructor, which allowed the JPA to conduct a series of training events on the basics of piloting a jetpack for the general public and build a scheme by which jetpack owners can legally pass preparation before these roaring machines are fastened to their backs and dashed into the clouds.


In the end, we are talking about propelled turbine devices that fly without any restrictions above the ground at altitudes of up to 18,000 feet at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour (320 km / h). Moreover, while there is no information that someone really tried to reach these theoretical limit values. At the moment it is a kind of uncharted territory of the Wild West.

But, according to Meiman, it's high time that the personal aircraft industry gets an accelerating kick in the ass in the form of a racing series. And to test the feasibility of the idea, JPA spent the last 12 months performing tests to study how several jetpacks behave in close proximity to each other.


Recently JPA published a video showing some episodes from these tests, and demonstrated that these devices do not seem to create serious interference with each other when pilots go for a dangerous rendezvous - provided that you do not hang directly over the other guy's head. and don't burn it with the exhaust of your own jetpack. On the published video, you can see how Meiman stretches his hand and gives fellow test pilot Boris Jarry a playful jerk when the couple hovers over the lake.

Thus, a series of races, it seems, has every chance to happen. We asked Meiman about how their format might look, and he told us that for the safety of the race they would be held above the water, with a plan to hold similar competitions on a solid surface in a couple of years.

The overall format is likely to be similar to the Red Bull Air Race, with an emphasis on maneuverability and speed, and will require pilots to tack around special vertical pylons and perhaps some wide horizontal barriers through which they will have to fly from above and then come back from below.

Racing with the simultaneous participation of rivals, of course, is the main goal, but the JPA has to work with the aviation authorities to make the events more “kosher”. Therefore, Mayman says that the racing series at first will still have the appearance of individual performances "for the best lap time", in order to demonstrate visually that the concept and the aircraft itself are fairly safe.

Teams will need at least three jet packs or similar devices to participate in races. They will need to attract their own funding or find sponsors, and also buy or rent equipment from JPA if they do not have their own equipment. In this case, JPA will provide pilot training and maintenance of jetpacks.


Meiman maintains contacts with other developers of VTOL ( vertical take-off ) personal jet aircraft and hopes that the racing series can "become a place where other companies can also demonstrate their contribution to the future of transport."

As for audience impressions, well ... you probably want to bring earplugs with you! The roar of several turbine jetpacks, bursting across the sky, will "sound like a group of fighters flying very close by."

As soon as everything is ready, only the sky will be the limit for the sport with a jet pack. Mayman says that the team experimented with sports balloons and the result was not much different from the real game in Quidditch. And he assures us that backpacks are so steadily flying in close proximity to each other, that probably there should be rules for physical contact, since you can literally "jump out in front of someone from nowhere and kick him ..."

( Ed. - The set of pilots for the Russian national team is open! )

Results of the year 2018 turbojet


From zero to unit

In 2018, the first working turbojet hoverboard appeared in Russia, with a load of 35 (at the time of publication 65!) Kg, in which I made the first detachment from the surface and the first trainings.

Thank you, without your help and support, I could not.

Happy New Year, the 100th anniversary of the first patent for a jetpack!

"The goal should be an order of magnitude more complicated than all of us together, only then we need each other."


As a result / achievements of the year for the project, I will quote:
"Cool. Write a book - I’m happy to write a few words. Have a good flight! ”
- Sergey Lukyanenko
"Hello! Immersed in the history of the jetpack;) Very interesting topic for me!

About me briefly: An engineer, a test cosmonaut, made several hundred parachute jumps and have about a hundred hours of flying time on an L-39, as well as a small workshop with a CNC milling machine and a 3d printer of my own building.

Your subject is close and interesting to me, so if I can be useful, I will be very happy) But no, I’ll just support the repost!)) In any case, good luck to you! ”
“Thank you for being there”
- young Chita inventors
"Come to us again, the children really liked it."
- the charity foundation "Ship"
“Probably, this was my best day of cosmonautics.”
- Denis Efremov, developer of the world's first turbojet snowboard
“If you need help, please contact us”
- Gor Nakhapetyan
"Keep it up! Not a step back !!! ”
- Alexander Atamanov, HoverSurf
“Let's discuss options for cooperation.”
- TVEL (Rosatom)
"Alexey! Good day!

I work in the aircraft manufacturing corporation MiG. I am sure that you are familiar with the aircraft of our design bureau. Personally, I am very inspired by your activities aimed at creating, developing new, advanced directions. Unfortunately, work in a state corporation does not always contribute to the development of initiative and creativity among young (and in other matters not young) specialists. In your person, I see a perfect example of an inventor, innovator, designer for a modern aviation design school. Tell me please, would you be interested in interaction with young specialists of the corporation (and possibly other KB)? ”

By the way, the company RUVDS became interested in jetpack and helps storm the clouds.

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