Atlassian User Group Ufa - the first pancake is not lumpy

    So Ufa has matured to the Atlassian Community and a single space of complaints about the new design, stability and practical solution to problems with Atlassian products. We held Ufa AUG # 1 and I can say for sure that the first pancake is not lumpy!


    1. The tragedy in three volumes: how we simplified processes in SkuVault, and how they reflected and automated it in Atlassian Jira | Presentation
    2. Confluence Feature Workflow
    3. Q&A session with questions on boards, integrations, time tracking in a task tracker, and a million other things

    In Ufa there is a demand for such events: the number of participants is blocked by many American AUGs (almost 20 - our office barely accommodated it), and the number (and quality) of questions shouts about the need to share common practices.

    The guests came modulbank , SMENA , the MEGA health center , and other representatives of various companies (game dev, IoT, startups).


    According to the results of the meeting, they distributed the Atlassian merch for the best questions!


    Over the past year as a whole, in Ufa, there have been many more meetings and conferences. Ufa, let's develop the IT community further!

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