Announcement of mitap Sync.NET # 3

    Friends, on Friday November 4, we invite everyone to attend the meeting of the Kharkov .NET community. You will find interesting presentations, a block of questions and answers, as well as traditional coffee with cookies.

    Speakers and report topics

    Vladimir Chmuzh, a report entitled “ ASP.NET Core JavaScript Services: integrating ASP.NET with modern frontend frameworks and tools

    Vladimir will talk about the features of a set of tools called JavaScriptServices that offer an infrastructure for ASP.NET Core-based SPA developers. Will be discussed:

    • modern web development trends;
    • execution of Node.js modules in a .NET application;
    • integration with webpack and hot module replacement;
    • isomorphic applications, server-side prerendering, in Angular 2, React, and ASP.NET Core applications.

    Victor Kudrya in the report “ Xamarin: our first steps ” will consider the capabilities of the technology and his first experience with it:

    • history of the creation and development of Xamarin;
    • that "under the hood";
    • Organization of code in an Xamarin application
    • Xamarin.Android/Xamarin.iOS vs Xamarin.Forms: customization versus cross-platform.

    Ivan Lomakov, “ SQL phobia - the first symptoms and prevention
    In his report, Ivan will tell you what can happen if you avoid using SQL as much as possible: what difficulties will you encounter and what opportunities will be lost:

    • pitfalls of using ORM on the example of the Entity Framework;
    • use of SQL queries and ORM;
    • benefits of using SQL.

    Q & A block

    Participants at Sync.NET conferences always ask a lot of questions both during and after the presentations. In order for none of your questions to go unanswered, at the end of your speeches, communication with speakers is waiting for you.

    Interested in? Subscribe to our Meetup group and send RSVP to participate in the meeting. The entrance is free!

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    Date of the meeting : November 4, 2016, Friday.
    Time : 19:00, registration starts at 18:45.
    Location : Kharkov, st. Blagoveshchenskaya (former Karl Marx), 1, hub "Factory"
    Cost : free.

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