Byte-machine for the fort (and not only) in Indian (Part 2)


    Let's continue experiments with bytecode. This is a continuation of the article about the byte-machine in assembler, here is the first part .

    In general, I planned in the second part to make the fort interpreter, and in the third - the fort compiler for this byte-machine. But the volume, which was obtained for the article, turned out to be very large. To make an interpreter, you need to expand the kernel (a set of byte commands), and implement: variables, string parsing, string input, dictionaries, dictionary lookup ... Well, at least the output of numbers should work. As a result, I decided to break the article about the interpreter into two. Therefore, in this article we will expand the core, we will define the variables, we will deduce the numbers. Further the approximate plan is as follows: the 3rd part is the interpreter, the 4th part is the compiler. And, of course, performance tests. They will be in the 4th or 5th article. These articles will be after the new year.

    And who has not been afraid of the terrible assembler and byte-code - welcome under the cat! :)

    To begin with, we will correct the errors. We assign the file extension .s, as is customary for GAS (thanks to mistergrim ). Then, replace int 0x80 with syscall and use 64-bit registers (thanks to qw1 ). In the beginning, I did not carefully read the call description and corrected only the registers ... and received a Segmentation fault. It turns out that everything changed for syscall, including the call numbers. sys_write for syscall is number 1, and sys_exit is 60. As a result, the bad, type and bye commands have the following form:

    b_bad = 0x00
    bcmd_bad:	mov	rax, 1			# системный вызов № 1 - sys_write
    		mov	rdi, 1			# поток № 1 - stdout
    		mov	rsi, offset msg_bad_byte # указатель на выводимую строку
    		mov	rdx, msg_bad_byte_len	# длина строки
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    		mov	rax, 60			# системный вызов № 1 - sys_exit
    		mov	rbx, 1			# выход с кодом 1
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    b_bye = 0x01
    bcmd_bye:	mov	rax, 1			# системный вызов № 1 - sys_write
    		mov	rdi, 1			# поток № 1 - stdout
    		mov	rsi, offset msg_bye	# указатель на выводимую строку
    		mov	rdx, msg_bye_len	# длина строки
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    		mov	rax, 60			# системный вызов № 60 - sys_exit
    		mov	rdi, 0			# выход с кодом 0
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    b_type = 0x80
    bcmd_type:	mov	rax, 1			# системный вызов № 1 - sys_write
    		mov	rdi, 1			# поток № 1 - stdout
    		pop	rdx
    		pop	rsi
    		push	r8
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    		pop	r8
    		jmp	_next

    And one moment. Quite rightly written in the comments to the last article of berez and fpauk , that if you use the processor address in the bytecode, the bytecode depends on the platform. And in that example, the string address for “Hello, world!” Was specified in bytecode by value (using the command lit64). Of course, this is not necessary. But it was the easiest way to test a byte machine. I will not do this anymore, but I will receive the addresses of variables by other means: in particular, with the var command (more on this later).

    Warm up

    And now, as a warm-up, we will do all the basic integer arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, mod, / mod, abs). We need them.

    The code is so simple that I quote it in the spoiler without comment.

    b_add = 0x21
    bcmd_add:	pop	rax
    		add	[rsp], rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_sub = 0x22
    bcmd_sub:	pop	rax
    		sub	[rsp], rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_mul = 0x23
    bcmd_mul:	pop	rax
    		pop	rbx
    		imul	rbx
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_div = 0x24
    bcmd_div:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		idiv	rbx
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_mod = 0x25
    bcmd_mod:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		idiv	rbx
    		push	rdx
    		jmp	_next
    b_divmod = 0x26
    bcmd_divmod:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		idiv	rbx
    		push	rdx
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_abs = 0x27
    bcmd_abs:	mov	rax, [rsp]
    		or	rax, rax
    		jge	_next
    		neg	rax
    		mov	[rsp], rax
    		jmp	_next

    Traditionally, in a fort, double precision operations are added to ordinary arithmetic and stack operations. Words for such operations usually begin with the symbol “2”: 2DUP, 2SWAP, etc. But we have standard arithmetic already 64 digits, and 128 we will definitely not be doing today :)

    Then we add basic stack operations (drop, swap, root, -root, over, pick, roll).

