The digest of fresh materials from the world of the frontend for the last week No. 351 (February 4 - 10, 2019)

    We offer you a selection with links to new materials from the front-end area and around it.

        Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


    podcastWeb Standards podcast, Issue # 160: Translation of React documentation, layout articles, logical CSS, SVG filters, color fonts, useful tools.
    podcastCSSSR Podcast, News 512 - Issue No. 37 (02.02 - 08.02)
    video“I am <3Frontend ” - Recording conference broadcasts for front-end developers in the Yandex office
    SunFox - BurnoutJS - a track that will not leave indifferent JS developers

    Web development

    habrDoes the designer have a new idea? What could be simpler
    habrA-Frame review article
    habrWhat can be learned when developing an audio player for different browsers
    habrPlay Store now accepts progressive web applications (PWA)
    How to quickly create a desktop application in HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    enWhere you are learning HTML and CSS in 2019?
    enPWA on iOS 12.2 beta: good, bad and “not yet sure if good”


    habrTelegram again distributes money for developing simple CSS templates.
    New logical properties in CSS!
    enGuide to CSS Support in browsers
    enUsing the little-known CSS element () function to create a mini navigation map
    enLetters in pure CSS are a bad but funny idea
    enClassic: how to create a beating heart in pure CSS for your valentine
    enThe only reason which your CSS does not work
    enCreate a modern carousel with CSS scroll snap, smooth scrolling and pinch-zoom
    enPosition: stuck; - and the way to fix it
    HTML slider without frameworks, just CSS


    habrWhat's new in JavaScript ES2019
    enNew JavaScript features that will change the way you write Regex
    enHow to handle five common tasks for a JavaScript interview
    enReact vs. Vue (Todo App) on an example
    en7 JavaScript template engines with code examples
    enDo we still need JavaScript frameworks?
    enFirst thoughts on Deno, JavaScript / TypeScript
    enObfuscated javascript, fraudulent emails and American Express


    habrNew in browsers: Firefox 66 blocks video and sound by default, Chromium limits page budget
    Firefox 67 expects a blocker of scripts for mining and hidden identification
    Firefox is developing a strict page isolation mode
    Microsoft asks to stop using Internet Explorer
    Opera added VPN in browser for Android
    Resource saving mode is implemented for Chrome
    Safari removes Do Not Track functionality
    enCanary build of Chrome 74 for Windows 10 and macOS now switches to a dark theme itself, if enabled in the system settings


    Amazon Empire - a list of all divisions of the online giant
    How Salman Khan created the Khan Academy and received millions of dollars of investment
    Microsoft added blur for video calls to Skype
    Blockchain - the next step in the evolution of integrations
    Facebook - 15 years: here are 15 events that identified the future of the social network
    Facebook employees created a game that will allow you to check what kind of UI designer you are
    Hackers still use the point problem in Gmail addresses

    We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicate links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal, we are trying to fix them quickly.

    Digest from last week .
    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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