Calling managed code from unmanaged

imageWe are faced with the task of invoking unmanaged code from managed code quite often, and this task has a simple solution in the form of a single attribute [DllImport] and a small set of additional rules that are well stated in MSDN. The inverse problem is much less common. In this article, we will consider a small example of how this can be done. It should not be considered as exhaustive, but rather, only as a line of thought and a concept. So, let's begin.

Our example will consist of three projects:
  1. MixedLibrary - C ++ / CLI
  2. SimpleLibrary - C #
  3. Win32App - C ++


Let's start with the simplest - SimpleLibrary . This library contains one simple service that adds two numbers and prints the result to the console:

public class Service
        public void Add(Int32 a, Int32 b)
            Console.WriteLine("Hello from Managed Code!");
            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Result: {0}", a + b));

Now let's move on to the MixedLibrary library . This library contains a wrapper class over our SimpleService. The contents of the CppService.h file:

// Директивы препроцессора нужны, чтобы компилятор сгенерировал записи
// об экспорте класса из библиотеки
#    define DECLSPECIFIER __declspec(dllexport)
#    define DECLSPECIFIER __declspec(dllimport)
#    define EXPIMP_TEMPLATE extern
namespace MixedLibrary
	class DECLSPECIFIER CppService
		virtual ~CppService();
		void Add(int a, int b);
		void * m_impl;

And the contents of the CppService.cpp file:

#include "CppService.h"
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
using namespace SimpleLibrary;
namespace MixedLibrary
		Service^ service = gcnew Service();
		m_impl = GCHandle::ToIntPtr(GCHandle::Alloc(service)).ToPointer();
		GCHandle handle = GCHandle::FromIntPtr(IntPtr(m_impl));
	void CppService::Add(int a, int b)
		GCHandle handle = GCHandle::FromIntPtr(IntPtr(m_impl));
		Service^ service = safe_cast(handle.Target);
		service->Add(a, b);

Also, for compilation, you need to add the INSIDE_MANAGED_CODE preprocessor directive:


And the final touch is our usual unmanaged application:

#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma comment(lib, "../Debug/MixedLibrary.lib")
#include "../MixedLibrary/CppService.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace MixedLibrary;
int main()
	CppService* service = new CppService();
	service->Add(5, 6);
	cout << "press any key..." << endl;

And, of course, the result:


Author: nikitam

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