[Illustrated] Networking Guide for Kubernetes. Part 3

Original author: Amanpreet Singh
  • Transfer
Note trans. : This article continues the cycle of materials on the basic structure of networks in Kubernetes, which is described in an accessible form and with illustrative illustrations (however, there were practically no illustrations in this particular part). Translating the two preceding parts of this cycle, we merged them into one publication , which described the K8s network model (interaction within nodes and between nodes) and overlay networks. Her preliminary reading is desirable (recommended by the author himself). The continuation is devoted to Kubernetes services and the processing of outgoing and incoming traffic.
NB : For the convenience of the author, the text is supplemented with references (mainly to the official K8s documentation).

Cluster dynamics

Due to the constantly changing, dynamic nature of Kubernetes and distributed systems in general, pods (and, as a result, their IP addresses) are also constantly changing. The reasons for this vary from incoming updates to achieve the desired state and events leading to scaling to unexpected drops of the pod or node. Therefore, pod's IP addresses cannot be directly used for communication.

The service enters the service in Kubernetes — a virtual IP with a group of pod's IP addresses used as endpoints and identifiable labels using selectors ( label selectors).). This service works as a virtual load balancer, the IP address of which remains constant, and at the same time, the IP addresses of the pod it represents can change constantly.

Label selector in the Service object in Kubernetes

Behind the entire implementation of this virtual IP are iptables rules (the latest versions of Kubernetes also have the possibility of using IPVS, but this is a topic for a separate conversation), which are controlled by the Kubernetes component called kube-proxy. However, this name in today's reality is misleading. Kube-proxy was really used as a proxy in the days before Kubernetes v1.0 release, but this led to a lot of resource consumption and slowdowns due to constant copying operations between kernel space and user space. Now, this is just a controller - like many other controllers in Kubernetes. It monitors the API server for changes to endpoints and updates the iptables rules accordingly.

According to these iptables rules, if the packet is intended for the IP address of the service, DNAT (Destination Network Address Translation) is done for it: this means that its IP address will change from the IP service to one of the endpoints, i.e. One of the pod's IP addresses that is randomly selected by iptables. This ensures that the load is evenly distributed between the pods.

DNAT in iptables

In this case DNAT'a necessary information is stored in conntrack  - processing in Linux connections table (it stores a broadcast pyatiparnye made iptables: protocol, srcIP, srcPort, dstIP,dstPort). Everything is arranged in such a way that when the answer is returned, the reverse operation (un-DNAT) can occur, ie Replacing the IP source from Pod IP with Service IP. Thanks to this client, you absolutely do not need to know how “behind the scenes” work with packages happens.

Five-tuple (5-tuple) entries in the conntrack table

So, using Kubernetes services, we can work with the same ports without any conflicts (because it is possible to reassign ports to endpoints). Thanks to this, service discovery is very simple. It is enough to use the internal DNS and for the hard-code-it hosts services. You can even use Kubernetes pre-configured variables with the host and port of the service.

Tip : Choosing the second path will save you a lot of unnecessary DNS calls!

Outbound traffic

The Kubernetes services described above operate within a cluster. In practice, applications usually need access to some external API / sites.

In general, nodes can have both private and public IP addresses. For Internet access, a one-to-one NAT is provided for these private and public IP addresses - especially for cloud environments.

For normal communication, the node from the external IP address of the source source changes from the private IP node to the public IP for outgoing packets, and for incoming packets in the opposite direction. However, in cases when the connection to the external IP is initiated by the pod, the source IP address is the Pod IP, which the cloud provider’s NAT provider does not know about. Therefore, it simply discards packets with source IP addresses that differ from host IP addresses.

And then, you guessed it, iptables will need us even more! This time, the rules, which are also added by kube-proxy, are performed by SNAT (Source Network Address Translation), also known as IP MASQUERADE (masquerading). The kernel is told to use the interface IP from which the packet comes from instead of the source IP address. A record also appears in conntrack to further perform the inverse operation (un-SNAT) on the response.

Incoming traffic

Until now, everything was fine. Pods can communicate with each other and with the Internet. However, we still lack the main thing - maintenance of user traffic. Currently there are two ways to implement:

1. NodePort / Cloud Load Balancer (L4 Level: IP and Port)

The setting NodePortas the service type will assign the service NodePortin the range of 30000–33000. This one is nodePortopen on every node even in those cases when no pod on the node is running. Incoming traffic on this is NodePortsent to one of the pods (which may even be on another node!), Again using iptables.

The type of service LoadBalancerin cloud environments creates a cloud load balancer (for example, ELB) in front of all nodes, working further with the same NodePort.

2. Ingress (L7 level: HTTP / TCP)

Many other implementations — for example, nginx, traefik, HAProxy, etc. — perform matching of HTTP hosts / paths with the corresponding backends. With them, LoadBalancer and NodePort are again the entry point for traffic, but there is an advantage here that we only need one Ingress to service the incoming traffic of all services instead of numerous NodePort / LoadBalancers.

Network Policies

Network policies can be thought of as access control lists (security groups / ACLs) for pods. The rules NetworkPolicyallow you to allow / deny traffic between pods. Their exact implementation depends on the network layer / CNI, but most of them simply use iptables.


That's all. In previous installments, we learned the basics of the network in Kubernetes and how overlays work. We now know how Service Abstraction helps in a dynamic cluster and makes the discovery of services truly simple. We also looked at how outgoing / inbound traffic flows and what network policies might be useful for securing a cluster.

PS from translator

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