Configuring Object Archiving in SAP ERP for Beginners

Greetings to all. Many people know about the need for archiving (backup) of information systems, regardless of the level of the system. For ERP systems, this is usually multi-level redundancy at the operating system level, at the database management system level, at the level of the ERP system itself.

In an SAP environment, functional consultants often confuse data backup and archiving. From the point of view of the consultant there is a basis (system administrator), which should take care of the functioning of the system, restoring it in the event of a failure or the need for a rollback. For my modest experience in this market, I have never met a consultant who would raise the question of the need for data archiving. Moreover, archiving can have different purposes, for example, not only reducing the amount of data and increasing system performance, but also transferring the same data to other systems.

We will configure archiving on the example of documents for changing HR data. We believe that the change documents themselves are configured and the result of changing the infotype can be viewed through transaction S_AHR_61016380.

All customization is done in a SARA transaction, where we have a number of things to do:

  1. Configure archiving paths, logical and physical files
  2. Configure options for archiving startup programs
  3. Schedule archiving programs themselves

To configure archiving of change documents, take the standard PA_LDOC object “PA: Long Term Documents”. We open transaction SARA.


The Customizing button opens a window where we configure the archiving system.

Select Technical Settings. Here, a logical path for storing the archive is assigned to a specific archiving object. In our case, this is ARCHIVE_DATA_FILE. Please note that for this object there is a checkmark “Delete Jobs - Automatically”. The system itself will delete the archived records from the database. For some objects, this is not required, therefore, a separate step is provided for them to delete records from the database.


Now you need to configure the path to store the archive. In the same Customizing menu, select “Cross-Client File Names / Paths” just below.

First we define the file name. Here, for each operating system, you can choose your own path. On the F1 button, you can see hints with macro substitutions.


Now you need to set the rules for generating the file name.


Save and exit to the main SARA menu. Now run the program for archiving. Button "Write".


Here you need to determine the option to run the archiving program. Inside, it has already been indicated that by default, archiving takes place today. Using the date substitution mechanism in a variant, you can determine another date dynamically. For example, last month.

After defining the option, we plan when to start archiving using the “Start Date” button. Do not forget to determine the parameters of the spool just below (to whom to send the results of the archiving program). Everything is ready to run - set on fire.

The system will schedule the background job as configured. For example, I started immediately without waiting. An archive was created on the server (I have two archives, since I already started archiving).


To view archives there is a button 'Management'. To see what's inside - 'Read'.


It is important to check the reading from the archive.

Next, select from which archive to view the data.


And here is the result.


Thanks to all.

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