The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 217 (August 14 — August 20)
This week, Nokia has released a new flagship - pure Android, good cameras, top-end filling. And besides this, in our digest Yandex’s struggle with Swift, the second series of the fight against DIT, colorful code that helps in the development, the future of icon design and testing.

You decided to start developing mobile games. Where to begin? Most game developers did not go to educational institutions specializing only in games. Rather, it was some analogue of GeekUniversity with video tutorials or an independent path that began with a huge number of favorite games, analysis of mechanics, courses on mobile development in general, honing found algorithms in simple toys created for the first portfolio.
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Analytics, marketing and monetization
Devices, IoT, AI
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![]() | Useful books on developing mobile games on Android and iOS |
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- (+50) As we struggle with dynamic libraries in Swift. Yandex experience
- App Store has changed icon
Taptic Engine & Haptic Feedback Guide
Swift 5 development begins
How we halved the launch time of an iOS application
Wizard path for iOS developer
Complete Swift Network Unit Testing Guide
Swift in Android apps
Layout: declarative UI framework for iOS
CwlLayout: Swift wrapper for Auto Layout
Quickly replace Core ML models on iPhone
Disk: file management library

- (+14) Debugging of Xamarin projects from VirtualBox on the Android emulator
- (+7) Dagger 2.11 and Android
- Android Instant Apps: 500 Million Users
- Doing the correct multi-boot in Android
- Sharing files in Android using FileProvider
Debugging Android Applications - CrashReporter
Exploring Nearby Connections 2.0
Cicerone + Kotlin = Love
How we reduced the size of the Android application by 65%
YelpQL: Learning GraphQL by Creating a Yelp Application
How libraries for uploading Glide and Fresco images work
Doing the correct multi-boot in Android
Android analytics with RxJava2
Android Instant Apps: Best Size Management Practices
MVP with Dagger 2.11
Last.fm API: Last.fm wrapper for Retrofit2 and RxJava2
Google I / O 2017: the official conference application

- (+295) Part 2. First they steal, and when you win, they kill you
- (+15) Colorful code: how color helps in working with code
- (+10) Show your passport. Part 1
- (+7) Application localization guide for the Chinese market. Part 1
- John Bell (Twitter): the future of design has come and it's connected with data
- 10 quality little things with Aliexpress for the office of a mobile developer
- VK has launched an HTML5-based gaming platform
- Stop being a dumb indie developer
- Visual sugar
- Design Lynch: new version of Skype
- How to test application icon before release
- The launch screen is more important than you think.
Native applications with Vue.js: Weex or NativeScript?
Mobile Design Principles
Run from developers for $ 5 an hour!
Development at a distance of 5,000 miles apart
Top 5 games for Oculus Rift 2017
Programming Techniques
Machine Learning Algorithms: Flappy Bird Flight Using a Neural Network
How OpenAI defeated Dota 2 champions
Clojurescript to launch iOS / Android applications

- Amazon will begin to award skills developers for Alexa
- GetLoyal Retargeting: Get the Most Out of Existing Users
- Conquer the Middle Kingdom: AppsFlyer presents a report on the state of the Chinese mobile application market
- Supercell uses AR Studio from Facebook
- “App Subscription 2017”: Liftoff Report
- MyTarget has a new video ad format for promoting mobile apps on VKontakte
- MoPub as a tool for monetizing application traffic
- Google goes to Universal App Campaigns
- Mobile apps help with procrastination
Indie games are damn cheap
Explore motivation: why people play for years
Mobile app install campaigns: Google AdWords vs. Facebook Ads
What to do and what not to do in mobile marketing
Google Play Subscription Business: New Analytics and Best Practices

- Ford launches application contest for motorists
- Polaroid introduced Cosmo K smartphones
- HMD Global introduced Nokia 8
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