Voxxed Days Minsk
Become a part of Voxxed Days Minsk - the main JAVA event of 2018.

On May 26, 2018, JAVA rock stars will gather in Minsk to present explosive topics that make geeks cold around the world.
What will happen at the conference?
Venkat Subramanyam Java Champion, an agile guru and presenter who is being hunted by the organizers of all the Java conferences in the world, kicks off the conference with his Twelve Ways to Make Code Suck Less keynote . Founder of Agile Developer, Inc., creator of agilelearner.comand a professor at the University of Houston, Dr. Subramanyam has trained and mentored thousands of developers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. A regular participant in international conferences and author of books (.NET Gotchas (O'Reilly), Programming Groovy (Pragmatic Bookshelf), Practices of an Agile Developer (Pragmatic Bookshelf) and many others.
Venkat will give another talk, “Let's Get Lazy: Exploring the Real Power of Streams ». Lazy computing is a feature of many programming languages. Your code can benefit from them using lambda expressions and, moreover, using all the power of threads. How to do it? The answer is in the report. There will be many examples from Haskell and Scala. And a deep dive in Java to see how similar benefits can be achieved with lambdas and the Stream API.
Baruch Sadogursky will come to Minsk from sunny California. Developer Advocate from JFrog, DevOps guru, winner of the JavaOne 2011 and 2013 Duke Choice Awards, permanent host of the Debriefing podcast, architect, consultant, trainer, blogger and one of the most anticipated speakers at conferences around the world. They say that his performances are able to charge the cleanest code. Doubt it? Read Baruch’s interview and see for yourself.
Baruch will read his report with Yevgeny Borisov, who will arrive at the conference from Israel. Big Data TechnicalLeader at NAYA Technologies, Eugene is first-hand familiar with development issues. Since 2001, he worked as a Java Developer, TeamLeader, Java Architect and Java Trainer, he speaks a lot and often at conferences and always considers the problem in several ways.
Their report, “The adventures of Senior Holmes and Junior Watson in the world of software development,” is hardly ordinary. Imagine a familiar music from a series about Sherlock Holmes sounds in your head.
“Sherlock, why doesn’t anything work again?”
- This is elementary, my friend! Firstly, you are trying to run the fifth Spring in Java 7. Secondly, after a couple of months of using Groovy, you completely ceased to respect semicolons. Well, and thirdly, the battery has died in your laptop.
Holmes and Watson will reveal a few puzzles that you encounter in everyday development. There will be tools, libraries and frameworks that puzzle ordinary developers, lead to downtime, blockages of deadlines and protracted depressions. In this report, Sherlock and Watson save your forehead from face-rakes and rakes that someone has already stepped on. To be continued ... on Voxxed Days Minsk.
Evgeny Borisov will also perform with Kirill Tolkachev, Lead Developer at Alpha-Laboratory. Cyril is a longtime fan of Groovy, Gradle, Spring and the Netflix technology stack. He develops various banking APIs, works a lot with microservice architecture and knows the DevOps methodology like the back of his hand.
The joint report “Boot yourself, Spring is coming” will reveal the basic secrets of Spring Boot magic. Cyril and Eugene will talk about the principles and conventions by which typical Spring Boot applications work. And all the magic from the cylinder will turn into a much more transparent process. Now you can not only enjoy the fact that everything works, but also understand the essence of the problems that arise, solving them without first aid. This is, if only briefly.
Kirill Tolkachev will present another joint report with Maxim Gorelikov, a colleague at Alpha Lab. Max is developing an API for mobile applications and a bit of security. Its element is a mixture of Spring Boot, Netflix stack and reactive libraries. Experiments with all infrastructure (logs, ci / cd, orchestration) and DevOps practices. All the time in search of non-trivial approaches to development.
Spring is no longer magic, but Spring Boot is still stigmatized with magic crafts. But many people like it, especially for beginners! In the Spring Boot Starter talk - How And Why? Cyril and Maxim will do this:
The report is designed for practicing Spring (and preferably Spring Boot) engineers who have already encountered various difficulties in supporting the heavy infrastructure developed using Spring. No spoilers, only personal presence, only Spring Boot!
Philip Krenn will come from Vienna. Elastik's Developer Advocate is actively expanding its knowledge of full-text search, analytics and real-time data, speaking at conferences and meetings around the world, and seasoning reports with stories about Elastik products, databases and cloud computing.
Report "Make Your Data FABulous"goes through the compromises of the FAB theory in detail, touches upon the theorem of distributed CAP systems and teaches how to optimize them for a specific task using concrete examples of compromises of accuracy. It will be difficult, but very informative.
