First user with a million on stack overflow
Achievement unlocked: the first user with 1 million reputation points appeared on Stack Overflow .
Stack Overflow opened in September 2008 and has since been helping developers from around the world find the answers they need to technical questions. For example, a site showed a million users the way out of Vim. As of January 2017, Stack Overflow has 8 million registered users, 15 million questions and 24 million answers. Ten years ago, none of this happened.

Thanks to the thoughtful and collaborative work of the participants over the years, Stack Overflow has put together a library of programming questions and answers. This is a help for all developers, especially beginners.
Some developers every daywork answer the questions of others for the pluses. You can answer your own questions to save the results of a long search. The author receives a plus sign for his question - and he brings him 5 reputation points, a plus sign for the answer - 10. If you are interested in the question and the answer came in handy, they can be added year after year. The number of pluses affects the location of the answers on the page and what kind of response users will see first. That is, nonsense, incorrect answers and all other rubbish are minuscule, remain below and do not prevent website visitors from benefiting.
For ten years, each of the most active participants answered 20-23 thousand questions from developers. For their contribution to the general knowledge of the programming world, they earned reputation points. Atfive developers on Stack Overflow - 700 thousand reputation points, five more - 600 thousand each, and 12 - 500 thousand each. One million reputation so far with one - this is the British developer Jon Skeet , who joined Stack Overflow in 2008. During this time he answered 34 thousand questions. From 10 to 800 answers - so many monthly published on the Jon Skeet website in different years. 1/5 of the questions answered by Jon Skeet came from new users of the site.
Freefor the proshundreds and thousands of Stack Overflow inhabitants answer the questions of millions of developers. Some of them are for fun or for mood, some for developing communication skills, and some for advanced training. Thanks to this, many man-hours are saved daily, which could be spent on explanations and attempts to find the right answer.
Share your stories about how Stack Overflow helped you and what motivates you to answer questions!
Elizaveta Titarenko
Corporate Blog Editor ABBYY
Stack Overflow opened in September 2008 and has since been helping developers from around the world find the answers they need to technical questions. For example, a site showed a million users the way out of Vim. As of January 2017, Stack Overflow has 8 million registered users, 15 million questions and 24 million answers. Ten years ago, none of this happened.

Thanks to the thoughtful and collaborative work of the participants over the years, Stack Overflow has put together a library of programming questions and answers. This is a help for all developers, especially beginners.
Some developers every day
For ten years, each of the most active participants answered 20-23 thousand questions from developers. For their contribution to the general knowledge of the programming world, they earned reputation points. Atfive developers on Stack Overflow - 700 thousand reputation points, five more - 600 thousand each, and 12 - 500 thousand each. One million reputation so far with one - this is the British developer Jon Skeet , who joined Stack Overflow in 2008. During this time he answered 34 thousand questions. From 10 to 800 answers - so many monthly published on the Jon Skeet website in different years. 1/5 of the questions answered by Jon Skeet came from new users of the site.
Share your stories about how Stack Overflow helped you and what motivates you to answer questions!
Elizaveta Titarenko
Corporate Blog Editor ABBYY