    Stack operations
    b_drop = 0x31
    bcmd_drop:	add	rsp, 8
    		jmp	_next
    b_swap = 0x32
    bcmd_swap:	pop	rax
    		pop	rbx
    		push	rax
    		push	rbx
    		jmp	_next
    b_rot = 0x33
    bcmd_rot:	pop	rax
    		pop	rbx
    		pop	rcx
    		push	rbx
    		push	rax
    		push	rcx
    		jmp	_next
    b_mrot = 0x34
    bcmd_mrot:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		push	rcx
    		push	rax
    		push	rbx
    		jmp	_next
    b_over = 0x35
    bcmd_over:	push	[rsp + 8]
    		jmp	_next
    b_pick = 0x36
    bcmd_pick:	pop	rcx
    		push	[rsp + 8*rcx]
    		jmp	_next
    b_roll = 0x37
    bcmd_roll:	pop	rcx
    		mov	rbx, [rsp + 8*rcx]
    roll1:		mov	rax, [rsp + 8*rcx - 8]
    		mov	[rsp + 8*rcx], rax
    		dec	rcx
    		jnz	roll1
    		push	rbx
    		jmp	_next

    And we will also make reading and writing commands in memory (fortov words @ and!). As well as their counterparts for another bit.

    Reading and writing to memory
    b_get = 0x40
    bcmd_get:	pop	rcx
    		push	[rcx]
    		jmp	_next
    b_set = 0x41
    bcmd_set:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rax
    		mov	[rcx], rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_get8 = 0x42
    bcmd_get8:	pop	rcx
    		movsx	rax, byte ptr [rcx]
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_set8 = 0x43
    bcmd_set8:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rax
    		mov	[rcx], al
    		jmp	_next
    b_get16 = 0x44
    bcmd_get16:	pop	rcx
    		movsx	rax, word ptr [rcx]
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_set16 = 0x45
    bcmd_set16:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rax
    		mov	[rcx], ax
    		jmp	_next
    b_get32 = 0x46
    bcmd_get32:	pop	rcx
    		movsx	rax, dword ptr [rcx]
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_set32 = 0x47
    bcmd_set32:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rax
    		mov	[rcx], eax
    		jmp	_next

    We may still need comparison commands, and we will do them.

    Comparison commands
    # 0=
    b_zeq = 0x50
    bcmd_zeq:	pop	rax
    		or	rax, rax
    		jnz	rfalse
    rtrue:		push	-1
    		jmp	_next
    rfalse:		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # 0<
    b_zlt = 0x51
    bcmd_zlt:	pop	rax
    		or	rax, rax
    		jl	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # 0>
    b_zgt = 0x52
    bcmd_zgt:	pop	rax
    		or	rax, rax
    		jg	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # =
    b_eq = 0x53
    bcmd_eq:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jz	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # <
    b_lt = 0x54
    bcmd_lt:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jl	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # >
    b_gt = 0x55
    bcmd_gt:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jg	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # <=
    b_lteq = 0x56
    bcmd_lteq:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jle	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # >=
    b_gteq = 0x57
    bcmd_gteq:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jge	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next

    We will not test the operation. The main thing that the assembler would not give when compiling errors. Debugging will be in the process of using them.

    Immediately make the word depth (stack depth). To do this, at the start, save the initial values ​​of the data stack and the return stack. These values ​​can still be useful when restarting the system.

    init_stack:	.quad	0
    init_rstack:	.quad	0
    _start:		mov	rbp, rsp
    		sub	rbp, stack_size
    		lea	r8, start
    		mov	init_stack, rsp
    		mov	init_rstack, rbp
    		jmp	_next
    b_depth = 0x38
    bcmd_depth:	mov	rax, init_stack
    		sub	rax, rsp
    		shr	rax, 3
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next

    Output numbers

    Well, the warm-up is over, and you have to sweat a little. Let's teach our system to display numbers. To output numbers in the fort, use the word "." (point). We do it the way it is done in standard implementations of the fort, using the words <#, hold, #, #s, #>, base. We'll have to realize all these words. A buffer and a pointer to the character being formed are used to form the number; these will be the words holdbuf and holdpoint.