Alexander Tarasov , Odnoklassniki. A talented engineer with extensive experience (10+) in Java development. He is familiar with microservice architecture, Docker, and Spring Boot. A fan of DevOps and extreme programming.
Large projects make simple things complicated. And there's nothing to be done about it. You can’t just take it and make the feature available to all customers at once. You have to carry out experiments manually, spend time and make mistakes. In the report "Automating experiments with Kotlin DSL"Alexander will tell how Odnoklassniki decided to automate the experiments, why they chose Kotlin, and not the classic configuration management tools (such as Ansible), why good DSL and tools are critical for this task and what problems had to be overcome so that everything worked as originally intended .
Oleg Doku is well known in the Minsk Java community. Software Engineer from Levi9, he recently came to the Belarusian capital with a workshop. Recently, he is passionate about the development of distributed systems, mainly uses the Spring stack. Since its inception, he has been keeping his finger on the pulse of the framework and promoting Reactive solutions. Oleg is an active committer in Reactor 3 and the author of Reactive Programming with Spring 5.
“How to build Crypto Trading Platform with Spring 5 and Reactor 3”- this is about the fundamental understanding of Reactive approaches with Spring 5 and Reactor 3 and how to build / migrate the Reactive System to the new Reactive Stack. Oleg will talk about the general needs of the business, where these techniques work best and why, and how they help solve complex problems with maximum efficiency. During the report, a crypto trading platform with the design of a standard application will be built. In general, it will be fun.
Ray Tsangwill fly from New York. Java Champion and Developer Advocate at Google with extensive hands-on experience in cross-industry enterprise systems integration and management. He worked at Accenture, managing the development of full-stack applications, DevOps and ITOps. At Red Hat, Ray specialized in middleware, big data, and PaaS products. Active contributor to open source projects such as Infinispan.
His talk , Debugging and Troubleshooting Java-based Microservices in Kubernetes, will be about debugging applications in production. Yes, it often looks like a detective. Especially with microservices. And containers. In the cloud. You’ll learn why Google spent over 10 years deploying Java containerized applications, how to do it faster, and how to diagnose and fix Kubernetes problems.
Alexey Demin Software Engineer at Pegasus. Widely known in narrow circles, a bosom participant of the Minsk mitaps
For more than 12 years he has been working with Java server-side and Big Data. The first real experience using the Hadoop stack happened when all the products could still be counted on the fingers of one hand. He is fond of distributed data processing systems and is always up to date. He started testing new items before it became popular.
Apache Beam: Unified Data Processing is a talk about the most dynamic SDK and an attempt to standardize a processing model that is independent of the environment in which the code is executed. Is it possible to stop choosing individual positions and gain access to everything at once within the framework of a single approach and what should be sacrificed for this? Alexey knows the answer.
In early May, Ivan Kruglov spoke with keynote in front of a 5,000th audience on KubeCon and is now coming to us from the Netherlands. Principal Developer from Booking.com with extensive experience writing various software. Focused on high-performance distributed systems, network programming, algorithms, data structures, Linux / FreeBSD, C / C ++ and Go, but not limited to them. In his free time he likes to hack open-source project, actively commits on GitHub and speaks at conferences.
Report «Service mesh for microservices»: what kind of beast is service mesh? Perhaps this is the next breakthrough for cloud-native applications! Let's try to figure out what good he can bring. Juicy examples of building a dedicated layer from the practice of Booking.com and deepening in ideas, designs and implementations. And also we will talk about L7 proxy and linkerd.
Alexey Fedorov needs no introduction. Java Champion, leader of JUG.ru - Java User Group in Russia, organizer of JPoint, Joker, JBreak and other Java conferences. Former technical evangelist at Odnoklassniki and engineer at Oracle. Speaker, blogger and interviewer.
Report “How Threads help each other”. The Michael and Scott non-blocking queue algorithm uses a very beautiful idea - in it, the threads working with the queue “help each other”. This algorithm in one form or another is used in many modern platforms, including C ++ and Java.
Chris Talinger, Software Engineer on Twitter. Chris specializes in the just-in-time compiler for the JVM. Thanks to him, Twitter uses Graal and decently saves, by the way. He was involved in the CACAO and GNU Classpath projects, then worked on the HotSpot JVM in Sun and Oracle. Well, now Twitter, Graal and Hawaii.
Date : May 26, 2018
Time *: 9: 00-20: 00 Location: Minsk, Mariott Hotel , 20 Pobediteley Ave.
* The exact time will appear in full rental very soon
Conference platinum partner - EPAM
General media partner - dev.by
Infopartners - JProf.by , bkug.by

On May 26, 2018, JAVA rock stars will gather in Minsk to present explosive topics that make geeks cold around the world.
