PHP Digest No. 109 - Latest News, Materials and Tools (May 14 - 28, 2017)

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    News and Releases

    • The end of HHVM support in popular projects - If only some two years ago, the alternative PHP virtual machine from Facebook could boast a huge performance advantage, today the difference is not significant. According to Composer statistics , the percentage of HHVM users is less than PHP 5.3 and is 0.36%. Nevertheless, thanks to the HHVM team for pushing PHP to develop.
      Starting with Symfony 4, the framework will not support HHVM . Laravel discontinued support from version 5.3 . In Yii, a termination is planned in version 2.1 . Support for the MongoDB driver for HHVM is phasing out. And also support in Doctrine stops, Twig (since version 2), Silex, and Swiftmailer.
    • Codeception 2.3 - Updating the popular testing tool. Under the hood, support for PHPUnit 6, installation templates, and other improvements.
    • Deployer 5


    • RFC: UUID - It is proposed to add a class UUIDto the kernel to generate unique values ​​according to the RFC 4122 standard . As part of the implementation , polyfiles are available for PHP versions <7.2. In addition, there is a proposal to obsolete the uniqid () function , which contrary to the name does not guarantee the return of a unique value.
    • RFC: Object typehint - There is a vote on the proposal to add a type objectas an option for typinghinting. This type can be used for any objects, which can be useful when a particular type is not known in advance.


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