    So, we need these words:

    • holdbuf - a buffer for forming the representation of a number, the formation takes place from the end
    • holdpoint - address to the last displayed character (in holdbuf)
    • <# - the beginning of the formation of a number; sets holdpoint to byte, after last byte holdbuf
    • hold - decreases holdpoint by 1 and saves the character from the stack to the buffer at the received address
    • # - divides the word at the top of the stack into the base of the number system, the remainder of the division translates into a character and stores it into the buffer using hold
    • #s - converts the entire word; actually calls the word # in a loop until 0 is left on the stack
    • #> - completion of the conversion; pushes the beginning of the formed string and its length onto the stack

    We will do all the words on the byte-code, but first we will deal with variables.


    And here there will be some Fort magic. The fact is that in a fort a variable is a word. When executing this word, the stack contains the address of the memory cell that stores the value of the variable. At this address you can read or write. For example, to write the value 12345 in variable A, you need to execute the following commands: “12345 A!”. In this example, 12345 is pushed onto the stack, then the variable A puts its address, and the word "!" removes two values ​​from the stack and writes 12345 to variable A. In typical implementations of a fort (with direct-stitched code), the variables are a microprocessor command CALL with the _next address, after which a space is reserved for storing the variable value. When executing such a word, the microprocessor transfers control to _next and pushes the return address (on the RSP) onto the stack. But in the forte the microprocessor stack is arithmetic, and we will not return anywhere. As a result, execution continues, and in the stack is the address of the variable. And all this is one processor team! On an assembler, it would look like this:

    		call	_next	# улетели на _next, а в стек попал адрес возврата, где лежит 12345
    		.quad	12345

    But we have a byte code, and we can not use this mechanism! I did not immediately figure out how to make such a mechanism on bytecode. But, if you think logically, nothing prevents you from implementing something very similar. You just have to take into account that this will not be a processor command, but a bytecode, more precisely, a “subroutine” bytecode. Here is the statement of the problem:

    • this is a byte code, when transferring control to which you should immediately return from it
    • after return, in the arithmetic stack should remain the address where the value of the variable is stored

    We have an exit byte command. We make a word on the bytecode containing a single exit command. Then this command will return from it. It remains to make the same command, which additionally puts on the stack the address of the next byte (register R8). Let's do this as an additional entry point to exit, which would save on the transition:

    b_var0 = 0x28
    bcmd_var0:	push	r8
    b_exit = 0x17
    bcmd_exit:	mov	r8, [rbp]
    		add	rbp, 8
    _next:		movzx	rcx, byte ptr [r8]
    		inc	r8
    		jmp	[bcmd + rcx*8]

    Now the base variable will look like this:
    base:		.byte	b_var0
    		.quad	10

    By the way, why var0 and not just var? The fact is that there will be other commands for defining more advanced words that contain data. I will tell you more in the following articles.

    Now we are ready to conclude numbers. Let's start!

    Words base, holdbuf, holdpoint

    How the variables will be arranged is already decided. Therefore, the words base, holdbuf, holdpoint are such:

    base:		.byte	b_var0
    		.quad	10
    holdbuf_len = 70
    holdbuf:	.byte	b_var0
    		.space	holdbuf_len
    holdpoint:	.byte	b_var0
    		.quad	0

    The size of the holdbuf buffer is 70. The maximum number of digits in a number is 64 (this is if you select a binary system). There is still a reserve of several characters to put, for example, a number sign and a space after it. We will check for buffer overflow, but for now let's not put extra characters into the buffer. Then you can make another diagnosis.