What will happen at the conference?
Venkat Subramanyam Java Champion, an agile guru and presenter who is being hunted by the organizers of all the Java conferences in the world, kicks off the conference with his Twelve Ways to Make Code Suck Less keynote . Founder of Agile Developer, Inc., creator of agilelearner.comand a professor at the University of Houston, Dr. Subramanyam has trained and mentored thousands of developers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Asia. A regular participant in international conferences and author of books (.NET Gotchas (O'Reilly), Programming Groovy (Pragmatic Bookshelf), Practices of an Agile Developer (Pragmatic Bookshelf) and many others.
Venkat will give another talk, “Let's Get Lazy: Exploring the Real Power of Streams ». Lazy computing is a feature of many programming languages. Your code can benefit from them using lambda expressions and, moreover, using all the power of threads. How to do it? The answer is in the report. There will be many examples from Haskell and Scala. And a deep dive in Java to see how similar benefits can be achieved with lambdas and the Stream API.
Baruch Sadogursky will come to Minsk from sunny California. Developer Advocate from JFrog, DevOps guru, winner of the JavaOne 2011 and 2013 Duke Choice Awards, permanent host of the Debriefing podcast, architect, consultant, trainer, blogger and one of the most anticipated speakers at conferences around the world. They say that his performances are able to charge the cleanest code. Doubt it? Read Baruch’s interview and see for yourself.
Baruch will read his report with Yevgeny Borisov, who will arrive at the conference from Israel. Big Data TechnicalLeader at NAYA Technologies, Eugene is first-hand familiar with development issues. Since 2001, he worked as a Java Developer, TeamLeader, Java Architect and Java Trainer, he speaks a lot and often at conferences and always considers the problem in several ways.
Their report, “The adventures of Senior Holmes and Junior Watson in the world of software development,” is hardly ordinary. Imagine a familiar music from a series about Sherlock Holmes sounds in your head.
“Sherlock, why doesn’t anything work again?”
- This is elementary, my friend! Firstly, you are trying to run the fifth Spring in Java 7. Secondly, after a couple of months of using Groovy, you completely ceased to respect semicolons. Well, and thirdly, the battery has died in your laptop.
Holmes and Watson will reveal a few puzzles that you encounter in everyday development. There will be tools, libraries and frameworks that puzzle ordinary developers, lead to downtime, blockages of deadlines and protracted depressions. In this report, Sherlock and Watson save your forehead from face-rakes and rakes that someone has already stepped on. To be continued ... on Voxxed Days Minsk.
Evgeny Borisov will also perform with Kirill Tolkachev, Lead Developer at Alpha-Laboratory. Cyril is a longtime fan of Groovy, Gradle, Spring and the Netflix technology stack. He develops various banking APIs, works a lot with microservice architecture and knows the DevOps methodology like the back of his hand.
The joint report “Boot yourself, Spring is coming” will reveal the basic secrets of Spring Boot magic. Cyril and Eugene will talk about the principles and conventions by which typical Spring Boot applications work. And all the magic from the cylinder will turn into a much more transparent process. Now you can not only enjoy the fact that everything works, but also understand the essence of the problems that arise, solving them without first aid. This is, if only briefly.
Kirill Tolkachev will present another joint report with Maxim Gorelikov, a colleague at Alpha Lab. Max is developing an API for mobile applications and a bit of security. Its element is a mixture of Spring Boot, Netflix stack and reactive libraries. Experiments with all infrastructure (logs, ci / cd, orchestration) and DevOps practices. All the time in search of non-trivial approaches to development.
Spring is no longer magic, but Spring Boot is still stigmatized with magic crafts. But many people like it, especially for beginners! In the Spring Boot Starter talk - How And Why? Cyril and Maxim will do this:
- They’ll look at examples of a typical company that uses Spring Boot,
- They will tell you where your own starters may be needed,
- how soon the inquisition comes for newcomers if they thoughtlessly use ready-made starters,
- how independent Spring Boot is and what this means for developers.
The report is designed for practicing Spring (and preferably Spring Boot) engineers who have already encountered various difficulties in supporting the heavy infrastructure developed using Spring. No spoilers, only personal presence, only Spring Boot!
Philip Krenn will come from Vienna. Elastik's Developer Advocate is actively expanding its knowledge of full-text search, analytics and real-time data, speaking at conferences and meetings around the world, and seasoning reports with stories about Elastik products, databases and cloud computing.
Report "Make Your Data FABulous"goes through the compromises of the FAB theory in detail, touches upon the theorem of distributed CAP systems and teaches how to optimize them for a specific task using concrete examples of compromises of accuracy. It will be difficult, but very informative.
