Web studio team: growth system, certification and motivation

    Following the production and business topics, we begin to publish a series of articles dedicated to personnel and work with them. In the production of typical low-cost sites, the issue of personnel is one of the key problems. We need people who are result-oriented, able to act quickly, make decisions, stress-resistant, attentive to little things ... and with adequate requests for RFP. That's right, there are no such people. They need to be taught and cooked.

    In this article, I will address two issues. Let's start with the graduation and staff growth system (growth matrix) and then talk about the motivation system. All of the following is not a dogma, this is just our experience, which in several years led to high results.

    Seven WebCanape Belts, or Employee Growth Matrix

    “The gradation of people is a thankless task. Each person needs to be approached individually, ”I often hear such comments when I talk about our employee growth system. That is all true. Each needs an individual approach, but only after the graduation and growth system is built and implemented. What I'm talking about?

    The growth matrix is ​​a coordinate system for employees, which indicates which employee will receive the employee, when and under what conditions. In other words, this is a system showing the employee what step he is on and what needs to be done to move on to the next. I recommend to introduce this system if there are more than 10 developers + line managers.

    If a “green” employee arrives, then everything is simple. It starts from the first step and further, achieving results, moves higher and higher. His qualifications are growing, his salary is growing, and bonuses are appearing.

    If you hire an experienced employee, then he starts with an intermediate step so that his expectations for the RFP correspond to our matrix, but further growth is possible (in most cases) when the performance of the previous steps is achieved.

    I attach an example of a growth system for site development managers.

    Salary consists of salary, bonuses and additional bonuses: increase for seniority, increase for leadership of the group, “star”. With the first components, I think, everything is clear, but I will explain about the "star". This is an additional bonus. It is expressed in a certain amount of money that we issue monthly for an interesting solution to work problems. This is a kind of mark for outstanding services and the opportunity to show what exactly we value in work.

    Before you look at a plate with an example of such a matrix, I want to draw attention to the importance of this for one and the other.

    Why is this important for the leader? The manager has a great desire to create a successful company. The employees have a great desire to earn a lot and grow professionally.

    The growth matrix must combine a set of conditions, which, employees will come to their goal, thereby leading to the goal and the company. First of all, this matrix contains the motion vector, the company's growth system, without which it is impossible to manage it. Secondly, with the growth of the team, it is important to maintain transparency in everything. This eliminates the need for the manager to remember the agreements with each employee, protects him from the ability to manage at the level of emotions (good mood - get a raise), etc. It is also important that the growth matrix is ​​a phased plan for the preparation of a training program for employees. At almost every step, we have a set of training materials.

    Why is this important for an employee?First of all, the employee sees what he can count on, and what responsibility lies with him. It is important. He also understands what needs to be done to move on. Many of our managers from the advertising and promotion department prepare in advance and pass exams to pass Yandex certification. For them, this is an opportunity to quickly move to a new level, and for a company, this is an increase in the qualifications of the team. Often training comes from home, and it also saves time.

    Certification or exams for knowledge of company products

    Recently, we have introduced certification of managerial staff (all those who work with clients) to know the products that we develop and introduce to customers. The manager can be allowed to communicate with customers only if he knows the product that he offers (in our case, this is a website, advertising and promotion). Knows the product - it means he understands how it works in detail, he knows how to configure and explain to the client.

    Certification takes place 2 times a year, like a regular exam. Two theoretical questions and one practical. Ticket texts are always available on the server. Take it and get ready. If you do not pass the exam, you “fall” a notch. If you don’t surrender a second time, the question arises about your professional suitability and the need for further cooperation.

    Motivation or financial incentive system

    This question is very subtle. I recommend not to copy our experience, carefully look at your team, goals and the stage at which you are, and only after that make a decision: introduce or change the motivation system. As I already said in the previous article “ Monitoring the production of a web studio, ” WebCanape has a system of performance indicators. These indicators allow you to control the work of the company (at the level of numbers). The system of motivation allows with a certain probability to influence them.

    Next, we will talk about calculating the premium. I want to note that the award is the AWARD - an award for an exceptional result. An employee receives a salary for a good result, and a salary + bonus for an excellent result. Many consider the prize something natural, for granted. It should not be.

    Bonus site development managers . The size of the bonus fund for managers can be determined independently. For example, as a% of profit or turnover. This potential bonus (fund) is distributed among managers in the same percentage ratio as their contribution to the overall boiler. Ivanov brought 70% of the income, Petrov 30% of the income. So the premium fund will also share. Each manager must hand in a month of projects for X money. This is a condition for receiving a bonus. If he passed, then he was awarded a bonus, if not, only a salary. Further, reducing factors are included if performance indicators are violated. The average coefficients for all projects for the month are taken and multiplied. The formula is simple:

    • Premium.Fact = Premium.plan * Standards * Timing * Review
    • Standards: 100% completion = 1, 90% completion = 0.9, etc.
    • Timing: 100% completion = 1, 90% completion = 0.9, etc.
    • Review: 1.2 - 0 (zero), 3 - 0.8, 4-5 - 1

    For the manager to receive 100% of his bonus, all coefficients must be equal to 1.
    This is a simplified system relative to the one used in WebCanape. It can balance in one direction or another by entering coefficients or new indicators that you want managers to pay attention to. It is believed that the motivation system for line managers should be changed once every 6 months.

    I showed the organization of a financial motivation system using development managers as an example. A similar system can be introduced in other departments. To introduce or not to introduce a bonus system for developers is a big question. It all depends on what goal you are pursuing. WebCanape provides a small bonus to developers, which team leaders distribute at their discretion. This is for them a certain managerial lever when working with a team.

    That's all for now. If you have questions, ask. In the next issue I’ll talk about the organization of work of the technical support department. And do not forget to click on the up arrow if you liked the material. Like any normal person, this motivates to write further.

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