    Now you can make the word hold. On the fort, its code looks like this:

    : hold holdpoint @ 1- dup holdbuf > if drop drop else dup holdpoint ! c! then ;

    For those who see the fort for the first time, I will analyze the code in detail. For the following words I will not do this.

    At the beginning there is a word for defining new words and the name of a new word: ": hold". After that comes the code, which ends with the word ";". Let's sort the code of the word. I will give the command and the state of the stack after the command is executed. Before calling a word on the stack, there is a character code that is placed in the buffer (indicated by <symbol>). Further it turns out so:

    holdpoint	<символ> <адрес переменной holdpoint>
    @		<символ> <содержимое переменной holdpoint>
    1-		<символ> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1>
    dup		<символ> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1>
    holdbuf		<символ> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1> <начало буфера holdbuf>
    >		<символ> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1> <истина, если содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1 больше начала буфера holdbuf>

    After this is the if command, which is compiled into a conditional transition to a sequence of commands between else and then. A conditional transition removes the comparison result from the stack and performs the transition if there was a lie on the stack. If there was no transition, then there is a branch between if and else, in which there are two drop commands that remove the symbol and address. Otherwise, execution continues. The word "!" saves the new value to the holdpoint (the address and value are removed from the stack). And the word “c!” Writes the character to the buffer, this is the set8 byte-command (the address and the value of the character are removed from the stack).

    dup		<символ> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1>
    holdpoint	<символ> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1> <адрес переменной holdpoint>
    !		<символ> <содержимое переменной holdpoint минус 1>
    c!		все, символ записан, а стек пустой! :)

    This is how much action this short sequence of commands does! Yes, the fort is laconic. And now we turn on the manual “compiler” in the head :) And compile it all into bytecode:
    hold:		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	holdpoint - . - 1# holdpoint
    		.byte	b_get			# @
    		.byte	b_wm			# 1-
    		.byte	b_dup			# dup
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	holdbuf - . - 1# holdbuf
    		.byte	b_gt			# >
    		.byte	b_qbranch8		# if
    		.byte	0f - .
    		.byte	b_drop			# drop
    		.byte	b_drop			# drop
    		.byte	b_branch8		# команда перехода на возврат (после then)
    		.byte	1f - .
    0:		.byte	b_dup			# dup
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	holdpoint - . - 1# holdpoint
    		.byte	b_set			# !
    		.byte	b_set8			# c!1:		.byte	b_exit			# ;

    Here I used local labels (0 and 1). These labels can be accessed by special names. For example, label 0 can be accessed by name 0f or 0b. This means a link to the nearest tag 0 (forward or backward). It is quite convenient for tags that are used locally, so as not to come up with different names.

    Word #

    Make the word #. On the fort, its code will look like this:

    : # base /mod swap dup 10 < if c″ 0 + else 10 - c″ A + then hold ;

    The condition here is used to check: is the resulting figure less than ten? If it is less, numbers 0–9 are used; otherwise, characters starting with “A” are used. This will allow you to work with the hexadecimal number system. The c ″ 0 sequence pushes the character 0 code onto the stack. We include the “compiler”:

    conv:		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	base - . - 2# base
    		.byte	b_get			# @
    		.byte	b_divmod		# /mod
    		.byte	b_swap			# swap
    		.byte	b_dup			# dup
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	10			# 10
    		.byte	b_lt			# <
    		.byte	b_qnbranch8		# if
    		.byte	0f - .
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	'0'# c″ 0
    		.byte	b_add			# +
    		.byte	b_branch8		# else
    		.byte	1f - .
    0:		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	'A'# c″ A
    		.byte	b_add			# +
    1:		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	hold - . - 2# hold
    		.byte	b_exit			# ;

    Word <#

    The word <# is quite simple:

    : <# holdbuf 70 + holdpoint ! ;


    conv_start:	.byte	b_call16
    		.word	holdbuf - . - 2
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	holdbuf_len
    		.byte	b_add
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	holdpoint - . - 2
    		.byte	b_set
    		.byte	b_exit