Alexander Tarasov , Odnoklassniki. A talented engineer with extensive experience (10+) in Java development. He is familiar with microservice architecture, Docker, and Spring Boot. A fan of DevOps and extreme programming.
Large projects make simple things complicated. And there's nothing to be done about it. You can’t just take it and make the feature available to all customers at once. You have to carry out experiments manually, spend time and make mistakes. In the report "Automating experiments with Kotlin DSL"Alexander will tell how Odnoklassniki decided to automate the experiments, why they chose Kotlin, and not the classic configuration management tools (such as Ansible), why good DSL and tools are critical for this task and what problems had to be overcome so that everything worked as originally intended .
Oleg Doku is well known in the Minsk Java community. Software Engineer from Levi9, he recently came to the Belarusian capital with a workshop. Recently, he is passionate about the development of distributed systems, mainly uses the Spring stack. Since its inception, he has been keeping his finger on the pulse of the framework and promoting Reactive solutions. Oleg is an active committer in Reactor 3 and the author of Reactive Programming with Spring 5.
“How to build Crypto Trading Platform with Spring 5 and Reactor 3”- this is about the fundamental understanding of Reactive approaches with Spring 5 and Reactor 3 and how to build / migrate the Reactive System to the new Reactive Stack. Oleg will talk about the general needs of the business, where these techniques work best and why, and how they help solve complex problems with maximum efficiency. During the report, a crypto trading platform with the design of a standard application will be built. In general, it will be fun.
Ray Tsangwill fly from New York. Java Champion and Developer Advocate at Google with extensive hands-on experience in cross-industry enterprise systems integration and management. He worked at Accenture, managing the development of full-stack applications, DevOps and ITOps. At Red Hat, Ray specialized in middleware, big data, and PaaS products. Active contributor to open source projects such as Infinispan.
His talk , Debugging and Troubleshooting Java-based Microservices in Kubernetes, will be about debugging applications in production. Yes, it often looks like a detective. Especially with microservices. And containers. In the cloud. You’ll learn why Google spent over 10 years deploying Java containerized applications, how to do it faster, and how to diagnose and fix Kubernetes problems.
Alexey Demin Software Engineer at Pegasus. Widely known in narrow circles, a bosom participant of the Minsk mitaps
For more than 12 years he has been working with Java server-side and Big Data. The first real experience using the Hadoop stack happened when all the products could still be counted on the fingers of one hand. He is fond of distributed data processing systems and is always up to date. He started testing new items before it became popular.
Apache Beam: Unified Data Processing is a talk about the most dynamic SDK and an attempt to standardize a processing model that is independent of the environment in which the code is executed. Is it possible to stop choosing individual positions and gain access to everything at once within the framework of a single approach and what should be sacrificed for this? Alexey knows the answer.
In early May, Ivan Kruglov spoke with keynote in front of a 5,000th audience on KubeCon and is now coming to us from the Netherlands. Principal Developer from Booking.com with extensive experience writing various software. Focused on high-performance distributed systems, network programming, algorithms, data structures, Linux / FreeBSD, C / C ++ and Go, but not limited to them. In his free time he likes to hack open-source project, actively commits on GitHub and speaks at conferences.
Report «Service mesh for microservices»: what kind of beast is service mesh? Perhaps this is the next breakthrough for cloud-native applications! Let's try to figure out what good he can bring. Juicy examples of building a dedicated layer from the practice of Booking.com and deepening in ideas, designs and implementations. And also we will talk about L7 proxy and linkerd.
Alexey Fedorov needs no introduction. Java Champion, leader of JUG.ru - Java User Group in Russia, organizer of JPoint, Joker, JBreak and other Java conferences. Former technical evangelist at Odnoklassniki and engineer at Oracle. Speaker, blogger and interviewer.
Report “How Threads help each other”. The Michael and Scott non-blocking queue algorithm uses a very beautiful idea - in it, the threads working with the queue “help each other”. This algorithm in one form or another is used in many modern platforms, including C ++ and Java.
Chris Talinger, Software Engineer on Twitter. Chris specializes in the just-in-time compiler for the JVM. Thanks to him, Twitter uses Graal and decently saves, by the way. He was involved in the CACAO and GNU Classpath projects, then worked on the HotSpot JVM in Sun and Oracle. Well, now Twitter, Graal and Hawaii.
Date : May 26, 2018
Time *: 9: 00-20: 00 Location: Minsk, Mariott Hotel , 20 Pobediteley Ave.
* The exact time will appear in full rental very soon
Conference platinum partner - EPAM
General media partner - dev.by
Infopartners - JProf.by , bkug.by