We introduce a filter of complexity of questions on the Toaster
Hello from the Toaster team! We are glad to present you a new service opportunity, which, as shown by our recent survey , many have been waiting for.
Now you can configure the issuance of questions in accordance with their complexity. This setting is available in three feeds: “My feed”, “All questions”, “Questions in the tag”.
We’ll tell you in more detail why we did this and how it works.

In any large community, sooner or later, a conflict of “oldies” and “newcomers” is brewing. It has long seemed to some that Toaster has been asked too many simple, in their opinion, questions. But if you leave some difficult questions, how will novice specialists learn? In addition, many professionals, on the contrary, are interested in educating newcomers and answering their “noob” questions.
To make the service equally comfortable for both the “oldies” and the “newcomers”, we decided to separate the issues according to complexity and give everyone the opportunity to customize the complexity individually for themselves. We believe this decision is much more flexible and effective than introducing “minuses”, with the help of which the minority can impose its will on the majority.
There are three categories of questions complexity: simple, medium and complex.
Initially, the complexity is asked by the author of the question, but after its publication, each user can vote for the complexity that, in his opinion, this question corresponds to. Those who do not want to see easy, in their opinion, questions in their feed can reduce the complexity of such a question by voting. And vice versa, if you think that the question is not at all simple, you can vote for assigning it a higher complexity. Thus, thanks to the participation of the community, each question will receive the complexity that, in the opinion of the majority, it corresponds to.

We hope that now everyone will be able to further fine-tune the Toaster to suit their interests, in order to better develop professionally and help others in this.
Now you can configure the issuance of questions in accordance with their complexity. This setting is available in three feeds: “My feed”, “All questions”, “Questions in the tag”.
We’ll tell you in more detail why we did this and how it works.

Why did we do this
In any large community, sooner or later, a conflict of “oldies” and “newcomers” is brewing. It has long seemed to some that Toaster has been asked too many simple, in their opinion, questions. But if you leave some difficult questions, how will novice specialists learn? In addition, many professionals, on the contrary, are interested in educating newcomers and answering their “noob” questions.
To make the service equally comfortable for both the “oldies” and the “newcomers”, we decided to separate the issues according to complexity and give everyone the opportunity to customize the complexity individually for themselves. We believe this decision is much more flexible and effective than introducing “minuses”, with the help of which the minority can impose its will on the majority.
How does it work
There are three categories of questions complexity: simple, medium and complex.
Initially, the complexity is asked by the author of the question, but after its publication, each user can vote for the complexity that, in his opinion, this question corresponds to. Those who do not want to see easy, in their opinion, questions in their feed can reduce the complexity of such a question by voting. And vice versa, if you think that the question is not at all simple, you can vote for assigning it a higher complexity. Thus, thanks to the participation of the community, each question will receive the complexity that, in the opinion of the majority, it corresponds to.

We hope that now everyone will be able to further fine-tune the Toaster to suit their interests, in order to better develop professionally and help others in this.