    Word #>

    The word #> to complete the conversion looks like this:

    : #> holdpoint @ holdbuf 70 + over - ;


    conv_end:	.byte	b_call16
    		.word	holdpoint - . - 2
    		.byte	b_get
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	holdbuf - . - 2
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	holdbuf_len
    		.byte	b_add
    		.byte	b_over
    		.byte	b_sub
    		.byte	b_exit

    Word #s

    And finally, the word #s:

    : #s do # dup 0= until ;


    conv_s:		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv - . - 1
    		.byte	b_dup
    		.byte	b_qbranch8
    		.byte	conv_s - .
    		.byte	b_exit

    Who is attentive, will notice here a slight discrepancy between the byte code and the code of the fort :)

    All is ready

    Now nothing will prevent the word "." From making a number:

    : . <# #s drop #> type ;


    dot:		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_start - . - 1
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_s - . - 1
    		.byte	b_drop
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_end - . - 1
    		.byte	b_type
    		.byte	b_exit

    Let's make a test byte code that checks our point:

    start:	.byte	b_lit16
    	.word	1234
    	.byte	b_call16
    	.word	dot - . - 2
    	.byte	b_bye

    Of course, it did not work all at once. But, after debugging, the following result was obtained:

    $ as forth.asm -o forth.o -g -ahlsm>list.txt
    $ ld forth.o -o forth
    $ ./forth

    The jamb is visible immediately. After the number, the fort should display a space. Add after the call conv_start (<#) command 32 hold.

    Still make a conclusion sign. At the beginning we add dup abs, and at the end we check the sign of the copy left and place a minus if the number is negative (0 <if c ″ - hold then). As a result, the word "." takes the following form:

    : . dup abs <# 32 hold #s drop #> 0< if c″ - hold then type ;


    dot:		.byte	b_dup
    		.byte	b_abs
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_start - . - 1
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	' '
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	hold - . - 2
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_s - . - 1
    		.byte	b_drop
    		.byte	b_zlt
    		.byte	b_qnbranch8
    		.byte	1f - .
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	'-'
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	hold - . - 21:		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_end - . - 1
    		.byte	b_type
    		.byte	b_exit

    In the starting sequence of byte commands, we put a negative number and check:

    $ as forth.asm -o forth.o -g -ahlsm>list.txt
    $ ld forth.o -o forth
    $ ./forth
    -1234 bye!

    Output numbers there!

