OpenJDK source code contains too many expletives

    It is with this title was created a ticket in Trac Java source:

    The author believes that the presence of diverse warlike vocabulary in OpenJDK / JDK source codes prevent the professional community, if not the whole then at least some individuals. In total, the author counted 12 copies of this kind of "bugs."

    Jdk / jdk source, scattered all over the place.

    As an OpenJDK, it is inappropriate to use this context.

    The author attached a changeset with the replacement of foul language with censorship. The list is complete:

    src / java.desktop / macosx / classes / com / apple / laf /

    -            // these icons are pretty crappy to use in Mac OS X since
    +            // these icons are a poor substitute in Mac OS X since

    src / java.desktop / share / classes / com / sun / media / sound /

    -                rpnChange(0, 2 << 7);   // Bitch Bend sensitivity
    +                rpnChange(0, 2 << 7);   // Pitch Bend sensitivity

    src / java.xml / share / classes / com / sun / org / apache / xalan / internal / xsltc / dom /

    -     * method is a mess, but it is fast and it works, so don't fuck with it.
    +     * method is a mess, but it is fast and it works, so don't change it.

    src / java.desktop / macosx / classes / com / apple / laf /

    -            // these icons are pretty crappy to use in Mac OS X since
    +            // these icons are a poor substitute in Mac OS X since

    src / jdk.javadoc / share / classes / jdk / javadoc / internal / doclets / formats / html / resources / jquery / jszip / dist / jszip.js

    -    // Fuckup - very small and broken sequence,
    +    // TODO: Improve this very small and broken sequence,

    src / jdk.javadoc / share / classes / jdk / javadoc / internal / doclets / formats / html / resources / jquery / jszip / dist / jszip.js

    -            // well, fuck ?!
    +            // Oh no!

    test / jdk / java / nio / channels / spi / SelectorProvider / inheritedChannel /

    -        String msg = "Where's that damn torpedo?";
    +        String msg = "Where's that darn torpedo?";

    test / jdk / javax / management / openmbean /
    test / jdk / javax / management / openmbean /

    -        } catch (OpenDataException e) { // damn checked exceptions...
    +        } catch (OpenDataException e) { // wretched checked exceptions...

    test / jdk / jdk / internal / math / FloatingDecimal /

    -            // damn, damn, damn. q is too big.
    +            // Calamity! q is too big.

    Also, the author complained that the Common Region for Access Protection class (an abbreviation of aka, whose variables are obscene) could not be renamed, at the same time reproaching this obviously unprintable title of the author.

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