Building a digital future at Fujitsu World Tour

    Hi Habr! In September, we invite people who are not indifferent to the development of the IT industry in Russia at the annual Fujitsu World Tour 2017 conference, which will be held in Moscow on September 19. We invite you to participate in discussions on relevant topics about the capabilities of modern information technologies and their impact on business development; share knowledge and experience with IT experts and head for the digital future of the company. We ask everyone interested under cat. You can register for the conference until September 18th.

    Welcoming remarks will be made by Juan Porcar, Head of Fujitsu in the EMEIA Region. He will tell how Fujitsu uses the unique experience and potential of information technology to create a successful society that provides opportunities for the development of innovation.

    The keynote speaker at Fujitsu World Tour 2017 will be Fujitsu EMEIA CTO and renowned technology visionary Dr. Joseph Reger. Joseph will dedicate his talk “Human-centered Innovation: Building a Digital Future Together” to Fujitsu’s mainstream. In his speech, he will analyze the growth prospects of Fujitsu in Russia and in the EMEIA region, as well as give a forecast on the business development directions of the company and new solutions that Fujitsu will introduce in the information technology market in the coming years.

    The Fujitsu World Tour Conference is not only a large annual IT event, but also an excellent platform for sharing experience and immersing yourself in the world of innovations used in Russian projects for building IT systems. This year, the speakers' reports will be divided in two directions: Fujitsu retail solutions and infrastructure solutions and services. Specialists of the Russian Fujitsu GDC (Global Delivery Center) will introduce guests to Fujitsu cloud services, such as IaaS on the OpenStack platform. For the first time, the Fujitsu Interstage xWand industry solution will be demonstrated, enabling the company to provide financial statements according to XBRL standards. In addition, an already completed project to create a Russian cloud data center Fujitsu for Ralf Ringer will be presented.

    The conference is supported by many Russian media dedicated to IT and the application of information technologies in Russian business: PC Week, CRN / RE, Connect-WIT, PC Magazine, Computerworld, LAN / Network Solutions Magazine, System Administrator, Business & Information Technologies, DailyComm, Сomnews, ICT-online, EGZT, Rational Enterprise Management, Storage News, Business Excellence and Open Systems, PRO BUSINESS TV channel, X-media, IT News, IT Manager magazine, specialized portals, AllDataCenters, TelecomBloger and industry publications Retail & Loyalty , Place, Banking Technologies, Analytical Banking Magazine and New Ret ail.

    Detailed information and the program are available on the conference website , registration is available here .
    Register today to reserve your seat on the Fujitsu World Tour 2017!

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