    Full source
    .intel_syntax noprefix
    stack_size = 1024
    .section .data
    init_stack:	.quad	0
    init_rstack:	.quad	0
    .ascii "Bad byte code!\n"
    msg_bad_byte_len = . - msg_bad_byte # символу len присваевается длина строки
    .ascii "bye!\n"
    msg_bye_len = . - msg_bye 
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bye,	bcmd_num0,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad	# 0x00
    .quad		bcmd_lit8,	bcmd_lit16,	bcmd_lit32,	bcmd_lit64,	bcmd_call8,	bcmd_call16,	bcmd_call32,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_branch8,	bcmd_branch16,	bcmd_qbranch8,	bcmd_qbranch16,	bcmd_qnbranch8,	bcmd_qnbranch16,bcmd_bad,	bcmd_exit	# 0x10
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_wm,	bcmd_add,	bcmd_sub,	bcmd_mul,	bcmd_div,	bcmd_mod,	bcmd_divmod,	bcmd_abs	# 0x20
    .quad		bcmd_var0,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_dup,	bcmd_drop,	bcmd_swap,	bcmd_rot,	bcmd_mrot,	bcmd_over,	bcmd_pick,	bcmd_roll	# 0x30
    .quad		bcmd_depth,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad 
    .quad		bcmd_get,	bcmd_set,	bcmd_get8,	bcmd_set8,	bcmd_get16,	bcmd_set16,	bcmd_get32,	bcmd_set32 	# 0x40
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad 
    .quad		bcmd_zeq,	bcmd_zlt,	bcmd_zgt,	bcmd_eq,	bcmd_lt,	bcmd_gt,	bcmd_lteq,	bcmd_gteq	#0x50
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad	# 0x60
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_type,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad	# 0x80
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    .quad		bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad,	bcmd_bad
    start:		.byte	b_lit16
    		.word	-1234
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	dot - . - 2
    		.byte	b_bye
    base:		.byte	b_var0
    		.quad	10
    holdbuf_len = 70
    holdbuf:	.byte	b_var0
    		.space	holdbuf_len
    holdpoint:	.byte	b_var0
    		.quad	0
    # : hold holdpoint @ 1- dup holdbuf > if drop drop else dup holdpoint ! c! then ;
    hold:		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	holdpoint - . - 1# holdpoint
    		.byte	b_get			# @
    		.byte	b_wm			# 1-
    		.byte	b_dup			# dup
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	holdbuf - . - 1# holdbuf
    		.byte	b_gt			# >
    		.byte	b_qbranch8		# if
    		.byte	0f - .
    		.byte	b_drop			# drop
    		.byte	b_drop			# drop
    		.byte	b_branch8		# команда перехода на возврат (после then)
    		.byte	1f - .
    0:		.byte	b_dup			# dup
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	holdpoint - . - 1# holdpoint
    		.byte	b_set			# !
    		.byte	b_set8			# c!1:		.byte	b_exit			# ;
    # : # base /mod swap dup 10 < if c" 0 + else 10 - c" A + then hold ;
    conv:		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	base - . - 2# base
    		.byte	b_get			# @
    		.byte	b_divmod		# /mod
    		.byte	b_swap			# swap
    		.byte	b_dup			# dup
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	10			# 10
    		.byte	b_lt			# <
    		.byte	b_qnbranch8		# if
    		.byte	0f - .
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	'0'# c" 0
    		.byte	b_add			# +
    		.byte	b_branch8		# else
    		.byte	1f - .
    0:		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	'?'			# c" A
    		.byte	b_add			# +
    1:		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	hold - . - 2# hold
    		.byte	b_exit			# ;
    # : <# holdbuf 70 + holdpoint ! ;
    conv_start:	.byte	b_call16
    		.word	holdbuf - . - 2
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	holdbuf_len
    		.byte	b_add
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	holdpoint - . - 2
    		.byte	b_set
    		.byte	b_exit
    # : #s do # dup 0=until ;
    conv_s:		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv - . - 1
    		.byte	b_dup
    		.byte	b_qbranch8
    		.byte	conv_s - .
    		.byte	b_exit
    # : #> holdpoint @ holdbuf 70 + over - ;
    conv_end:	.byte	b_call16
    		.word	holdpoint - . - 2
    		.byte	b_get
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	holdbuf - . - 2
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	holdbuf_len
    		.byte	b_add
    		.byte	b_over
    		.byte	b_sub
    		.byte	b_exit
    dot:		.byte	b_dup
    		.byte	b_abs
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_start - . - 1
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	' '
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	hold - . - 2
