Time management in projects

The greatest pain of modern man is time. Time is one of the most important and necessary resources. But the problem is that time can never be reversed, you cannot save it in any jar “until better times”, you cannot invest in a bank, you can buy or sell something on it (the film “Time” does not count). We spend time trying to exchange it for something else. That is why it is important to understand how you spend your time, you need to be able to appreciate it and properly organize the work process.

And true. The success of any person depends not only on what kind of income he has or what other material resources he has. It is especially important how the gears move in his head, how he perceives the world, whether he is looking for opportunities, whether he is developing in one direction or another, and how effectively he manages his resources, especially time. After all, the achievement of certain results and goals depends on where, how and how much time you invest. And this applies absolutely to any project, task. No one has yet been able to replace man as a resource. Therefore, the more effective we are, the more and better we will be able to solve problems of any etymology, spending a minimum of resources for this. That is why the knowledge of this topic is applicable in absolutely all areas.

There is such a magic thing for this: time management (time management, self-management). Let's look at Wikipedia:
Time management, time management, time management (time management) is a technology for organizing time and increasing the efficiency of its use.

Time management is an action or process of training conscious control over time spent on specific types of activities that specifically increase efficiency and productivity. Time management can help you get a number of skills, tools, and methods used to accomplish specific tasks, projects, and goals.
As a result, a decrease in workload, a better distribution of forces, a decrease in stress, eternal worries and attempts to make it through everywhere and everywhere.
Wikipedia says self-management includes a wide range of activities:

  • Planning
  • Distribution
  • Goal setting
  • Delegation
  • Time Analysis
  • Monitoring
  • Organization
  • Listing
  • Prioritization

As you can see, everything is slightly messy and fragmented into small tasks. And this is the right principle. The smaller and lighter tasks you divide one large, the simpler the process is. Because small and easy tasks are not so frightening, but rather rather pleasing, our inner essence. But I think that for a general understanding of the process one can single out fewer points. So consider the following:

  • Goal setting
  • Planning
  • Prioritization
  • Implementation
  • Control

1. Goal setting

This process is temporary, because goals change quite often due to certain situations. Achieving the goal also motivates further continuation of action and development. So we are arranged, that when we achieve what we were going to, then an even greater desire inside us to go forward with the right balance between the significance of the goal and the efforts made, flares up. That is why it is desirable to break one global goal into many small ones in order to maintain vitality and interest in work.

2. Planning

This paragraph makes the most sense on the topic of the article. This item allows you to save a decent bunch of time. Each time, before embarking on a project, you need to make a plan of action. It is like planning an architecture for an application before you start writing code. Let it take time for this event at the beginning of the journey, but save considerably in the future.

3. Prioritization

20% of all cases lead to 80% of the desired result - the Pareto principle.

In this paragraph, we already have a certain list of tasks that we have created to achieve the goals of paragraph 1. Now our task is to set priorities for each task, that is, to understand how important the task is at each stage, and in what order they should be implemented . From the above Pareto principle, you can clearly see that there are priorities, having made which, you can make significant progress in the development of the project. Therefore, you should not be sprayed on everything at once, you need to understand which tasks are most needed at this stage, and which of them will bring the greatest result. Many techniques for determining priorities for tasks are described on the Internet, so I will not go into such details.

5. Implementation

I think that the very name of the item is already suggestive of the content. It's all very clear. Implementation is the process of working to achieve the goal. But this process also should not be chaotic. It is worth structuring and planning it in order to avoid further problems. On the planning of the day and work is also full of articles on the Internet.

6. Control

Also do not forget about the control results. It helps to improve and optimize the work on the project. And this is the final stage, without which the previous results would not be so effective. Also determined by the vector of labor movement, if it coincides with the goals, then everything is in order, but if not, then you should think about what went wrong and revise some points in the development of the project.

This is all very cool and fun on theory. We all know very well how and what we need to organize in our head. But when it comes to practice, the handles are lowered, and clogging on all the principles of separation begins, and then motivation is lost and sailed ... This is at best. In the worst case, we immediately see the upcoming task, we are scared, we are not doing anything, we are again scared that we are not doing anything ... So why am I doing this? Many smart people have already implemented lifehacks for people like me (and maybe you). These are great services for scheduling time. In short, my personal top 3:

  • Pomodoro timer - timer based on the principle of "Tomato". The principle works on 30-minute reprises: 25 minutes of work on the task, 5 minutes of rest. After every fourth reprise, a big break of 25-30 minutes is made.
  • RescueTime - time tracker. He insidiously records all your actions on the Internet, how and where you spend your time. So that this case could be analyzed later. Well, maybe a little shame to even become.
  • Time Planner is an application for IOS with functions for analyzing work efficiency, time control, and also works as a task manager.

That's all, thank you for your attention.

For some information, thanks to the article on the wiki .

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