How to improve the efficiency of learning English and start writing better: choose an online assistant

    According to statistics , in the world 1.5 billion people learn English. Not all of them have the opportunity to work with the teacher offline, so they use a variety of online services. In addition, there are studies showing that using web assistants allows you to improve the efficiency of learning English.

    However, today the number of different tools is quite large, and it may not be easy to create your own stack of educational technologies. Let's talk about what you should pay attention to when choosing them by the example of the online assistant to improve written English .

    Availability of the free version

    The tool should be useful immediately, and not promise to do it for money. Therefore, if a service does not offer a free version or it is limited in time, it will be difficult to assess its quality, since training is a long process.

    And vice versa: the availability of the free version and clearly spelled out pluses of the premium version of the program are an advantage. This configuration will allow you to understand what can be taken from the service immediately and how to improve your knowledge later.

    For example, the tool for checking English text Textly is free, but at the same time for subscribers of the premium versionadvanced check of punctuation and grammar, vocabulary recommendations, and even tips for improving text style are available. Thus, it is possible to get rid of basic typos and errors right away, and in the future to gain new knowledge.

    Focus on privacy

    Today, many services seek to bind the user to themselves as tightly as possible. In this quest, privacy is often sacrificed. Very often, educational software developers upload training materials to it, which are available only during the validity period of a paid subscription, and also encourage users to create as much content as possible during the training.

    This approach has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the user may lose his data if he does not pay for the subscription, and secondly, if the service was used to work with sensitive content (such as personal messages), then this information will always remain in it.

    It is worth looking for such services that offer functionality aimed at ensuring privacy, even if it may be contrary to the desire to bind the user to a stronger.

    For example, in Textly there is a special Pastebin-mode that works similarly to secret chat rooms in the messenger: all materials that are created in it are checked for errors, and after closing the window are completely removed.

    Convenient interface

    According to statistics from Stanford University scientists, it takes from 3 to 7 years to learn English at a good level. Among other things, this means that you will use the chosen training tools for a long time. And if they have an outdated and inconvenient interface, then the effectiveness of training will decrease.
    And vice versa: in order to increase the productivity of learning a language, the interface of an educational service must be thoughtful and use exactly the elements necessary for specific tasks.

    For example, in the case of learning to write English, it is important to understand how different language variants differ - British, American, Australian, or Canadian. The built-in tool for checking the readability of the resulting materials will also be useful: the student will gradually understand which words add unnecessary complexity to the text.

    These features are built into TextLu's editor - and recently FinancesOnline business directory directory experts have highlighted the appropriate Textly version with the Premium Usability Reward.


    Learning English is not an easy and long process. Of course, if possible, it is necessary to engage with the teacher and strive for live communication with native speakers. However, if this is difficult to do for various reasons, specialized online helpers are a good choice.

    Not even the most advanced program guarantees a good result, at least you need a whole stack of tools covering various aspects of learning a language: from memorizing new words and their pronunciation to understanding the differences in punctuation of language options in different regions. In this case, the choice of suitable tools will make learning more enjoyable and effective.

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