Summing up the year 2018 on "My Circle"

The New Year is approaching, it's time to take stock and remember that important and interesting things happened in My Circle in the outgoing 2018.
In 2018, about 12,000 vacancies were posted on My Circle , which is 25% more than last year. On average, 10 specialists responded to each vacancy , as in the previous year. We thank all our users for their trust in the service, we will continue to try to connect companies with the best specialists for them!
- We launched a company appraisal service as an employer, with the help of which you can find out what the company is valued by its employees, and we established an annual IT rating for employers , among the leaders of which were SKB Kontur, Yandex, Wrike, Sovcombank, Tinkoff and Tochka.
- We conducted IT salary surveys based on data that experts leave on the My Circle salary service and salaries that employers indicate in their vacancies:
- In the fall of 2018, the “Where to Work in IT” rubric was launched in our blog on Habré. Under this heading, we communicate with companies and tell how everything is arranged inside: from their business and product to the recruitment process and daily communication in a team.
- We continued to explore work in IT through surveys of My Circle users , striving to make the labor market transparent for all participants. In 2018, we learned, among other things, about the experience of starting an IT career and which skills are more important: professional or life skills .
- In 2018, we integrated Huntflow's recruiting CRM and E-Staff to create a convenient unified environment for working with the flow of candidates.
- On My Circle, it was possible to strengthen the vacancy by choosing a new way of placing Standard Plus . The main difference of this format from the usual “Standard” is the weekly auto-raising of a vacancy.
- This year, it became even more convenient and efficient to search for specialists on My Circle because we made it possible to save search filters , opened statistics on the sources of views and responses, and added a search among the users of Toaster . And for those who are looking for a job, we began to recommend jobs by skills and made it possible to save filters.
- The “My Circle” team in 2018 prepared speeches and held webinars to share their expertise, talk about the service and help you work more effectively with it.
- Webinars: “How to write a selling vacancy?” , “Active search for IT specialists” .
- Speeches: how the IT world and the developer’s role in this world at IT Trends conference, professional burnout at RIF Voronezh 2018 conference and how to manage product growth within the company on ProductSense 2018 in Minsk are changing.
Thank you for being with us this year!
We wish you a happy New Year and Christmas, prosperity, the realization of everything that was planned in the upcoming 2019 and success in your career!
My Circle Team