Computer vision. Ask a question to an Intel expert

    Not all answers can be found on the Internet. Especially if your question relates to a rather narrow or new area, then the consultation of the guru, the Master of Secret Knowledge, is necessary. In the tradition of Intel's blog, holding blog-seminars based on readers' questions. These questions are answered by Intel experts who were directly involved in the creation of technologies and products - who, if not they, should know all the details?

    This month, a podium seat was given to the creators of the OpenCV computer vision library (Open Source Computer Vision Library), former employees of Itseez , which was part of Intel - Vadim Pisarevsky and Anatoly Baksheev. So, if you have a question about OpenCV, machine vision, pattern recognition and other related topics, but you did not know who to ask it, we invite you to comments and PM. Questions are accepted until September 24th . The author of the best question will receive a prize from Intel * - a set of branded accessories for a comfortable stay.
    * - The prize is delivered from Moscow within the Russian Federation.

    Under the cut - a brief information about our experts.

    Anatoly Baksheev, Team Leader at Computer Vision for Retail at Intel. He has been engaged in computer vision and machine learning for over 11 years, including the last few years, Deep Learning. He began his career at Itseez and worked there for more than 10 years until the company was acquired by Intel. During this time, his portfolio has accumulated many completed projects, designed and optimized algorithms, a large amount of code laid out in the OpenCV library, as well as its optimization for NVIDIA GPUs.

    Vadim Pisarevsky , permanent leader of the OpenCV team, since 2000.

    He graduated from the VMK UNN, worked at Intel, then at Itseez. He returned to Intel to continue working on the library and transfer it to the rails of Deep Learning. Co-author of several patents and articles on computer vision. Periodically gives lectures and lectures on OpenCV at various universities and at various conferences.

    We are waiting for your questions to experts in the comments on this post or in private messages of saul until Sunday, September 24, inclusive.

    Upd. A post with expert answers is here .

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