    		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_s - . - 1
    		.byte	b_drop
    		.byte	b_zlt
    		.byte	b_qnbranch8
    		.byte	1f - .
    		.byte	b_lit8
    		.byte	'-'
    		.byte	b_call16
    		.word	hold - . - 21:		.byte	b_call8
    		.byte	conv_end - . - 1
    		.byte	b_type
    		.byte	b_exit
    	.section .text
    .global _start # точка входа в программу
    _start:		mov	rbp, rsp
    		sub	rbp, stack_size
    		lea	r8, start
    		mov	init_stack, rsp
    		mov	init_rstack, rbp
    		jmp	_next
    b_var0 = 0x28
    bcmd_var0:	push	r8
    b_exit = 0x17
    bcmd_exit:      mov     r8, [rbp]
                    add     rbp, 8
    _next:		movzx	rcx, byte ptr [r8]
    		inc	r8
    		jmp	[bcmd + rcx*8]
    b_num0 = 0x02
    bcmd_num0:      push    0
                    jmp     _next
    b_lit8 = 0x08
    bcmd_lit8:      movsx   rax, byte ptr [r8]
                    inc     r8
                    push    rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_lit16 = 0x09
    bcmd_lit16:     movsx   rax, word ptr [r8]
                    add     r8, 2
                    push    rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_call8 = 0x0C
    bcmd_call8:     movsx   rax, byte ptr [r8]
                    sub     rbp, 8
                    inc     r8
                    mov     [rbp], r8
                    add     r8, rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_call16 = 0x0D
    bcmd_call16:    movsx   rax, word ptr [r8]
                    sub     rbp, 8
                    add     r8, 2
                    mov     [rbp], r8
                    add     r8, rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_call32 = 0x0E
    bcmd_call32:    movsx   rax, dword ptr [r8]
                    sub     rbp, 8
                    add     r8, 4
                    mov     [rbp], r8
                    add     r8, rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_lit32 = 0x0A
    bcmd_lit32:     movsx   rax, dword ptr [r8]
                    add     r8, 4
                    push    rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_lit64 = 0x0B
    bcmd_lit64:     mov     rax, [r8]
                    add     r8, 8
                    push    rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_dup = 0x30
    bcmd_dup:       push    [rsp]
                    jmp     _next
    b_wm = 0x20
    bcmd_wm:        decq    [rsp]
                    jmp     _next
    b_add = 0x21
    bcmd_add:	pop	rax
    		add	[rsp], rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_sub = 0x22
    bcmd_sub:	pop	rax
    		sub	[rsp], rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_mul = 0x23
    bcmd_mul:	pop	rax
    		pop	rbx
    		imul	rbx
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_div = 0x24
    bcmd_div:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		idiv	rbx
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_mod = 0x25
    bcmd_mod:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		idiv	rbx
    		push	rdx
    		jmp	_next
    b_divmod = 0x26
    bcmd_divmod:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		idiv	rbx
    		push	rdx
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_abs = 0x27
    bcmd_abs:	mov	rax, [rsp]
    		or	rax, rax
    		jge	_next
    		neg	rax
    		mov	[rsp], rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_drop = 0x31
    bcmd_drop:	add	rsp, 8
    		jmp	_next
    b_swap = 0x32
    bcmd_swap:	pop	rax
    		pop	rbx
    		push	rax
    		push	rbx
    		jmp	_next
    b_rot = 0x33
    bcmd_rot:	pop	rax
    		pop	rbx
    		pop	rcx
    		push	rbx
    		push	rax
    		push	rcx
    		jmp	_next
    b_mrot = 0x34
    bcmd_mrot:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		push	rcx
    		push	rax
    		push	rbx
    		jmp	_next
    b_over = 0x35
    bcmd_over:	push	[rsp + 8]
    		jmp	_next
    b_pick = 0x36
    bcmd_pick:	pop	rcx
    		push	[rsp + 8*rcx]
    		jmp	_next
    b_roll = 0x37
    bcmd_roll:	pop	rcx
    		mov	rbx, [rsp + 8*rcx]
    roll1:		mov	rax, [rsp + 8*rcx - 8]
    		mov	[rsp + 8*rcx], rax
    		dec	rcx
    		jnz	roll1
    		push	rbx
    		jmp	_next
    b_depth = 0x38
    bcmd_depth:	mov	rax, init_stack
    		sub	rax, rsp
    		shr	rax, 3
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_get = 0x40
    bcmd_get:	pop	rcx
    		push	[rcx]
    		jmp	_next
    b_set = 0x41
    bcmd_set:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rax
    		mov	[rcx], rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_get8 = 0x42
