Make QR Codes Great Again or Apple's Camera Revolution
At the recent WWDC Keynote, Craig Fiderici briefly announced the native support for QR codes in iOS11. This news passed almost imperceptibly. But in vain.
Under the cat, we’ll tell you: nostalgically about the past of the QR code, in detail about the present and, wangwa, about the near future. And also about why we, people developing products, to make others laugh, so with this rushing.
The history of the development of QR codes in 4 actions
The QR code was born in Japan in 1994 at the TOYOTA family of barcode scanners (DENSO WAVE). Hara Masahiro was recorded by his father.
At that time, customers attacked the corporation with requests to create a barcode in which more data could be encapsulated. For a year and a half, the efforts of Hara Masahiro and just one assistant were accomplished.
Thanks to the engineering trick of the developers - a unique three-square position detection pattern - they managed to achieve not only high capacity (2953 bytes), but also an unprecedented read speed compared to competitors.
In honor of this advantage, the baby was called QR (Quick Response).
Two factors helped to grow significantly, gain weight and become the most widespread two-dimensional code among dozens of competitors in the QR code:
- DENSO WAVE has made QR code specifications publicly available: anyone could use them freely.
- The Corporation has publicly stated that even in spite of the patent issued, they are not going to present it to anyone or apply for a license.
The technology took its first confident steps towards Japanese automakers, which introduced QR codes into the current Kanban processes. Then other industries pulled themselves in, seeing the benefits of using squares in their cycles.
But really, the first Japanese camera phones were brought out of stuffy production walls into the QR code in early 2002. The QR architecture allowed trouble-free reading on the most antediluvian devices.
The QR code has matured, and around seductive and already formed mobile platforms iOS and Android loomed. The smartphone revolution has made it possible for every bum to get hold of a phone with a camera and start using applications. Hundreds of third-party QR code scanners appeared right there.
The technology went beyond Asia, but the most widespread use during this period could be obtained only and only in China. Here played a role:
- proximity to Japan;
- low literacy rate: when you can’t read, all you have to do is scan the QR code and listen in plain Chinese what they want from you;
- those who are literate are tired of messing around with hieroglyphs: all that remains is to scan the QR code and receive in plain Chinese what you want;
- support by key players: according to the WeChat general , most users of the 768 millionth audience of the super messenger regularly scan QR codes.
Only one thing prevented getting widespread worldwide and finally becoming an adult QR code - you had to constantly carry contraceptives with you and protect yourself with third-party scanning applications. Natural contact with smartphones was hindered by the lack of native support on iOS / Android devices.
And here the fun begins. Since September 2017, thanks to the strong-willed decision of Apple, the QR code will begin a new life stage. After the release of iOS11, hundreds of millions of devices around the world will be at a distance of just one swipe to:
- go to the web site using the QR code;
- QR code call
- sending SMS (to a given number with the specified text) using a QR code;
- adding a contact by QR code;
- adding events to the calendar by QR code;
- sending Email (to the specified address with the specified text and subject) by QR-code;
- displaying a place on the map using a QR code;
- connection to a given Wi-Fi network (without the need to enter a password) using the QR code (!!!);
- transition to a specific place in the App (deeplinking) using the QR code (!!!).
You can see it all yourself now. Just download the beta version of iOS11 and use some powerful QR-code generator .
Obviously, hundreds of thousands of offline and offline online businesses will begin to exploit the benefits that this short bridge provides between the real and digital worlds.
Perhaps this is the step of the apple corporation, which will eventually be followed by Google and its hardware partners, will start the era of “Camera is the New Keyboard”. We expect that by the end of this year, the QR code can be called a two-dimensional code in the prime of life.
Get ready for the assault
But seriously. And if not serious, then Apple's solution creates unprecedented opportunities primarily for the FunTech industry. While applied businesses will long calculate efficiency and doubt, the most daring - and this is usually porn and entertainment - will begin to brazenly wield a new field.
We offer to work together :)
To begin, we invite you to a joint brainstorm in the comments on this article. Turn on fantasy, drop restrictions (including ethical ones) and offer your ideas for the explosive future of QR codes in the entertainment industry. In addition to the fan in the discussion itself, you have a chance to bring your idea to MVP, or even a full-fledged product.
This feature is available as part of the FunCubator entertainment project accelerator we launched . It has enough money, expertise and traffic to make an idea a product that millions will use. By the way, if the idea is ready - and not necessarily about QR - go there directly.
In any case, be prepared for a dubious promotion from China, a technology-fanatic country. The three commentators who will make the largest contribution to the discussion will receive “ Low cost handheld qr code bluetooth rugged printer can print Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, etc. (QS5806) ” from You can learn more about the device, of course, by reading the QR code.
And yes the first FunTech start-up appears in the comments of Habr. Amen.