In the context: news aggregator on Android with a backend. Prologue, idea, technology

    It so happened that the work that I liked and which, it seems to me, I did well, I had to change to a more stable and profitable, but not so interesting - the work of a line manager in the informatization department in a large bank. To say that this work is the exact opposite of the previous one is difficult, but it does not have what it was in development: drive, the need to solve complex problems, learn new technologies, what can I say - there was not even an English language (I did not want to lose my knowledge). Frankly, despite the claimed flexibility and advanced technology, many banks rely on IT scoop and manual labor.

    Time passed, and with it came the understanding that further work within the framework of only the current position would not only narrow my horizons, but also deprive any competitive opportunities in the labor market. Third-party side jobs as a programmer did not provide the necessary systematic approach.

    In this regard, it was decided to study new technologies in the field of development on the basis of a small home project (the knowledge, read from books and the Internet, without experience of use, disappeared very, very quickly). I had the necessary knowledge, I could always set aside time for my development.

    As a project, the idea of ​​implementing a news aggregator (with a client on Android) and its server side for collecting, processing, storing and presenting data was chosen.

    The further narrative will not be about how I made a client in 2 days, but about how I, as the founder, architect, developer and designer of my small startup, tried (and at the time of writing these words I’m still trying) to create a product using modern tools:

    From the above tools / technologies, it becomes clear that the main goal is not the final product, but the process of its creation and study of technologies and development / support / monitoring tools that can allow the required number of people to work with the project and monitor the state of your child.

    Schematically, the components of the project can be represented as follows:


    Someone can say that this is an overly complicated architecture for a simple news aggregator and that such simple functionality can be implemented without the server side at all. Perhaps this is the case, but for me it is still a project for studying technology - in this case, the result is secondary (at least until the first user is wound up in it).

    Further posts will be devoted to each topic (or several topics at once) from the indicated ones and will contain interesting links and will describe the features of their application in my project.

    Perhaps for some they will not seem serious and will repeat the decisions that have long been used in their work, but for some they will be a source of ideas for application in their work / project.

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