    bcmd_get8:	pop	rcx
    		movsx	rax, byte ptr [rcx]
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_set8 = 0x43
    bcmd_set8:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rax
    		mov	[rcx], al
    		jmp	_next
    b_get16 = 0x44
    bcmd_get16:	pop	rcx
    		movsx	rax, word ptr [rcx]
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_set16 = 0x45
    bcmd_set16:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rax
    		mov	[rcx], ax
    		jmp	_next
    b_get32 = 0x46
    bcmd_get32:	pop	rcx
    		movsx	rax, dword ptr [rcx]
    		push	rax
    		jmp	_next
    b_set32 = 0x47
    bcmd_set32:	pop	rcx
    		pop	rax
    		mov	[rcx], eax
    		jmp	_next
    # 0=
    b_zeq = 0x50
    bcmd_zeq:	pop	rax
    		or	rax, rax
    		jnz	rfalse
    rtrue:		push	-1
    		jmp	_next
    rfalse:		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # 0<
    b_zlt = 0x51
    bcmd_zlt:	pop	rax
    		or	rax, rax
    		jl	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # 0>
    b_zgt = 0x52
    bcmd_zgt:	pop	rax
    		or	rax, rax
    		jg	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # =
    b_eq = 0x53
    bcmd_eq:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jz	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # <
    b_lt = 0x54
    bcmd_lt:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jl	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # >
    b_gt = 0x55
    bcmd_gt:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jg	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # <=
    b_lteq = 0x56
    bcmd_lteq:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jle	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    # >=
    b_gteq = 0x57
    bcmd_gteq:	pop	rbx
    		pop	rax
    		cmp	rax, rbx
    		jge	rtrue
    		push	0
    		jmp	_next
    b_branch8 = 0x10
    bcmd_branch8:   movsx   rax, byte ptr [r8]
                    add     r8, rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_branch16 = 0x11
    bcmd_branch16:  movsx   rax, word ptr [r8]
                    add     r8, rax
                    jmp     _next
    b_qbranch8 = 0x12
    bcmd_qbranch8:  pop     rax
                    or      rax, rax
                    jnz     bcmd_branch8
                    inc     r8
                    jmp     _next
    b_qbranch16 = 0x13
    bcmd_qbranch16: pop     rax
                    or      rax, rax
                    jnz     bcmd_branch16
                    add     r8, 2
                    jmp     _next
    b_qnbranch8 = 0x14
    bcmd_qnbranch8:	pop     rax
                    or      rax, rax
                    jz	bcmd_branch8
                    inc     r8
                    jmp     _next
    b_qnbranch16 = 0x15
    bcmd_qnbranch16:pop     rax
                    or      rax, rax
                    jz	bcmd_branch16
                    add     r8, 2
                    jmp     _next
    b_bad = 0x00
    bcmd_bad:	mov	rax, 1			# системный вызов № 1 - sys_write
    		mov	rdi, 1			# поток № 1stdout
    		mov	rsi, offset msg_bad_byte # указатель на выводимую строку
    		mov	rdx, msg_bad_byte_len	# длина строки
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    		mov	rax, 60			# системный вызов № 1 - sys_exit
    		mov	rbx, 1			# выход с кодом 1
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    b_bye = 0x01
    bcmd_bye:	mov	rax, 1			# системный вызов № 1 - sys_write
    		mov	rdi, 1			# поток № 1stdout
    		mov	rsi, offset msg_bye	# указатель на выводимую строку
    		mov	rdx, msg_bye_len	# длина строки
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    		mov	rax, 60			# системный вызов № 60 - sys_exit
    		mov	rdi, 0			# выход с кодом 0
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    b_type = 0x80
    bcmd_type:	mov	rax, 1			# системный вызов № 1 - sys_write
    		mov	rdi, 1			# поток № 1 - stdout
    		pop	rdx
    		pop	rsi
    		push	r8
    		syscall				# вызов ядра
    		pop	r8
    		jmp	_next


    Now we have a pretty decent core of byte commands: all basic arithmetic, stack operations, comparison operations, work with memory, variables. Also, there is already an output of numbers, fully implemented in bytecode. Everything is ready, what would the interpreter do, which we will do in the next article!

    Happy New Year, everyone!

    Criticism is welcome! :)

    Continued: Byte-machine for the fort (and not only) in Indian (part 3)

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