China banned Apple

    Chipmaker Qualcomm claims to have won an injunction against Apple, which effectively prohibits the importation of a number of iPhone models, from iPhone 6S to iPhone X.

    A preliminary order issued by a Chinese court is the last step in the ongoing feud between two tech giants over intellectual property.


    However, Apple claims that all its iPhone models remain on sale in the country.

    Disputed patents relate to software, not to hardware.

    This ban applies to devices running older versions of the Apple operating system from iOS, but not to devices with the latest version of iOS 12.

    The court found that Apple infringed two Qualcomm patents - one concerned with resizing photos and the other controlling applications on the touchscreen .

    "Apple continues to capitalize on our intellectual property, while at the same time refusing to pay us," said Don Rosenberg, Qualcomm's general counsel.

    However, Apple responded that the ban attempt was "another desperate step on the part of a company whose illegal actions are being investigated by regulators around the world."

    The company added that it will use all legal options in court.

    PS: Most likely, this is a response to the arrest of the Chinese billionaire’s daughter and owner of Huawei in Canada, see “Five Eyes” vs. Huawei’s 5G: How the West Fights with China for Hegemony in Technology .

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